7 Craft For Kids About Nehemiah Rebuilding The Wall


7 Craft For Kids About Nehemiah Rebuilding The Wall

Kids love crafts. They can be a great way to engage kids in the Bible, especially when you’re teaching about Nehemiah and the rebuilding of Jerusalem’s walls. Here are some of our favorite crafts for kids about this story:

Nehemiah Project Craft

  • Materials:

o Paper

o Pencils

o Colored pencils or crayons (optional)

Cupcake Liner Nehemiah Wall Craft

What you’ll need:

  • A cupcake liner
  • Scissors or a sharp knife (for older kids)
  • Marker, pencil, or paint. You could also write the story of Nehemiah on the wall with chalk!

Nehemiah Rebuilding the Wall

The first three chapters of Nehemiah tell the story of rebuilding Jerusalem’s wall. This is an awesome activity because it teaches kids to look closely at a book and read closely, which can be difficult for children to do on their own. You can choose a chapter or two that you think would work best for your child.

  • First, read through Nehemiah 1:1-3 together with your family so that everyone knows what happened in Jerusalem before they started rebuilding the wall (you could even read this out loud). Then skip down to chapter 2 and start reading from verse 17 onwards until you reach verse 19 or 20 (depending on how far you want your child(ren) to go).
  • Ask them what they thought about Nehemiah when he was reading his scroll aloud in Chapters 1-2? What did he say about himself? How did people respond to him when he talked about all the problems in Jerusalem?
  • Skim through Chapter 3 until you find verses 1-6 where people from other nations were trying get back into Israel after hearing about how poor people were treated there under King Artaxerxes’ rule (see also Ezra 4:17-22). Ask questions like: How did these foreigners feel when they heard what had happened? What might have caused them to want revenge against Israelites if they ever got back inside its borders again?

Bible Crafts About Nehemiah Rebuilding the Wall

Bible Crafts About Nehemiah Rebuilding the Wall

  • Cupcake Liner Nehemiah Wall Craft

Cut out a piece of cardboard to the size of your cupcake liner. Paint it with glue and then roll it in some sandpaper. This will give you that rough-hewn look. Now stick your cupcake liner on top and cut out a small strip from each side (the part that goes over the edge). You’ll have to tape these down to make sure they don’t move around when you paint them later!

  • Bible Crafts About Nehemiah Rebuilding the Wall

Next, draw bricks onto large pieces of paper using pencil crayons or markers (you can do this ahead of time if you like). Cut them out carefully with scissors so that they fit inside your windows without covering up any important parts or being able to see through them too much (you want good light!). Glue these onto your windows – careful no one sees them when they walk by outside!

Wall Crafts for Kids

  • Use a paper plate to draw a wall on the plate.
  • Use a cupcake liner to cut out the bricks for your wall and glue them to your paper plate with school glue or Mod Podge (you can find both of these at any local craft store).
  • Glue on any other decorations you want, such as windows, doors and windowsills (this is where you could use little pieces of string, yarn or fabric).
  • Cut out shapes from construction paper and tape them onto the wall with masking tape so they stay in place while drying (this is where you could use pieces of foam to create towers on top of your wall).

Nehemiah Building the Wall Bible Craft

The craft is simple to make and easy to follow. The instructions are simple and easy to understand, so it’s perfect for kids!

Paper Plate Bible Craft-Nehemiah Rebuilds the Walls of Jerusalem


  • Paper plate
  • Crayons or markers (for drawing the bricks)
  • Construction paper in various colors (for the window openings and doorways)
  • Glue stick or tape (for attaching other materials to construction paper)
  • Craft stick (to create a handle for your model of Jerusalem’s wall)
  • Pencil, pen, or marker (for writing on poster board if you are creating a large model of Jerusalem’s wall)
  • Poster board cut into strips 1 inch wide by 8 inches long and at least 10 inches tall to use as building blocks for your model of Jerusalem’s wall. You can also use cardboard cut into 1 inch long pieces if you don’t have poster board available.

