How To Draw A Penguin

How To Draw A Penguin

How to Draw a Penguin

All penguins have black and white feathers, but some have just black feathers, some have just white feathers, and some are half-and-half. So how do you choose which type to draw? The answer is simple: You can draw what you see! If you see a penguin with black on top and white on the bottom, then draw it that way. If you see a half-and-half penguin or an adult penguin with only one color, then draw it that way. And if you see a baby penguin with only one color, then draw the baby penguin in your desired color scheme! Have fun drawing beautiful animals like this cute little bird

1. Start with a circle for the head and add two circles for the body.

Start with a circle for the head and add two circles for the body.

Draw a line from the head to the body and a curved line for the beak.

2. Sketch out the penguin’s wings and feet.

Sketch out the penguin’s wings and feet.

Using a pencil, draw a straight line for each of your penguin’s tiny feet. For now, you can use a ruler to help you make sure they’re exactly the same length (or not). Then, draw a curved line for each wing extending from its body—don’t worry if it’s not perfect yet! Next, draw dots at both ends of each wing where its tips should be (this will be important later when we paint our penguin). Make sure that all four feet are on one horizontal plane with no gap between them so there isn’t any room left open in between them like this:

3. Add a curved line to finish the penguin’s body and a small circle for its beak.

Add a curved line to finish the penguin’s body.

Add a small circle for its beak.

Don’t forget to add the feet and wing feathers!

4. Draw an oval shape inside the penguin’s eye and two triangles for feathers on the top of its head.

Now that you have your basic oval shape for the penguin’s body, you can draw the other features.

Draw an oval shape inside the penguin’s eye and two triangles for feathers on the top of its head. The eye should be drawn as a perfect circle and positioned on top of its head; it will be easy to see how this fits together once it’s drawn.

5. Erase any extra lines and color the penguin black and white or your favorite color!

Now that you’ve finished all the steps, you should have a great-looking penguin! Now it’s time to erase any extra lines and color your penguin black and white or your favorite color.

It’s easy to draw a penguin!

Drawing a penguin is easy. You can draw a penguin in black and white or color, in varying poses and with a variety of expressions. You can even draw your penguin large or small! Whether you want to create an elegant, regal bird or a comical cartoon character that’s sure to brighten up any situation, the process of drawing one is straightforward and rewarding.

Here are some basic tips for creating your own charming zoo resident:


Who knew that all it takes to draw a penguin is a few simple shapes? You can think of this exercise as “building blocks” for drawing more complex animals in the future! We hope you had fun with this guide and learned something new along the way.

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