30 Animals That Start With The Letter B
30 Animals That Start With The Letter B The Letter B Is The Second Letter Of The Alphabet. B Has Been Popular In Heraldry, But Less So In Modern Contexts. It Is Common In Personal Names, With Many Animals Bearing Names Beginning With “B”.
1. Babirusa

The babirusa is a wild pig-like animal that is found on the island of Sulawesi in Indonesia. The babirusa is known for its long, curved tusks, growing up to four feet in length. The babirusa is a shy and timid creature and is rarely seen by humans.
If you are looking to buy Babirusa Animals, here you will find a wide range of Babirusa animals for sale. This species of animal is found in Indonesia, but its population has been greatly reduced during the last decade.
Although its habitat is in tropical rainforests and wet grasslands, it is found in other habitats as well. The Babir
The USA has long legs, with large hooves, which are needed for walking on soft mud or snow.
It has a snout like a boar’s, and two pairs of tusks; one upper pair that grow outward and one lower pair that grow inward (reversed in direction). It feeds on soft plants and fruits
Babirusa are very friendly with children, they will let them climb on their backs and give them piggyback rides. Babirusas grow to be about the size of a medium-sized dog, but they live in groups like wild pigs do, with one dominant male and several females. They are very affectionate, gentle animals that make great pets.
2. Baboon

Baboons are large African and Arabian monkeys with dog-like muzzles and long, often brightly colored tails. They are considered the most terrestrial of the Old World monkeys. All baboons have long, hairless tails that they use for balance when they climb and run.
Baboons are Old World monkeys belonging to the family Cercopithecidae. With their dog-like snouts and long, powerful tails, baboons have a distinct appearance among Old World monkeys. Unlike most Old World monkeys, Baboons lack cheek pouches.
Their coats are generally dark brown or black, sometimes grey or pale brown. Subspecies are found in various parts of Africa and are adapted to their local environments
Their tails are used for balance when swinging through trees and also as protection against sunburns when laying in the sun. The male baboon has very large canine teeth which can be used for fighting with other males but also for digging up roots, finding shelter, and burrowing sleeping nests underground. Males can be seen standing upright on their hind legs while females tend to stay sitting down, even when eating
3. Bactrian Camel

Bactrian camels are a species of camel that is native to Central Asia. The Bactrian camel has two humps on its back, as opposed to the one-humped dromedary camel. Bactrian camels are well-adapted to life in the desert and can go for long periods of time without water.
Bactrian Camel is a relatively small species of camel, and one of two species of camel native to Central Asia. Bactrian camels have two humps on their back which can be significant in size and make the animals look tall. The Persians classified them as one species, but the Bactrian camels are the largest with longer legs and bigger humps than their cousin the Dromedary camel. They can be found in Afghanistan and parts of Kazakhstan, Mongolia, and China.
The Bactrian Camel’s front legs are longer than its hind legs. Unlike most other mammals, the heart of this mammal is on the right side of its body (unlike all other mammals, which have hearts on the left side of their bodies). The blood oxygen levels are high enough in a Bactrian camel to supply it with energy even while resting in cold surroundings.
4. Badger

Badger Animals come in various shapes and sizes. They can live in almost any habitat from desert to sea coast. Their fur is thick, soft, and light brown, with black tips on their body hair. Their nose is small and flat.
Badgers are small to medium-sized omnivores in the family Mustelidae, which also includes otters, polecats, weasels, and wolverines. Badgers are burrowing animals and are known for their digging abilities.
They are found in North America, Europe, Asia, and some parts of Africa.
Badgers make a home in shallow burrows that are excavated with their front feet. The area around the den is kept clear of debris because of the risk that it might collapse on the animals if left behind. Badgers are nocturnal creatures, so daytime visits to the den will probably result in an empty lair.
5. Balkan Lynx

The Balkan lynx is a subspecies of the Eurasian lynx that is native to the Balkan Peninsula. It is the largest subspecies of lynx and has the longest fur. The Balkan lynx is an endangered species, with a population of fewer than 200 individuals.
Balkan lynx, also known as Mediterranean lynx and Anatolian lynx, is a medium-sized wild cat native to the forests in and around the Balkan Peninsula from Greece to Turkey. It’s near threatened due to habitat fragmentation and poaching for its fur.
This animal is becoming increasingly rare and is threatened by the loss of habitat, which has been significantly reduced by human expansion. Like all lynx species, it has a spotted coat and long legs.
The Balkan Lynx can be found in several repositories in Europe and Asia, but each one is petrified as an individual specimen and cannot be manipulated due to the fragility of the material.
6. Bavarian Mountain Hound

