11 Terrarium Craft For Kids

11 Terrarium Craft For Kids


If you’re looking for a creative project for your kids, this is it! Terrariums are not only fun but also easy to make. You don’t even need any crafting experience to make these DIY terrariums. They are very simple and a great craft activity option for toddlers, preschoolers and kindergarteners too. So why not have some fun with your kids this weekend?

1. DIY Terrarium

Dear Terrarium DIYer,

This is a simple project that can be done with your child. It’s very easy and the results are impressive. The first terrariums were made from glass bottles or jars with plants inside them, but now you can find pre-made kits to create your own small ecosystem in an inexpensive container such as a glass jar or bowl. The kids will learn about how plants need sunlight, water and nutrients to grow, so it’s important for them to contain an adequate amount of soil for their plants. This activity also teaches kids about recycling; old jars and bottles can be used up again after being cleaned out (they’ll need cleaning anyway before they’re used). It’s fun making your own mini world where you can watch insects living happily together with plants in harmony!

2. Terrarium Necklace

You can make a necklace out of a terrarium. If you’re feeling extra crafty, you can even make your own terrarium! Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A glass jar or bottle with a wide mouth, such as a mason jar
  • Some glass gems
  • A spray bottle filled with water

3. Dinosaur Terrarium

If your kids are dinosaur lovers, then this terrarium is perfect for them. The process of making it is simple and the materials can be easily procured from your home. The kids will love to take care of their own little dinosaur friends at home. To make this terrarium craft, you will require:

  • A clear glass bowl or jar with a lid
  • Small rocks/stones (about half a cup)
  • Sand (about ¼ cup)
  • Cactus soil (around 2 tablespoons)
  • Green moss or grasses
  • Flowers—you can use flowers like cyclamen and lavender for flowers that resemble prehistoric plants if available locally but any kind of flower would do the trick too!

4. Rainbow Land Terrarium

A terrarium is a glass container that can be filled with soil and plants to create a mini ecosystem. A terrarium necklace is the same concept, but instead of growing plants in dirt and water, you grow them on leather straps or chains.

To make your own terrarium necklace:

  • Gather your supplies. You’ll need two different types of glue, two different colors of string or leather cord, an empty bottle with a plastic lid (like vitamins), scissors and some small rocks or pebbles to cover the bottom of your bottle as decoration.
  • Glue the cork stopper onto the underside of the bottle using an acrylic-based glue so it will stay attached when you fill it with soil and water later on.

Now let’s get started!

5. Fairy Village Terrarium


  • terrarium container
  • soil for planting (you can use any type of soil as long as it’s not too dense)
  • moss, small rocks and decorative items to decorate the interior of your fairy village terrarium.


  • Inflate your fairy door balloon and tie it off with a piece of string or ribbon so it doesn’t pop! Use this step to decorate the outside of your terrarium container with other items like glitter or stickers if you’d like!
  • Fill up your container with soil until there’s enough room left over that you’ll be able to place some moss on top without having to worry about filling in between each pebble or rock later on down the road when everything has settled within itself nicely without needing any further adjustments made here! This is important because many times people don’t think about this step beforehand which leads them into trouble later down line (maybe not always though…)

6. Under the Sea Terrarium

  • What you’ll need:
  • A glass container or vase, with a lid. You can use an old jelly jar or pick up a new one at the craft store.
  • Your choice of materials for the background, such as rocks or sand. If you’re feeling ambitious, we suggest looking online for artificial sea life (or real sea life if it’s legal where you live).
  • Decorations like seashells and starfish. If you’re using artificial decorations, be sure to clean them with soap and water before adding them to your terrarium so that they don’t leave behind any residue that could harm your plant over time.

7. A Succulent Terrarium in a Mason Jar

You’ll need:

  • Succulent plants
  • Mason jars (2)
  • Sand or small stones, decorative rocks and pebbles, decorative moss, potting soil, plastic spoons, small paintbrush.

8. Stained Glass Terrariums

A terrarium is a small, enclosed garden that’s kept in a glass jar. They’re great for kids because they can grow mini gardens that are easy to care for and don’t require much space.

