11 Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids

11 Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids

11 Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids

Clothespin butterflies are a simple craft that’s great for kids of all ages. 

Not only do these colorful butterflies look beautiful, they also make great decorations for your home and classroom.

Clothespin Butterfly Suncatchers

  • Use a clothespin butterfly as a suncatcher.
  • Use a clothespin butterfly to make a suncatcher.
  • Make a suncatcher with the help of your child and some recycled materials!

Clothespin Butterflies in a Jar

Now, let’s jump into the tutorial for this very easy craft. You will need.

  • A jar (any shape and size)
  • Clothespins (preferably wooden)
  • Paint (the colors should contrast well with your jar color)
  • Paintbrush (a wide one is best!)

You can choose to paint the jar and clothespins first, or paint them last. The choice is yours!

Clothespin Butterfly Wall Art

With a little imagination, you can use clothespins to make a butterfly wall art that is suitable for any age. 

Butterfly wall art is a great way to decorate your home or classroom.

This craft makes use of clothespins and colored paper for the body of the butterfly. A simple coat of paint will give your butterfly wings and antennae an attractive look.

Clothespin Butterfly Pencil Topper Craft

Materials. a pencil with a flat top (you can use any kind of pencil, 

but a mechanical one works best)

  • a clothespin with a flat top

Painted and Decorated Clothespin Butterfly Craft

  • you need
  • a clothespin
  • paint (or paint brush)
  • glue (or hot glue gun)
  • decorations (optional)
  • supplies:
  • pencil, ruler and craft knife
  • paper or cardstock
  • hot glue gun, paintbrush

3D Clothespin Butterfly Craft

To make a 3D butterfly craft, you will need to start with a clothespin. You can use one that is already made or create your own. 

Once you have the clothespin, place it in a vise and use pliers to bend the arms inward at an angle of about 45 degrees. Once you have done this, remove the clothespin from the vise and use a glue stick to attach your butterfly template onto one side of your twisted clothespin. 

Next, add paint with a paintbrush in any desired colors for both your butterfly and clothespin crafts.

Clothespin Butterfly Garden Stakes

Clothespin butterfly garden stakes are a fun way to decorate your flower beds. They are also very easy to make.

This craft is great for kids and adults alike, but it especially works well for those with less artistic ability or who don’t have time for complicated projects.

These butterflies look great on the patio or in a backyard garden, and they are perfect for creating a child’s own special garden space!

DIY Clothespin Butterfly Hair Slides

Now that you know how to make a clothespin butterfly, it’s time to make one for your child! 

This craft is so easy and fun for them.


  • Two wooden clothespins (one pink and one yellow)
  • Wire cutters or pliers (if you have a lot of children, buy extra Clothespins so they can all make their own butterflies)
  • Glitter (optional)

Toilet Paper Roll And Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids

  • Cut a toilet paper roll into small pieces using a pair of scissors.
  • Glue the toilet paper rolls on to a clothespin and you are done!

Paper Plate And Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids

  • Use a paper plate for the wings.
  • Use a clothespin for the body, head and antennae of the butterfly.
  • Use paint to decorate your clothespin butterfly craft for kids.
  • You can also use stickers, glitter and ribbon to decorate your clothespin butterfly craft.
  • You can use pipe cleaners to make antennae instead of using ribbons if you prefer this style of decoration! It’s up to you!

If you have some beads or buttons lying around, you can add those as well! They look really nice on this project )

You could even try adding some sequins or yarn here and there if you want something extra sparkly!

Pipe Cleaner And Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids

Pipe cleaners are a great way to add some color, dimension and detail to your clothespin butterflies. 

The pipe cleaners come in so many colors that you can use them to create a rainbow of butterflies!

To make this cute butterfly craft, you will need:

  • pipe cleaners (any colors)
  • clothespins (with one arm still attached)

Here Are 11 Clothespin Butterflies To Make With Your Kids.

Clothespin butterflies are fun to make, easy to make, inexpensive to make and a great way to recycle. 

They’re also a great way to use up scrap materials that may have been sitting around your house for a while.

So whether you’re looking for an activity that will turn your child into a budding artist or just want something quick and simple for them to do when they get bored on rainy days, these clothespin butterflies are sure not to disappoint!


The 11 Clothespin Butterfly Craft For Kids is a great way to teach your kids about the life cycle of a butterfly. It is also a fun and easy craft that they can do with very little supervision.

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