The Bavarian Mountain Hound is a hunting dog that was developed in Germany. This breed is known for its excellent tracking ability, as well as its courageous and determined personality.
The Bavarian Mountain Hound is a versatile hunting dog that can be used for a variety of games, including deer, boar, and bear. This breed is also an excellent watchdog and makes a loyal companion.
A member of the Hound Group, it is similar in appearance to a foxhound but slightly smaller in size, with shorter legs and longer, softer ears.
The breed is known for its use in pursuing warm-blooded games such as deer by sight and scent; it has also been used for boar hunting. The Bavarian Mountain Hound was created mainly from the bloodhounds and dachshunds that came to Germany via Austria during medieval times.
He has rough hair which should be very dense and hard, in the sense of optimally covering the body and giving as little undercoat as possible to avoid heat stress during hunting in warm weather. The coat consists of an outer coat of coarse hair and an undercoat with soft hair
7. Black Mamba

The Black Mamba is an animal that is usually found in the African jungles. They are very dangerous and known to kill any prey with their venomous bite. The scales on the body of a black mamba are dark brown, while the underbelly is white or yellow.
The Black Mamba is a species of snake that is native to Africa. It is one of the deadliest snakes in the world and is known for its aggressive behavior. The Black Mamba can grow up to 14 feet in length and is usually brown or black in color.
They’re Fast, Aggressive, And Stealthy. Because Of Their Cryptic Color And Patterns, Black Mambas Are Hard To Detect And It’s Very Hard For Prey To Spot Them In The Grasses And Bushes. The Black Mamba Has A Thick Body And Very Powerful Muscles That Allow It To Move Quickly With Great Agility Even If Its Body Becomes Thicker.
Their Jaws Will Deliver A Large Bite With A Part Of Their Fangs Sticking Up Through The Gums Only When They Strike Their Prey.
8. Buffalo

The buffalo is a large, powerful bovine native to North America. They were once a keystone species in the Great Plains ecosystem, but their populations have declined sharply due to hunting and habitat loss.
Buffalo Animals are part of the bovine species of the family Bovidae and are said to belong to the cattle tribe. These animals have a brown skin color, which is lighter in winter and darker in summer as a result of their seasonal coat changes.
They also have horns made from keratin that is found between their ears and at the back of their heads.
A herd of buffalo can move as fast as 40 miles per hour, though they usually travel at around 20 miles per hour. Buffalo is considered a type of ox, as they behave like cattle. They often wallow in mud to stay cool during hot weather and when it snows. Buffalo only lives in Africa and parts of Asia.
9. Boas

Boas are a type of snake that is found in Central and South America. They are known for their large size and their ability to constrict their prey. Boas are typically not aggressive towards humans, but they can be dangerous if they feel threatened.
Boas are a type of non-venomous snake, in Central America, and some parts of Mexico. A few species can be found in the United States. Boas are generally smaller than anacondas but they can still reach up to 8 feet in length and weigh more than 200 pounds. Bossy animals can live upwards of 20 years if cared for properly. They make excellent pets if you take the time to learn about their care, diet, and needs.
Boas are native to the tropical rainforests of South America and are related to pythons, anacondas, and coral snakes. Boas are the smallest reptiles in the Americas: the largest species can grow to 8 ft (2.4 m) long, but most adults are about half that size. They are heavy-bodied snakes with round heads and somewhat flattened snouts; their eyes have vertical pupils and many have banding patterns on their skin.
10. Bobcat

The bobcat is a North American cat that appeared during the Irvingtonian stage around 1.8 million years ago. The bobcat is a predator that hunts rabbits, squirrels, mice, and other small animals.
Bobcats are found throughout North America and parts of Central America, including most of the continental United States and Canada. They are also commonly known as wildcats or mountain lions but they are not members of the true feline family. Bobcat is an English word derived from the North American native name ‘wobble-wobble for the animal, which means ‘white cat’. Bobcat Animals have four different species; Eastern-, Canada-, Florida-, and Lynx-Bobcats.
The bobcat is a small cat native to North America, with a short tail and long ear tufts. It is mostly gray-brown in color, though there are some areas where it can be black when they reach adulthood. This species is one of four native to the United States and Canada. The bobcat is an animal that likes the forest, though it also nests near grassland regions. Their diet consists of rodents, rabbits, hares, and birds. They can weigh anywhere between 11-36 pounds as adults depending on where they live in the world.”
11. Borneo Elephant