Use these crafts as a fun way to engage kids about this story.

If you want to use these crafts as a fun way to engage kids about this story, these ideas are great for preschoolers and up. They’re easy to make, kid-friendly, and will get your young ones excited about Nehemiah and the wall! If you need more craft ideas for what else happened in Jerusalem during Nehemiah’s time there or information about the wall itself, check out our article here!

I recommend making these crafts with a group of children—it makes it less overwhelming for them (there are only so many things they can do at once). This could also be used as a Sunday School lesson or Bible study activity.

nehemiah rebuilds the wall craft or nehemiah kid activities

Sure! Here are some unique and attractive craft and kid activities ideas based on the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall:

  1. “Rebuilding the Wall” Collage: Provide the children with a variety of materials, such as paper, glue, scissors, markers, and stickers. Ask them to create a collage that depicts the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall. Encourage them to include important elements such as the broken wall, Nehemiah, the workers, and the tools they used.
  2. “Building Blocks” Activity: Have the children use building blocks or Lego bricks to create a miniature version of the wall that Nehemiah rebuilt. Once they have finished building, they can use small toy figures to act out the story of Nehemiah and the workers rebuilding the wall.
  3. “Bible Verse” Artwork: Ask the children to choose a verse from the book of Nehemiah and create an artwork that illustrates its meaning. They can use paint, markers, or colored pencils to create their artwork, and then display it on a wall in the classroom or at home.
  4. “Wall of Praise” Mural: Set up a large sheet of paper or cardboard on the wall and provide the children with markers or paint. Have them write or draw things they are thankful for on the “wall” to represent the restoration and rebuilding of Jerusalem in Nehemiah’s time.
  5. “Tools of the Trade” Activity: Provide the children with toy tools such as hammers, nails, saws, and rulers, and let them pretend to be workers rebuilding the wall. They can practice using the tools to “build” a small structure or pretend they are hammering nails into a wooden board.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but there are countless ways to create engaging and unique craft and kid activities based on the story of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall. I hope this helps!

nehemiah craft ideas or nehemiah craft

Here are some craft ideas based on the story of Nehemiah:

  1. “Rebuilding the Wall” Diorama: Have the children create a diorama of the scene of Nehemiah rebuilding the wall. They can use shoeboxes, paper, and craft supplies to create the scene. Encourage them to include details such as the workers, the broken wall, and the tools used for the rebuilding.
  2. “Wall of Remembrance” Craft: Provide the children with pieces of colored paper and ask them to write down or draw things they want to remember on the paper. They can then paste these pieces of paper onto a wall made of cardboard or paper that represents the wall Nehemiah rebuilt.
  3. “Nehemiah’s Journey” Craft: Have the children create a paper bag puppet of Nehemiah, and then create a backdrop for the puppet using craft supplies. The backdrop could show Nehemiah’s journey from Persia to Jerusalem, or it could depict a scene from when he arrived in Jerusalem to rebuild the wall.
  4. “Building Blocks” Craft: Provide the children with wooden or plastic building blocks, and encourage them to build a wall or a structure that represents the rebuilding of the wall in Nehemiah’s story. They can also use toy figures to represent Nehemiah and the workers.
  5. “Wall of Thanks” Craft: Provide the children with a large piece of paper or cardboard, and ask them to write or draw things they are thankful for on the “wall.” They can decorate the wall with markers, paint, and other craft supplies, and display it as a reminder of the importance of gratitude and thankfulness.

