11 Sock Puppet Craft For Kids

11 Sock Puppet Craft For Kids

Sock puppets are a fun way to bring stories and books to life for kids. If you don’t know how to sew, no problem! There are plenty of free sock puppet patterns available online that you can download and use with just a pair of scissors and some fabric glue. Ready? Let’s get started.

Flamingo Sock Puppet

Cut the foot of the sock off, leaving about a half inch of fabric at the base.

Roll up your sock until you are left with a tube shape that is about six inches long and two inches in diameter.

Stuff this until it is firm but not overly tight, then stuff some more!

Cut two pieces from felt to match your sock puppet’s body shape (the size should be proportional to how big you want it). Attach them together using white glue or fabric glue so they become one piece for each side of your flamingo puppet’s face/body

Monster Hand Puppets

To make a monster hand puppet, you’ll need two pieces of string or yarn (one for the hand and one for the arm). You can also use a pipe cleaner instead of string or yarn, but it’s not recommended because pipe cleaners can be sharp.

Take one piece of string/yarn and fold it in half so that when you put your thumb on one side and index finger on other side, there’s an opening where your fingers are supposed to go through (see photo above). Then tie a knot at both ends so that the “hand” won’t slip off easily!

For the arm: take another piece of string/yarn and fold it over twice so that there’s an opening where you can put your fingers through (see photo above) – this will be used as an arm later on! You could also use paper towel rolls instead if you don’t have any yarn available in handy dandy paper towel rolls always come prepared just like I’m always prepared with my cuteness!

To attach them together place one end inside its respective openings created earlier then pull tightly until secure but still able move around freely without falling off easily; repeat steps 2-4 until satisfied with results 🙂

Sock Puppets

Sock puppets are a simple craft that kids can make at home, in school or at a party. Making sock puppets is a great way to encourage your child to be creative, or even to organize an impromptu puppet show! It’s also a fun way for children to learn how to sew.

The first step is finding the right kind of socks. If you want your child’s puppet to look like an animal or other creature with long arms and legs, you’ll need long socks (think about trying on men’s dress socks for size). If you’re making more traditional human-shaped puppets, use knee-highs instead—these will make it easier to give them arms and hands too!

Now that you have the proper material for making the puppet itself, let’s talk about what goes inside: stuffing! The easiest way is simply using cotton balls; these work well if they’re stuffed loosely enough that they don’t squish out when squeezed by hand but just tightly enough so that there aren’t any gaps between individual pieces even when compressed firmly together like this one over here – see how smooth this arm looks? 🙂 You could also try wool roving which comes in several different colors so if I decide later on my sock needs some whiskers too I won’t have any trouble finding something suitable!”

Bubble Guppies Puppets

Use a sock to make a bubble guppies puppet.

Use a sock to make a monster hand puppet.

Use a sock to make a sock puppet.

Use a sock to make a finger puppet.

Use a sock to make a cat puppet.

Use a sock to make an owl or snake puppet!

Cat Puppet Template

Here’s a template for making a cat puppet:

Snake Puppet Template

With your paper and pencil, draw the head of your snake puppet.

Add its eyes, mouth and tongue to complete it!

Cut out the shape of the snake on both sides of your paper (do not cut through).

Fold along each line you drew for your snake’s body segments, then glue them together at the top edge of each piece to create one long strip with a row of squares on each side that will be glued together later (see picture below).

Finger Puppet Sewing Pattern

So you’ve got your pattern cut out, now it’s time to get cutting!

You will need to cut out the body of your finger puppet. To do this, place the pattern on top of some fabric and trace around it with a pencil or pen. Cut out that piece and then repeat with another piece of fabric. You should end up with two pieces: one long strip and one square/rectangular strip. These are going to be sewn together later so make sure they are not different sizes (unless you want them to be).

Next, you will need to cut out two facial features for each puppet: eyes and mouths (for mine I used felt but any sturdy fabric would work). Again, don’t forget about sewing these onto the face later once everything else has been assembled!