Arrogantly big and majestic, the Borneo elephant is the largest land mammal in Asia. Because of its habitat, it has a good chance of surviving for a long time.
Borneo Elephant Animals are in the Sabangau Forest, Central Kalimantan. There are only 5000 elephants in the wild and most of them live in Borneo. Borneo Elephants live in groups, they can be seen at any time of day.
Borneo elephant animals have tight family bonds and are known for their good memory, intelligence, and ability to communicate through infrasound. There are between 2,500 to 3,000 elephants in the wild in Borneo today, about 50 percent of all wild Asian elephants.
The Borneo Elephant is one of the few mammals in the world that can be found in the tropical rainforest. It is a very keen animal and can be found traveling for miles in search of food. They are gentle herbivores who would prefer to avoid confrontation with predators and humans, however, when provoked they will charge at their opponent with their powerful trunks and large tusks in an attempt to scare them off.
12. Box Turtle

The box turtle is a turtle that is native to the United States. It gets its name from its ability to retract its head and limbs into its shell for protection. The shell of the box turtle is hard and has a hinged bottom that allows the turtle to close up completely.
Box turtles are the most common turtle species in North America. You can find them in the eastern and central states. The name comes from their ability to close up into their shell when threatened or frightened. This fully live animal is one of the few pets you can have in your house as a pet because it does not need any special care and provides hours of fun for a family with kids.
Turtles are an ancient species that have been around for almost 200 million years. They come in a variety of sizes and colors, eat different foods, and live in different places all over the world. Box turtles are found across North America and all over the Eastern Woodlands of the United States. Their shells can be bright green or brown with a bright red or orange-yellow stripe down each side.
They spend most of their time buried in the ground or under logs, with just their head sticking out. They like to be moist, so they only come out on rainy or foggy days. It can take up to ten years for a box turtle to grow to maturity. They have good hearing and a strong sense of smell, but their eyesight is fairly poor. Box turtles walk very slowly, but they can quickly retreat into their shell when frightened by predators like dogs and raccoons. The carapace (upper shell) colors range from dark brown to black; red-eared sliders are orange with black stripes running down their backs; painted turtles have a variety of colors including yellow, blue, and red markings on their shells; and Blandings Turtles have more yellow markings than other species
13. Brown Hyena

The brown hyena is a species of hyena found in southern Africa. It is the largest of the three hyena species and the only one that is not found in Africa north of the Sahara Desert. The brown hyena is a scavenger and feeds on carrion, insects, and small mammals. It is a solitary animal and is most active at night.
Brown Hyena Animals are very social, lively, and playful. They are, however aggressive to other animals and most especially the cubs. If you want to adopt brown hyena animals, then let their mothers feed them first, before you try to hold or touch them.
They live in a variety of environments and ecosystems, from the savannahs to the deserts.
Hyenas eat virtually any animal they can get their hands on, including insects, snakes, and other mammals. Their strong jaws and sharp teeth allow them to pulverize bones as well. Hyenas are sometimes known as laughing hyenas because they make sounds that resemble laughter, though these noises are not actually laughter but communication between family members. There are four types of hyena: spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta), striped hyena (Hyaena hyaena), brown hyena (Parahyaena brunnea) and the Aardwolf (Proteles cristata).
14. Bullfrog

A bullfrog is a large frog that is usually green or brown in color. They are found in many parts of the world and are known for their deep, guttural call. Bullfrogs are usually quite large and can grow to be over a foot long.
They are a popular food source in some cultures and are also hunted for their skin, which is used to make frogskin leather.
A Bullfrog is a very large frog native to parts of North and South America. They are named for their call, which sounds like a bull’s roar. The Bullfrog is also known as the common North American bullfrog
The bullfrog is a large and heavy-set amphibian who lives solely on land. His skin is covered in warts, he has a very large mouth with sharp teeth and 2 long forearms ending in 4 stubby fingers with webbing between them. He is not much of an athlete but compensates for this with his ability to shoot out sticky slime from the glands on his backside.
Our bullfrogs are the perfect family pet. They’re great around kids, easy to care for, and even fun to play with. These unique pets are sure to make your backyard or house feel like a pond!
15. Bush Viper