These are just a few craft ideas to get you started, but there are many other creative ways to incorporate Nehemiah’s story into craft activities. I hope these ideas help inspire you!

nehemiah crafts and activities

Here are some craft and activity ideas based on the story of Nehemiah:

  1. “Rebuild the Wall” Activity: Set up a mini wall made of cardboard or paper and provide children with craft supplies like paper, glue, scissors, and markers. Ask them to decorate the wall with pictures of Nehemiah, the workers, tools, and the different sections of the wall. This activity helps children visualize the rebuilding of the wall and understand the importance of teamwork.
  2. “Wall of Hope” Craft: Provide the children with small pieces of paper and ask them to write down their hopes and dreams. Have them decorate their paper with markers, stickers, or other craft supplies, and then place them on a large cardboard or paper wall. This activity teaches children to believe in themselves and that anything is possible with determination and hard work.
  3. “Building Blocks” Activity: Provide children with wooden or plastic building blocks and ask them to build a wall or structure that represents the rebuilding of the wall in Nehemiah’s story. They can use toy figures to represent Nehemiah and the workers. This activity promotes teamwork and creativity.
  4. “Tools of the Trade” Activity: Provide children with toy tools such as hammers, nails, saws, and rulers, and let them pretend to be workers rebuilding the wall. They can practice using the tools to “build” a small structure or pretend they are hammering nails into a wooden board. This activity helps children learn about the different tools used in construction and teaches them about the importance of hard work and perseverance.
  5. “Bible Verse” Artwork: Ask children to choose a verse from the book of Nehemiah and create an artwork that illustrates its meaning. They can use paint, markers, or colored pencils to create their artwork and display it on a wall in the classroom or at home. This activity promotes creativity and helps children understand the lessons from the story of Nehemiah.

These are just a few ideas for Nehemiah crafts and activities. You can modify these ideas to fit your age group, class size, and time frame. These activities will help children learn about Nehemiah and his leadership skills while having fun and being creative.

nehemiah rebuilding the wall craft

Here is an idea for a Nehemiah “Rebuilding the Wall” craft:


  • Cardboard or foam board
  • Brown construction paper
  • Grey or white paint or markers
  • Craft glue or tape
  • Scissors


  1. Cut the cardboard or foam board to the desired size of the wall.
  2. Cut brown construction paper into rectangular strips to resemble bricks.
  3. Glue or tape the brown paper strips onto the cardboard or foam board to create the wall.
  4. Using grey or white paint or markers, draw cracks and crevices on the wall to make it look like it has been damaged.
  5. Cut out small squares or rectangles from a different color construction paper to represent the stones that will be used to rebuild the wall.
  6. Glue or tape the stones onto the damaged areas of the wall, making it look like the wall is being rebuilt.
  7. Optional: Add a small paper figure of Nehemiah to the craft to represent him overseeing the rebuilding process.

This craft will help children understand the story of Nehemiah and his leadership in rebuilding the wall. They can also learn about the importance of perseverance and teamwork.

nehemiah sunday school craft

Here is an idea for a Nehemiah Sunday School craft:


  • Cardboard or foam board
  • Brown construction paper
  • Grey or white paint or markers
  • Craft glue or tape
  • Scissors
  • Printed images of Nehemiah, workers, and tools (optional)
  • Markers or colored pencils (optional)


  1. Cut the cardboard or foam board to the desired size of the wall.
  2. Cut brown construction paper into rectangular strips to resemble bricks.
  3. Glue or tape the brown paper strips onto the cardboard or foam board to create the wall.
  4. Using grey or white paint or markers, draw cracks and crevices on the wall to make it look like it has been damaged.
  5. Cut out printed images of Nehemiah, workers, and tools (if desired) and glue or tape them onto the wall to show the rebuilding process.
  6. Using markers or colored pencils, write the following Bible verse from Nehemiah 2:20 on the craft: “The God of heaven will give us success; therefore, we his servants will arise and build.”
  7. Optional: Add additional decorations such as grass, flowers, or birds to the craft to create a more detailed scene.