Butterfly Crafts For Kids

Butterfly Crafts For Kids

Butterfly puppet crafts are a great way to teach your kids about butterflies. They can be made with simple materials, and you can use them for puppet shows or even as a butterfly garden in your backyard! All you need is the following:

A piece of cardboard (we used an old cereal box)

Construction paper in various colors

Scissors   While we were making our butterfly puppets, we also used some other supplies that weren’t strictly necessary but that we thought would make it easier for us to make the puppets look more realistic. These included:

Glue stick

Colored pencils/crayons

Before getting started on the project itself, take some time with your child or children so they know what kind of information they should include when writing their story lines. Tell them what types of things they should include such as main characters and settings, how these characters relate to each other (friends? enemies?), etc., and let them talk through ideas if needed!

Lady Bug Crafts For Kids

Lady bugs are a popular insect for kids to study. They are an important part of the ecosystem, and they can be used in craft projects as well as science experiments.

Lady Bugs have been around for over 300 million years and live at the top of many plants, including poison oak and ivy. They love partaking in honeydew (a sugary substance that’s released by aphids). Lady bugs eat aphids, which helps keep garden plants healthy!

Lady bugs also symbolize good luck because it’s believed by some cultures that these helpful insects will bring them happiness if they’re shown respect. But don’t worry: even if you don’t believe in its power, you can still enjoy its beauty (and your garden will love it)!

Owl Sock Puppet Patterns

Owl sock puppet patterns are the perfect way to introduce your little ones to the fun of puppets. These easy-to-make puppets can be assembled in just a few minutes, and they’re great for storytelling and playing games.

Owls are known for their keen eyesight, so make sure you have the right materials before you begin your project! If you don’t have any socks on hand, or if your child wants something different than an owl puppet, there are plenty of other options available online that may fit better into your budget or personal style preferences.

Turkey Crafts for Kids

Turkey Crafts for Kids

Turkey Crafts for Preschoolers

Turkey Crafts for Toddlers

Turkey Crafts for Kids to Make

Turkeys are a favorite holiday character, and they make great crafts. For kids, the best part of creating one is that it’s as simple as cutting out shapes from construction paper or wrapping paper. You can give each child a turkey cutout, scraps of white paper and markers, glue sticks and scissors to transform them into turkeys. Once you’ve made your turkey crafts at home with your family or friends, consider setting up a booth at your local community fair or school carnival to sell them! If you’re looking for more fun Thanksgiving crafts like this one – check out these awesome ideas!

Make a fun, colorful sock puppet.

You will need:

A sock.

Felt or fabric scraps in different colors, sizes and textures.

Marker for designs on the puppet’s face, hair (if using felt) and clothes.

Needle and thread for sewing the puppet together.

Glue stick to secure all pieces together if working with felt only, or hot glue gun for those who want something more sturdy!  We recommend that you use a safety pin to fasten your buttons on top of your socks instead of sewing them directly onto the sock because it makes removing them easier when you’re ready to wash your puppets after playtime has ended! You’re well on your way now!

how to make sock puppets for preschoolers

Here’s a simple way to make sock puppets for preschoolers:


  • Socks (one for each puppet)
  • Scissors
  • Markers or fabric paint
  • Craft materials such as googly eyes, buttons, pom-poms, and pipe cleaners


  1. Choose a sock for each puppet and slip it onto your hand to make sure it fits comfortably.
  2. Cut the toe off the sock to create the mouth of the puppet.
  3. Use markers or fabric paint to draw a face on the sock.
  4. Add any additional features to the puppet using craft materials such as googly eyes, buttons, pom-poms, or pipe cleaners.
  5. Once the glue has dried, the puppet is ready to use! Let the kids use their imaginations and create their own characters and stories.

Have fun!


We hope you enjoyed these sock puppet crafts for kids, and that they inspired you to make some of your own! With just a few simple materials, you can create something amazing. The best part is that everyone in the family will have fun making their own puppets and putting on a show.

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