13 Animal Art And Crafts For Kids

13 Animal Art And Crafts For Kids

13 Animal Art And Crafts For Kids

Animal art and craft for kids is a fun way to make an animal friend. Follow the instructions below to learn how to make an adorable goat, tiger, elephant, pig, baboon, and other animals.

Animal art and crafts for kids are creative projects that use animal-themed materials to make art, decorations, and toys. Kids can learn about different animals while they create their projects, and they can have fun using their imaginations to make their own animal creations.

Rainbow Fish

Here, you will learn how to make rainbow fish. You can use this craft for decorating your aquarium or as an art project for your kids. 

It is easy and fun to make. The steps are:

  • Step 1 

Cut out strips of paper in different colors and fold them into strips of different widths. Then glue the strips onto a piece of cardboard to form a rainbow fish shape.

  • Step 2 

Use black and white paint or markers to draw a pattern on the eyes of your rainbow fish (you may also use stickers).


Goats are the most popular animal in the world and for good reason. They’re cute, intelligent, and have been used for milk, meat, wool, and leather since ancient times. 

The same is true today: goats are still commonly used for their milk in many countries around the globe (including ones such as Kenya). But that’s not all they provide—goats also give us companionship!

If you want your child to learn more about these amazing animals that we depend on so much, here are some craft ideas they can try out with their friends or at home:


You’ll need.

  • heavy paper
  • paintbrushes
  • acrylic paints in yellow, blue, and white (or whatever colors you want)
  • a pencil to draw the sheep’s face

How to make it.

First, you need to draw your sheep on a piece of heavy paper using a pencil. Next, paint it with different shades of yellow and blue or whatever colors you want! It will look like this when finished:


  • Tiger Art Printables. 

The North American Wildlife Series is a collection of animal art prints that can be used as coloring pages, posters, and even wall art. These free printables are great for kids to learn about different animals. When you’re done with the coloring page, simply print it out on cardstock or photo paper and hang it up in your child’s room or around your house!

  • Printable Tiger Crafts

Tiger Paintings by Famous Artists – This site contains many great images of tigers painted by famous artists including Leonardo Da Vinci, Rembrandt van Rijn, and Vincent Van Gogh. You’ll also find some helpful tutorials for painting tigers yourself!


Materials needed

  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors

Tissue paper, stickers and googly eyes (for decorating)



  • Cardboard
  • Tools:
  • Scissors
  • Ruler (or measuring tape)
  • Time to complete: 10 minutes

Age suitability: Suitable for children over 2 years old.


Baboon is a name used to refer to several old world monkeys that are found in Africa. 

They are mostly herbivorous, but they will sometimes eat small animals as well. They live in groups and are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals.

These animals do not have any special powers or abilities except for being able to climb trees really well!


Lion is a big cat in the genus Panthera and a member of the family Felidae.

  • It is the second-largest living cat after the tiger.
  • Lions live on all continents except Antarctica.


For this craft, you will need the following materials.

  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Pencil

A pair of scissors or a craft knife (if you are using construction paper)


You can make a cow using colorful wool and black and white felt.

Cut out two ears, one mouth, and one eye from the black felt. Make a small hole at the top of each ear to thread through an elastic band.

Cut out a body shape from the colourful wool fabric and two arms from the white felt (elastic bands should be attached to these).

Sew on some buttons for eyes or use googly eyes instead if you prefer! Use a hot glue gun to attach pieces of yarn around each leg so they look furry!


Use a green paper to make an outline of the frog’s face and body.

Cut out the outline with scissors or a craft knife, then cut out four circles for eyes and one small triangle for the nose.

Carefully cut around each eye circle to leave two halves which you can fold inwards towards each other before gluing together into a pair of eyes, while also folding down one leg at its base (where it meets with the body), which you then glue together along its length to create four legs on your frog!

Dog House

Materials needed.

  • a piece of paper for the house shape and for making the dog’s ears, nose, mouth and eyes
  • crayons or paint to decorate your doghouse with

How to make it.

Draw the outline of your dog’s head on one side of your paper, then cut out that shape. Draw an upside-down triangle shape in between each ear and cut those pieces out too. Now you have 2 ears and 1 snout!

Put glue at the bottom tip of one earpiece (the part without a point), then stick that down onto another piece of paper so that only half of it sticks up above where they meet—this will be like when a dog has its head tilted back while sniffing something interesting in front of him/herself! Repeat with both ears so they look even more realistic!

Use scissors to cut both ends off each side near where they meet up at their bases (where there was no glue). Then use more glue along those edges so everything stays together nicely; this will keep them from moving around when you move your project around later on! Lastly, add some eyes below each pointy end if desired (a simple circle will suffice)!

13 Animal Art And Craft For Kids

  • Dinosaur Craft – Paper Plate

This dinosaur craft is so easy to make and is a great way to let your kids express their creativity and imagination. They will not only be learning how to cut paper plates but also can learn about dinosaurs by making some themselves!

Owl Craft 

How To Make An Owl With Just One Yarn And A Little Bit Of Imagination!

This owl craft is perfect for kids who love animals, especially owls because of their large eyes and friendly appearance! You will need some yarn or fabric strips, a pair of scissors or a knife (adult supervision required), 

glue gun (if you have one) or PVA glue/Elmer’s Glue etc., cardboard tubes from toilet rolls, etc., pencils/crayons/pens etc., paper towels or thin cardboard pieces for ears (optional)


We hope that you and your kids enjoyed making these animal crafts. They are fun to make, and they can be displayed in your home or classroom as reminders of the love we have for animals. The best part is that there are so many different types of animals to choose from! We have listed just 13 here, but there are hundreds of other options if you want more ideas about what kind of animal craft could work for different ages and stages.

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