This craft will help children learn about the story of Nehemiah and the importance of trusting in God and working together to accomplish great things. It can also serve as a reminder of the Bible verse and the lesson learned in Sunday School.

nehemiah crafts or nehemiah bible craft

Here are a few ideas for Nehemiah Bible crafts:

  1. Nehemiah’s Wall: Create a small wall out of foam board or cardboard and have children decorate it with brick patterns made out of construction paper. Add a small figure of Nehemiah and workers to the craft. Encourage children to think about how Nehemiah led the workers in rebuilding the wall and discuss the importance of working together to accomplish a goal.
  2. Rebuilding the Gates: Cut out small pieces of cardboard in the shape of gates and have children paint them to look like they are being rebuilt. Use images from the story of Nehemiah to help inspire their designs. Have children write a Bible verse on the back of the gate or on a separate card that relates to the story of Nehemiah.
  3. Cup Towers: In Nehemiah 3:25, it mentions that goldsmiths and merchants helped with the rebuilding of the wall. Create small cups out of paper or plastic and have children stack them to create a tower. Discuss the importance of different skills and talents in rebuilding the wall and how everyone had a part to play.
  4. Nehemiah’s Prayer: Encourage children to think about the importance of prayer by creating a prayer journal or a prayer box. Use construction paper or cardboard to create a cover and have children decorate it with images from the story of Nehemiah. Inside the journal or box, have children write down prayers for themselves and others, as well as prayers for strength and guidance in following God’s plan.

These Nehemiah Bible crafts help children learn about the importance of leadership, teamwork, and perseverance, as well as the power of prayer. They also provide a fun and engaging way to connect with the story of Nehemiah and the lessons it teaches.

crafts nehemiah rebuilding wall

Here is an idea for a craft related to Nehemiah rebuilding the wall:


  • Brown construction paper
  • Grey or white paint or markers
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Cardboard or foam board (optional)


  1. Cut the brown construction paper into rectangular strips to resemble bricks.
  2. Glue or tape the brown paper strips onto the cardboard or foam board to create the wall.
  3. Using grey or white paint or markers, draw cracks and crevices on the wall to make it look like it has been damaged.
  4. Cut out small rectangles or squares from the brown construction paper to represent the stones that will be used to rebuild the wall.
  5. Glue or tape the stones onto the damaged areas of the wall, making it look like the wall is being rebuilt.
  6. Optional: Add a small figure of Nehemiah to the craft to represent him overseeing the rebuilding process.

This craft helps children understand the story of Nehemiah and his leadership in rebuilding the wall. They can also learn about the importance of perseverance and teamwork. The craft can be used as a visual aid during a lesson or activity related to the story of Nehemiah.

nehemiah building the wall craft

Here is an idea for a Nehemiah building the wall craft:


  • Brown and gray construction paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Scissors
  • Markers
  • Printed images of Nehemiah, workers, and tools (optional)


  1. Cut a piece of brown construction paper into a rectangle to represent the wall. Cut smaller rectangles to represent the bricks.
  2. Glue or tape the bricks onto the wall to create a wall shape.
  3. Cut out small squares or rectangles from the gray construction paper to represent the stones.
  4. Glue or tape the stones onto the wall to make it look like the wall is being built.
  5. Use markers to add detail to the wall, such as cracks and texture.
  6. Optional: Add printed images of Nehemiah, workers, and tools to the craft to show the rebuilding process.

This craft is a great way to help children visualize the story of Nehemiah and his leadership in rebuilding the wall. It can also help teach children about the importance of working together and persevering through challenges. The craft can be used as a visual aid during a lesson or activity related to the story of Nehemiah.

nehemiah builds the wall craft

Here’s an idea for a Nehemiah builds the wall craft:


  • Brown and gray construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Markers or colored pencils
  • Optional: printed images of Nehemiah, workers, and tools


  1. Cut a large rectangle out of brown construction paper to represent the wall.
  2. Cut smaller rectangles out of brown construction paper to represent the bricks.
  3. Cut small squares out of gray construction paper to represent the stones.
  4. Glue or tape the bricks and stones onto the wall to make it look like the wall is being built.
  5. Use markers or colored pencils to add texture to the wall and make it look more realistic.
  6. Optional: Add printed images of Nehemiah, workers, and tools to the craft to show the rebuilding process.