To make a stained glass terrarium:

  • Get an empty jar with a lid (a peanut butter jar works well). If you want to add more light, choose one with clear glass rather than colored or tinted. Clear jars will let in more light as well as allow you to see the plants better!
  • Carefully remove the label from your jar using warm water and soap or rubbing alcohol if necessary—you don’t want glue residue sticking on your hands while working on this project!
  • Clean the outside of your jar with dish soap so fingerprints don’t get trapped inside when it’s filled up with soil later on down the road when it’s time for watering daily; also wipe down any dirt spots on its surface using paper towels soaked in hot water mixed with vinegar (this will help prevent mold growth). Lastly wash off any remaining labels using rubbing alcohol since these tend not be removed easily without some extra effort put into scrubbing them off completely first before applying anything else over top such as paint etcetera…

9. Christmas Inspired-Terrariums

Christmas terrariums can be made using ornaments, a Christmas tree, a snowman, or a reindeer. These projects will help children learn how to use moss and small rocks to create beautiful terrariums that are perfect for the holiday season!

  • Christmas Ornament Terrarium

(Make sure you have an adult help you with this one.)*


  • 1 clear glass container (a fish bowl works well)
  • Christmas ornaments (both large and small)
  • Moss (you can buy pre-made moss or make your own by soaking dried up newspaper in water)


  • Put potting soil into your container as deep as possible without filling it all the way up (for smaller containers). Then begin placing your decorations on top of the soil—make sure they’re not touching each other so there’s enough room for growth! After adding all of your decorations, add more potting soil until everything is covered up about halfway. This will ensure there’s plenty of room for growth underneath those lovely baubles! Now cover everything with moss until it fills up most of what remains in the container. That’s it—you’re done!

10. Anthropologie Inspired Terrariums

You can use pretty much any materials you have on hand to make a terrarium. If you don’t have any glass jars or bottles, go to your local thrift store and pick up one there. A small piece of cork would be great for the bottom of your terrarium. You can also use some slate tiles or wood pieces for your base if you don’t want to use cork—just make sure it’s flat so that it doesn’t wobble when placed inside the jar! If you’d rather not use these materials, try using bark from a tree branch instead; this will help add more texture and color to your terrarium as well.

Again, this craft is very simple so if children are interested in learning how (and where) plants grow naturally then this could be fun project for everyone involved!

11. Miniature Cactus Terrariums

Want to make a terrarium that looks like it came straight from the desert? The mini cactus terrarium is the perfect project for you!

  • For this project, you’ll need a small glass container and a small cactus. You can find both of these at your local craft store or nursery.
  • Once you have your materials, gather up some potting soil and a few small rocks or pebbles—you can even use colorful ones! In addition to those materials, add in some water as well.
  • Take out your plant from its original packaging and place it in the glass container. Next, sprinkle some potting soil around the base of your plant but don’t cover up more than 1/3 of its roots with dirt yet; if there is too much soil against its roots they will rot (which isn’t fun). Finally finish up by placing whatever decorative items onto top of your terrarium that make sense for what kind of theme you want: rounded stones for an underwater scene perhaps?

These creative terrariums will provide hours of fun for your kids and family!

Succulents are the perfect plants for this type of terrarium since they require very little water and can last for months without any attention. You can use a variety of containers, ranging from small plastic cups to large glass jars. In addition, you can decorate your terrariums with just about anything! It’s important to note that any materials used should be non-toxic so as not to harm your children or pets who may come into contact with it later on down the road if it ends up being stored in an area where they could get access (e.g., under their bed). You can also make these creative displays using other types of succulents besides aloe vera such as jade plants or cacti; however, keep in mind that these might need more frequent watering than aloe vera does depending on how much sunlight they receive each day so take that into account when deciding whether or not this is something worth doing at home!

Additionally, one way we would like our readers who are interested in making this craft possible: don’t forget about color! While we do recommend using natural colors (such as green) since they tend not only look nicer but also complement each other better than bright colors


We hope you find some inspiration from this list and are able to create your own terrariums with your kids. It’s a fun activity that can be done indoors or outdoors depending on the weather, and it’s also something that won’t break the bank!

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