11 Zacchaeus craft for kids

11 Zacchaeus craft for kids

Zacchaeus was a tax collector who was short in stature. To see over the crowd, he climbed a sycamore tree. Jesus saw Zacchaeus and called him down, saying that He was going to Zacchaeus’ house for a meal. 

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11 Zacchaeus craft for kids

Zacchaeus was overjoyed and promised to give half of his possessions to the poor. This craft is for kids to make their own Zacchaeus. They will need a toilet paper tube, construction paper, scissors, glue, and a marker. 

First, they will cut a small hole in the top of the toilet paper tube. Then, they will decorate the tube to look like Zacchaeus, with the arms and legs sticking out of the hole. Finally, they will glue a piece of construction paper to the back of the tube, to make a stand.

Zacchaeus Craft For Kids Teaching Resources?

This is a website that offers craft ideas for kids that can be used to teach them different things. 

There are a variety of different crafts available, and each one can be used to teach a different concept. This is a great resource for teachers who want to find new and creative ways to teach their students.

Zacchaeus Craft For Kids Teaching Resources is a website that provides educators with resources to teach children about the life of Zacchaeus. The website includes lesson plans, activities, and printables.

What Does The Story Of Zacchaeus Teach Us About Forgiveness?

The story of Zacchaeus teaches us that forgiveness is possible no matter how great the offense is. Zacchaeus was a tax collector who was hated by his community. 

He cheated and extorted people for a living. But when he met Jesus, he had a change of heart. He was willing to give up half of his possessions to make amends for his wrongs. Jesus then forgave him, and Zacchaeus went on to lead a different life.

How Did Zacchaeus Meet Jesus?

Zacchaeus was a wealthy tax collector who lived in Jericho. One day, he heard that Jesus was coming to town and wanted to see him. 

But because he was short, he couldn’t see over the crowd. So he climbed a tree. When Jesus came by, he stopped and talked to Zacchaeus. Zacchaeus was so excited that he invited Jesus to his house. Jesus accepted his invitation and this changed Zacchaeus’ life forever.

What Is The Lesson Of Zacchaeus?

The lesson of Zacchaeus is that it is never too late to change.  

This story shows us that it is never too late to change. We can always turn our lives around no matter how bad we think we are.

What Is The Significance Of Zacchaeus Climbing A Sycamore Tree?

Zacchaeus was a short man, and so he climbed the sycamore tree in order to see Jesus over the crowd. 

The sycamore tree was also known as the ” poor man’s fig tree” and so it was significant for Zacchaeus to climb it because it showed that he was humble and wanted to see Jesus.

Why Did Zacchaeus Give His Money To The Poor?

Zacchaeus was a wealthy man, but he was also a greedy man. He was known for cheating people out of their money. 

But when Zacchaeus met Jesus, something changed within him. Jesus showed Zacchaeus that it was more important to give to the poor than to keep all of his money for himself. So Zacchaeus decided to give half of his money to the poor.

Was Zacchaeus A Tax Collector?

There is some debate over whether Zacchaeus was a tax collector or not. 

The Bible does not explicitly state what his occupation was, but it is generally believed that he was a tax collector because of the context of the story. 

The people generally despised tax collectors because they were seen as dishonest and greedy. Zacchaeus was likely seen in the same light by the people of his town.

How Short Was Zacchaeus In The Bible?

Zacchaeus was a short man who is mentioned in the Bible. 

He was known for his ability to climb trees, which allowed him to see over the crowds and get a better view. 

This made him very popular with the people, but it also caused him to be ridiculed by some.

What Inspired You To Create Zacchaeus Craft For Kids?

I was inspired to create Zacchaeus Craft for Kids because I wanted to provide a fun and easy way for kids to learn about the Bible. 

The craft is designed to be both educational and entertaining, and I believe it accomplishes both of these goals.

What Materials Do You Need To Make This  Zacchaeus Craft?

Zacchaeus was a short man who climbed a tree to see Jesus. He was a rich man who gave half of his possessions to the poor.

To make this Zacchaeus craft, you will need.

  • A4 white paper
  • scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Brown paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Black marker

First, fold the paper in half. Then, cut out a small oval shape from the paper. This will be the head of Zacchaeus. Next, glue the head onto the paper. Then, use the pencil to draw the body of Zacchaeus. Once the body is drawn, paint it brown. Finally, use the black marker to draw the eyes, nose, and mouth.

What Are The Steps For Making The Zacchaeus Craft?

The steps for making the Zacchaeus craft are as follows

  • Cut out a large oval shape from brown construction paper. This will be the body of Zacchaeus.
  • Cut out a small oval shape from white construction paper. This will be Zacchaeus’ head.
  • Glue the head onto the body.
  • Cut out two small circles from black construction paper. These will be Zacchaeus’ eyes.
  • Glue the eyes onto the head.
  • Cut out a small rectangle from red construction paper. This will be Zacchaeus’ mouth.
  • Glue the mouth onto the head.
  • Cut out four small strips of brown construction paper. These will be Zacchaeus’ arms and legs.
  • Glue the arms and legs onto the body.
  • Cut a paper plate in half to make the base of the tree.
  • Cut out a tree trunk and branches from brown paper.
  • Glue the trunk and branches onto the paper plate.
  • They draw leaves on green paper and glue them onto the branches.
  • Cut out a small circle from yellow paper to make the sun.
  • Glue the sun onto the paper plate.
  • Cut out a small figure from brown paper to represent Zacchaeus.
  • Glue Zacchaeus onto the tree.
  • Write the Bible verse ona piece of paper and glue it onto the paper plate.
  •  Your Zacchaeus craft is now complete!
  • zacchaeus craft for preschoolers
  • climbing zacchaeus craft

zacchaeus craft ideas

1. Paper Plate Zacchaeus: Cut out a paper plate in the shape of a tree and have the children color it. Cut out a small circle from construction paper and have the children glue it to the top of the tree. This will be Zacchaeus. 2. Zacchaeus Finger Puppets: Cut out a small circle from construction paper and have the children color it. Cut out two small strips of construction paper and glue them to the back of the circle

zacchaeus crafts for preschoolers
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craft ideas for zacchaeus
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zacchaeus bible craft
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zacchaeus crafts for sunday school


The Zacchaeus craft for kids is a great way for kids to learn about the Bible and have fun at the same time.

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