This craft is a fun way to teach children about the story of Nehemiah and how he led the workers to rebuild the wall. It can also help teach children about teamwork and perseverance. The craft can be used as a visual aid during a lesson or activity related to the story of Nehemiah.

nehemiah craft for preschoolers

Here’s an idea for a Nehemiah craft that is appropriate for preschoolers:


  • Large craft sticks (popsicle sticks)
  • Brown paint or markers
  • Small square pieces of brown construction paper
  • Glue or tape
  • Optional: printed image of Nehemiah


  1. Paint or color the craft sticks brown to represent the bricks.
  2. Glue or tape the craft sticks together to make a wall shape.
  3. Cut small square pieces of brown construction paper to represent the stones.
  4. Glue or tape the stones onto the wall to make it look like it is being rebuilt.
  5. Optional: Add a printed image of Nehemiah to the craft.

This craft is simple and easy for preschoolers to make while learning about the story of Nehemiah. It can also help teach children about teamwork and perseverance. The craft can be used as a visual aid during a lesson or activity related to the story of Nehemiah.

printable crafts nehemiah rebuilding wall

Here are some websites that offer printable Nehemiah rebuilding the wall crafts:

  1. DLTK’s Bible Crafts: This website offers a printable Nehemiah paper craft that involves coloring and cutting out an image of Nehemiah with a brick wall background. Here’s the
  2. Crafting the Word of God: This website offers a printable Nehemiah wall craft that involves coloring and cutting out the bricks and stones to create a 3D wall. Here’s the
  3. Bible Story Printables: This website offers a printable Nehemiah wall craft that involves coloring and cutting out the bricks and stones to create a 2D wall. Here’s the link: https://www.biblestoryprintables.com/BibleCraftsOldTestament/NehemiahRebuildsTheWallCraft.php

These printable crafts are a great way to engage children while learning about the story of Nehemiah and his leadership in rebuilding the wall. They can also help teach children about perseverance and teamwork.

nehemiah rebuilds the wall game

Here’s an idea for a Nehemiah rebuilds the wall game:


  • Large cardboard boxes or poster board
  • Brown and gray construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue
  • Markers
  • Bean bags or small balls


  1. Cut out large rectangles from cardboard boxes or poster board to represent the wall sections.
  2. Cut smaller rectangles out of brown construction paper to represent the bricks.
  3. Cut small squares out of gray construction paper to represent the stones.
  4. Tape or glue the bricks and stones onto the wall sections to make it look like the wall is being rebuilt.
  5. Use markers to add texture and details to the wall.
  6. Set up the wall sections in a row, with some distance between each section.
  7. Give each child a bean bag or small ball and have them take turns trying to toss the bean bag or ball over the wall sections to knock them down.
  8. After all the wall sections have been knocked down, have the children work together to rebuild the wall using the brick and stone cutouts.

This game is a fun way to engage children while learning about the story of Nehemiah and his leadership in rebuilding the wall. It can also help teach children about teamwork and perseverance. The game can be used as a group activity during a lesson or activity related to the story of Nehemiah.

  • building a wall craft
  • nehemiah children’s activities
  • nehemiah activities
  • story of nehemiah and the wall
  • nehemiah for kids
  • ezra rebuilding the temple craft
  • nehemiah rebuilds the wall sunday school lesson
  • craft ideas printable crafts nehemiah rebuilding wall
  • wall craft ideas
  • nehemiah activity sheets
  • nehemiah rebuilt the wall


The wall is rebuilt, the people are happy and Nehemiah gets to go home! So grab some craft supplies, find a few friends and let’s get started. nehemiah story pictures

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