11 Mezuzah Craft For Kids


Mezuzahs are little scrolls of paper with verses from the Torah inscribed upon them. They’re a big deal in Judaism: The mezuzah is placed on the doorposts in every Jewish home, where it’s believed to protect against evil spirits and negative energy. Mezuzahs are also just plain cool looking, as they feature a handwritten copy of one of the prayers that appear in Jewish homes around the globe. So if you’re interested in getting into this ancient tradition with your kids, here’s an easy craft project for making your own mezuzah scrolls!

1. Cardboard tube mezuzahs

To make your own mezuzah, you will need a cardboard tube. You can use any size or shape of tube as long as it is hollow and has a closed end.

Your next step is to write the Hebrew letters on the outside of your tube in pencil or pen. This step isn’t required but will help you remember what each letter is when you’re done writing them! Use a ruler to make sure your lines are straight. If you don’t have an adult helper who knows Hebrew, then consider using online resources like these websites for help:

2. Pool noodle mezuzahs

Pool noodle mezuzahs are a great craft for kids because they can be made with any color pool noodle and still look super cute.

  • Choose your pool noodle. Choose whatever color you like! Your Mezuzah should match your room decor, but it’s totally up to you. (You could even make one for each of your friends.)
  • Decorate the top or side of the noodle with glue or markers to cover up the holes so that writing doesn’t show through when you hang it up on a doorpost or wall. If there’s a specific message you want written on your mezuzah, we recommend using Sharpies instead of regular pens since they will last longer and won’t bleed through as easily into other papers below if they get wet down the road (like when cleaning).

3. Pasta mezuzahs

This pasta mezuzah craft is simple and fun to make. You’ll need some dried pasta (we used spaghetti, but you can use any shape or color), glue, tape, and paint or markers.

First you will make the box for your mezuzah by gluing the pasta together in a rectangle shape.

Next you will cover one side of the box with tape and then put more glue on top of it so that it won’t come off when you put paper around it.

Once your box is made you can start decorating it! First draw some lines vertically down your box to make an outline for where each letter should go. Next fill in each line with black marker or paint until there are words on both sides of the box!

4. Macaroni mezuzahs

The Macaroni Mezuzah:

A mezuzah is a piece of parchment with the Shema prayer written on it that is placed in every doorway in your home. The purpose of the mezuzah is to bring blessings into your home by reminding you that God sees everything you do. It has no power or influence, but rather serves as a reminder. A Macaroni Mezuzah is simply an altered version of this common Jewish tradition and can be made by any child with a little help from mom or dad! All you need are some supplies and access to glue. First, decide which color pasta you want to use for each letter (reds are typically used). Then roll out small pieces of pasta onto wax paper (make sure they are not too big or they won’t fit inside your door frame). Next make sure everything is dry before carefully gluing each letter onto its own piece of parchment paper so it looks like Hebrew writing when finished! Once again let dry before attaching them all together along with any decorations like glitter glue or stickers at this point if desired – then place inside door frame above where you would hang a regular mezuzah!

5. Recycled CD mezuzahs

Recycled CD mezuzahs are a great way to involve your kids in creating something that will be meaningful for years to come. Here’s how you can make one:

  • Choose a CD that has the text of the Sh’ma on it (this is the prayer that begins “Hear, O Israel…”) and write out the words of this prayer on the disc with permanent marker or paint pen. Be sure to leave enough space around each letter so that your child can fit their fingers between them when they press their hand against the glass!
  • Press down firmly on each letter so they’re nice and dark—but not too hard so as not to damage them by smudging or scratching off too much ink! You could also use stickers if you want something different than writing directly onto it yourself; just make sure whatever method used doesn’t affect its ability as an ornament after hanging up!
  • Use clear tape (like Scotch Tape) around both ends where there aren’t any words written yet; this should keep everything secure while still allowing access inside once it’s done being decorated by little hands.”You’re going need something like an adhesive strip from an old notebook,” suggests one mom who has worked with her own two small children on similar projects before now.”You can also buy these pre-made at craft stores like Michaels!”

6. Matzah mezuzahs

A matzah is a type of unleavened bread. It’s eaten during Passover, and it’s used to make mezuzahs. The word “Passover” comes from the Hebrew word “pesach,” which means “to pass over,” because God passed over the houses of the Hebrews when he killed all of Egypt’s firstborn sons.

During the Seder, participants eat matzah with bitter herbs (maror) and drink wine that represents the blood of slaves who died in their freedom struggle against Pharaoh. After they’ve eaten their fill, they recite partaking blessings specific to matzah:

Baruch ata Adonai Eloheynu Melech haolam asher kidishanu b’mitz’votav v’ratzon hu lazman hazeh v’tov lamagen al yadati shel leshana amen veal kol yisrael chayav adam lahem lechem min haaretz lechem min hashamayim vehaaretz veal kol yisrael chayav adam lahem lechem min haaretz lechem min hashamayim vehaaretz vehainiach man bechaniach veal kol yisrael chayav adam lahem lechem min haaretz

7. Cardboard tube and yarn mezuzahs

I know what you’re thinking. Yarn? Really?! Yes, really! Yarn can be used to make a mezuzah cover or case as well as a regular paper or cardboard tube. You will need to decide which is best for your child’s needs and skill level first. Here is how we did it:

  • First, cut the yarn into 8 pieces long enough to fit around the PVC pipe (about 18 inches).
  • Then wrap each piece of yarn around the pipe tightly until it covers all sides of the tube except for one side where you will tie it off later.
  • Once all seven layers are wrapped around, they should look like this:

[*Figure 1]

8. Handprint mezuzah

This craft is the perfect way to get your kids to start thinking about their Jewish identity at a young age.

First, paint both hands with brown or orange paint. Then, use a paintbrush and blue or green paint to write out words from Psalm 121:1 on one of your palms. “I lift up my eyes toward the mountains.” You can also write “Hazak v’amatz,” which means “be strong and brave,” on the other hand with yellow paint.

Next, let your child choose what symbols they want painted onto their mezuzah: A dreidel or a candle are always popular choices! To finish this project off perfectly, slip some ribbon through holes in either end of the PVC pipe so it can be hung easily on a door frame when you’re done!

9. Popsicle stick mezuzah

What you’ll need:

  • Popsicle sticks (these can be found at the craft store)
  • Hot glue gun (or a strong glue, like Elmer’s)
  • Marker to write on the popsicle sticks

11 Mezuzah Craft For Kids

  • Mezuzah Craft With Kids

It is a wonderful idea to make mezuzah crafts with kids. You can make mezuzah crafts for your children and grandchildren or for your neighbors’ children that you babysit. Making mezuzah crafts will teach them how to use their creativity and imagination, as well as learn about Jewish holidays such as Passover, Hanukkah and Rosh Hashanah!

  • Make Mezuzahs With The Whole Family

You can also make mezuzahs with your entire family if everyone wants to participate in this activity together! This will give everyone an opportunity to bond while sharing their love for Judaism and being creative at the same time!

Teach your kids about this Jewish tradition by making these cute Mezuzah crafts!

Making mezuzah crafts with your children is a great way to teach them about this Jewish tradition. They can learn about God, their heritage and culture, and even their religion. It’s also an opportunity for parents and kids to bond through crafting together.

To make it more fun for the kids, try decorating your mezuzah with different colors or making decorations that reflect your family’s personality.


We hope you have enjoyed this roundup of mezuzah crafts for kids. Kids are naturally eager to learn about the world around them and we believe that introducing them to Judaism can be a fun way to do it! These Mezuzahs will help your child learn about their heritage while also making something they can be proud of.

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