The bush viper is a venomous snake that is found in Africa. It is a member of the viper family and is known for its aggressive nature.
The bush viper is brown or green in color and can grow up to two feet in length. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in Africa.
These animals are very dangerous, they can attack if they are not treated with respect. The Bush Viper is a member of the snake family and has a bite that is more powerful than most other snakes in Africa. They are very effective predators and use their venom to immobilize their prey before feeding on them.
16. Beaver

Beaver animals are the largest of their kind and have been living on Earth for over 200 million years. They have big powerful teeth, amazing engineering skills, a very clever brain, and even speak the Beaver language! Beavers are amazing builders with an incredible instinctive drive to build dams across rivers and creeks to help themselves live in the homes they build.
These rodents eat plants and small animals but some scientists believe beavers also eat fish. Beavers have brownish-black fur on their body which helps them blend into the trees. Their fur is thicker and softer than most other rodents’ 2019 fur because of this they need less grooming than other animals.
A beaver is a large, water-dwelling rodent known for its dam-building habits. Beavers are the largest rodents in North America and can grow up to four feet long and weigh over 60 pounds. These nocturnal animals are most active at night, and build their dams and lodges out of sticks and mud in order to create a safe place to live and raise their young.
Beavers are an important part of many wetland ecosystems, and their dams help to create the habitats that many other animals rely on.
17. Banded Water Snake

Banded water snakes are a type of snake that is found in North America. They are semi-aquatic snakes and can be found in a variety of habitats, including ponds, streams, and marshes. Banded water snakes are non-venomous and typically grow to be between 2 and 4 feet in length.
The Banded Water Snake is an aquatic species of non-venomous snake that is most commonly found in the southeastern United States. These snakes were introduced to Kentucky in the late 20th century, and are spreading northward with sightings increasing every year. Like most water snakes, the Banded Water Snake prefers to live near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and ponds.
The banded water snake can occupy a variety of habitats including swamps, marshes, and upland areas near water.
Black and yellow-banded water snakes inhabit Alabama, Georgia, and Louisiana. Young snakes are usually more brightly colored than adults and may have a brighter red tongue. They spend most of their time hiding under rocks or logs which makes them hard to spot. The non-venomous banded water snake eats fish, frogs, tadpoles, and worms.
18. Bengal Tiger

Bengal tigers are the most common tiger in India and are often considered the national animal of the country. They have beautiful markings and are very strong, fast, and powerful.
Bengal Tiger is an endangered species and it is your duty to save these animals from extinction by saving their habitats and protecting them from poachers who hunt these magnificent cats for their skins or body parts.
Bengal tigers can be found in the wild throughout South Asia, including Bangladesh, Bhutan, India (Kingdom of Nepal), and Myanmar.
They were once also found in China and Russia; however, the animal has long been extinct in northern China due to habitat destruction and hunting.
Bengal tigers are the most numerous of all tiger subspecies with around 700 living in captivity since their birth at TIGERS REWARDS Our Bengal Tiger is the first release from our new limited edition series.
This tiger will be released as a regular edition after a three-month exclusivity period for our collectors only. Retired: In order to meet the demand for this new collector’s piece we have had to retire one of our long-standing characters – ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’ So please get your order in now before this magical unicorn disappears forever!’
The Bengal tiger is the national animal of Bangladesh, India, and Pakistan. It is one of the most recognizable animals on earth and is one of the largest living felines on earth at up to 3 m (9.8 ft) long and weighing up to 300 kg (660 lb). They are very selective in their prey selection but mainly hunt large ungulates such as water buffalo, wild boar, nilgai (also known as blue bulls), chital deer, sambar deer, and even elephants calves. Because of persistent poaching, human encroachment, and loss of habitat they are under extreme pressure in Bangladesh.
19. Bichpoo

A bichpoo is a type of dog that is a cross between a bichon frise and a poodle. These dogs are usually small in size and have a coat that is either white, cream, or apricot in color. They are known for being gentle, loving, and intelligent dogs that make great companion animals.
They can learn tricks easily and they also have a natural instinct to hunt. These dogs are quite friendly and loyal to their family members but they can be aggressive with people whom they don’t know. Bichpoo dogs’ appearance is similar to that of terrier, poodle, and bichon Frise dogs.
Bichpoos are hypo-allergenic, non-shedding, non-yappy, intelligent, and fun-loving! They are a cross between a Bichon Frise and a Poodle. Bichpoo dogs look like fox fur balls with soft cotton candy-colored fur and a playful attitude.
They make excellent family pets and bring warmth, devotion, loyalty, and affection into your home.
20. Bison

The bison is a large, grazing mammal of the family Bovidae. The bison is the largest extant land animal in North America. Bison live on open plains, grasslands, and near the edges of forests.
Their fur is long and shaggy. Bison are large animals. Bison live in herds that can have over 100 animals. The bison calf leaves its mother when it reaches one year old. The female buffalo has a calf every two years. Female calves stay with their mothers for about five years!
Known as the fastest land animal, the American bison is an iconic symbol of our nation’s natural heritage. This species is protected by law against hunting pressure and is thriving in its native habitat. These impressive mammals are the largest mammal in
North America, and can weigh over 1,500 pounds!
Bison Animals. Wild animals startle the imagination and feed our hunger for the dangerous and mysterious. Hunters viewed them as trophies, warriors used their hides for clothing and shelter, early explorers fed on their meat to survive cold winters, and ranchers relied upon them for meat, hides, and dairy products.
21. Bilby

A bilby is a small marsupial with long ears. It is found in Australia and is also known as the rabbit-eared bandicoot.
Bilbies are nocturnal animals and their diet consists of insects and other small animals.
Bilbies are shy, nocturnal marsupials. They are found in parts of northern Australia and southern New Guinea. Bilbies have large pale eyes and soft, thick fur that is grey or yellowish-brown on the back and white underneath. Females grow to around 275 grams (9.7 ounces), while males can reach up to 420 grams (14.5 ounces).
22. Black Russian Terrier

The Black Russian Terrier is a large, powerful dog with a thick, black coat. They are known for being calm and confident, but also for being protective of their family and home. They are loyal and affectionate dogs that make great companions, but they require a lot of exercise and training.
The Black Russian Terrier is a great dog for those who love large dogs but are not up to date on their grooming needs. These dogs are known to be gentle and loving, but also independent. They can be aggressive around other animals, so it’s important to socialize them early on.
The Black Russian Terrier is a relatively new breed of dog. It was developed in the Soviet Union during the 1950s and 1960s, when an attempt to create a working, police and guard dog was made by crossing the Moscow Watchdog, which was already used as a military dog in the U.S.S.R., with other breeds. The resulting offspring came to be known as “Poodles”.
23. Bush Baby

Bushbabies are known for their large eyes and small size, which makes them easy to carry around. They sleep during the day and become active at night.
Bushbabies are found in the warm forests of Africa. Bushbabies take to the trees to avoid predators, but this also makes it hard for them to find food and water. The introduction of farms into Africa has helped the bushbabies by providing them with more places to live and more food to eat.
They are also known as galagos and are related to lemurs and lorises. Bushbabies are small animals, with most species being less than a foot long.
They have large eyes, which help them to see in the dark, and long tails. Bushbabies are good climbers and spend most of their time in trees. They eat insects and other small animals.
24. Brussels Griffon

The Brussels Griffon is a small, short-legged breed of dog. The head is large and round, with a short, square muzzle. The ears are small and close to the head. The eyes are round and prominent. The coat is dense and wiry and comes in a variety of colors, including black, brown, red, and white.
The breed is named for the city of Brussels, Belgium, where it was developed.
The Brussels griffon is a small, sturdy dog that is the most common of all toy dogs.
It has a charming personality, high intelligence, and a dignified bearing. The Brussels Griffon makes a good watchdog and loves to bark at any intruder.
The Brussels griffon is a rare breed of dog that was originally bred in Belgium to be a companion dog, typically for the children in their families. These dogs are very playful and affectionate and make excellent companions.
25. Bears

Bears are large, furry animals with long claws. They are found in woods and forests in North America, Europe, and Asia. Some bears, such as the polar bear, live in cold climates. Others, such as the grizzly bear, live in warm climates.
Bears are a diverse and large family of mammals, living as terrestrial omnivores. There are eight living species of bear, three in the genus Tremarctos and five in the genus Ursus.
All bears are rich in intelligence and have large bodies with long snouts, shaggy hair, and small tails. Depending on their species, bears range in size from the 30-gram giant panda to the 900 kilograms polar bear – the largest carnivoran.
Bears have five toes per foot as well as a powerful bite. They also have a good sense of smell, excellent hearing, and good vision. Baby bears are born blind, hairless, and helpless because their mother’s warmth is all they need to survive. Their thick fur protects them from the elements until they are large enough to fend for themselves in the wild. Many people have pets that resemble bears, including dogs, cats, and pigs!
26. Basenji Dog

The Basenji is a breed of dog that is known for being quiet and aloof. They are independent and intelligent and are not known for being particularly affectionate.
The Basenji is a very old breed of hunting dog that originated in Africa. The name “Basenji” means “bush dog” in Kikongo, one of the Congo Basin’s Bantu languages. Their closest living relatives are the African and Rhodesian ridgeback wolves, but they became distinct from wolves in appearance over 40,000 years ago.
The Basenji is a small dog with a short, shiny, smooth coat. This is an ancient breed of dog which is one of the most ancient African dogs known. It was bred by African hunters as a hunting dog to hunt small prey such as rodents and birds.
This is a cute and adorable puppy that is very playful and loyal. These dogs are known to be quiet, so they will not bark loudly, which makes them ideal for apartment living. This breed has a unique look with white fur that comes with black or brown patches on the body, face, and tail.
27. Brown Snakes

Brown snakes are a common type of snake found in North Carolina. They are non-venomous and typically grow to be between two and four feet in length. Brown snakes are typically brown or reddish-brown in color, with a lighter-colored belly.
These snakes are typically active during the day and prefer to live in areas with plenty of hiding places, such as under logs or in dense vegetation. Brown snakes typically eat small mammals, such as mice or voles, but will also eat insects, reptiles, and amphibians
Brown Snakes are a species of non-venomous snake, which vary in coloration depending on the environment they live. If a Brown Snake is found in a dryer area, it will be darker than if it were to be found near a pond or swamp.
28. Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff is a large, short-haired domestic dog, with a solid build and a short muzzle. The Bullmastiff is a cross between the English Bulldog and the English Mastiff.
Bullmastiff animals are intelligent and are true athletes.
Well, socialized bullmastiff puppies make a wonderful addition to any family. The Bullmastiff’s strength, loyalty, and love have made it a very popular family pet worldwide.
The Bullmastiff is a giant breed of domestic dog, with a solid, muscular body that appears heavy but is remarkably agile. It is one of the oldest registered breeds of dogs still in existence today. It is an affectionate, gentle family dog with few health or temperament problems.
29. Banana Ball Python

A banana ball python is a type of python that is yellow and black in color. They are native to Africa and typically grow to be about 3-4 feet in length. These snakes are non-venomous and are known to be docile, making them popular pets.
Introducing the Banana Ball Python SNACKs Animals, everyone’s favorite snakes in food form. Collect all the different varieties – Banana, Apple, Ice Cream Cone & Watermelon.
Each animal has a different colored belly & patterned back, with the same white stripe down its nose. Each piece is packaged separately, making them easily collectible!
30. Binturong

The binturong is a species of bear found in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. They are often called “bearcats” due to their bear-like appearance and cat-like behavior. Binturongs are the only member of the family Ursidae that are not found in the Americas.
Binturong animals, also known as bearcat and bearcat, are amongst the biggest members of the civet family. This animal is native to South East Asia and can be found in rainforests and mountain ranges. Their length can reach two meters long, with a tail length of up to one meter. The males have black fur with white markings on the chest and belly whereas females have brown fur.
They stay high up in the trees, so they need a long tail that helps them balance. Their large, round head and almost naked faces have earned them another name — bearcat. Binturong animals get their name from the Malay word “bintur,” meaning “to ride” (the animal looks like it is riding on its tail). Binturongs have a civet smell due to scent glands near their anus.
It is the only member of its family and comes from the same lineage as weasels, otters, and badgers. The binturong is also known as the Bearcat or Bearcat because of its appearance, which resembles a small bear with a long tail. Like many other animals, binturongs are very territorial and will protect themselves when needed.