13 Rose Craft For Kids

13 Rose Craft For Kids

13 Rose Craft For Kids

Roses are beautiful and make great craft supplies for kids. 

This article will show you how to use roses in several projects, such as paper roses, tissue paper flowers, and more.

Paper roses

Paper roses are made in a variety of ways, and can be made from different types of paper. They can also be crafted with a number of different glues and embellishments.

Here’s how

Select your favorite sheet of paper.

Cut it into strips and roll them into roses using tape or glue (if you prefer). For example, if you have a piece that measures 4 inches by 5 inches, try cutting it into four 3-inch strips and then rolling each strip into a tight spiral starting at the bottom edge—this will yield one long strip for your rose petals to curl around when dry! 

You can glue or tape down each end so there isn’t any extra flapping around as they dry, or leave just one side stuck down so the other three sides stay open so air can pass through during drying time.

Use scissors or an Exacto knife to cut away edges from rolled pieces until only four petals remain on each one (or fewer if desired!). After rolling all four sides through some sort of adhesive like Mod Podge Matte Finish Gel Medium, apply glitter glue dots randomly along all sides except where they intersect with another flower section–

you want these areas to remain clear so light shines through them as well; we recommend using glitter gel pens because they’re less messy than applying loose glitter directly onto wet paint without knowing exactly where it’ll end up going once dried! 

The best part about using this technique is that if any areas get too heavy with too much coating over time due to their placement further away from the center point above center point below – remember I said earlier how important that was? Well here’s why: If you put too much weight down towards the outer edge instead of towards middle portion then chances are a high chance

3D Roses

  • Paper punch.
  • Rose templates.
  • Wire frame.
  • Paper clay (for the details).
  • Balloon (just make sure it’s not a helium balloon).

Styrofoam ball or cookie cutter that has petals attached to it already (a drinking straw works, too). 

You can also cut out styrofoam balls with your kids and allow them to paint them before sticking them on petals or leaves—or even use paper towel tubes to create an accordion shape!

On A Canvas

Canvas is a great surface for painting, framing, displaying artwork, and creating art. The word canvas comes from the Latin word “canvas”, meaning sailcloth. 

Canvas has been used since ancient times to make sails and tarps, but nowadays it’s most commonly associated with oil paintings.

Canvas is also used for making tents, clothes (like jeans), and bags.

You can add texture by using different types of paint brushes or even your fingers (remember finger painting!).

Rose Collages

Rose collages are a great way to combine your love of crafting and flowers. They can be made with a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes of paper. 

Paper roses are especially easy to make and you can use them in many ways!

Use a variety of colors in the same flower or have each petal have a different color from the others.

Make lots of different sizes and shapes for your craft. For example, you can make large and small roses for each flower as well as for long-stemmed ones that look like peonies or dahlias.

You can also use different types of paper such as construction paper or tissue paper if you want it to look more delicate than regular cardstock sheets would give off while still being sturdy enough not to crumble under pressure when sticking other materials together using glue or tape (depending upon how much detail there is). If using construction paper then it might need reinforcement by using hot glue at some points where stresses might occur due to how thick these types tend to be compared

Fabric Roses

Fabric roses are great to decorate clothing, bags, and other items. 

You can use any type of fabric and a variety of colors and patterns. You can also use a variety of different types of roses.

Round Roses

To make a round rose, you’ll need

  • a cardboard plate (you can use any size)
  • paper towels or tissue paper in different colors
  • scissors
  • tape, glue, or double-sided tape

Hanging Roses

You will need

  • Wire hanger
  • Floral tape
  • Scissors


1. Cut a piece of floral tape and attach it to the middle of the wire hanger using a dab of hot glue or superglue, depending on how much time you want to spend on this. 

2. Attach another piece of floral tape so that it goes over the first piece, sandwiching your rose between them and making sure that all petals are completely covered by the two pieces of tape (you may have to cut away some excess material before applying). 

3. Place your rose onto the end of your wire hanger and use more super glue or hot glue to secure it in place if necessary

Stuffed Felt Roses

You will need.

  • Scissors
  • Needle and thread
  • Straws (optional)
  • Glue (optional)
  • Ribbons of choice (optional, but highly recommended)

This craft is great for kids who love sewing! It’s fun to make a bunch of these roses to decorate your room or give as gifts. 

You can also mix and match them with other felt flowers, like daisies or carnations. Felt is an easy material that you can cut into different shapes and sizes with scissors.

Paper Plate Roses

Paper plate roses are a fun craft for kids to make, and they’re not too complicated to create. 

You can use any color of paper plates (we like using different shades of pink!), and you can make them in any size. You can even use this same technique with other types of paper besides just the paper plate!

For this rose craft, you will need.

  • Paper plates (any shape and size)
  • Scissors
  • String or yarn

First, cut the center out of your paper plate. We recommend cutting it with a pair of scissors instead of tearing it because this makes your edges more precise when it comes time to cut out petals later on (you’ll see). 

Then take some string or yarn and wrap it around one end several times until there’s enough overlap at the base to hold firmly together—this will form part of your stem later on!

Faux Stained Glass Rose Window


  • Clear glass (This can easily be found at any craft store, or you can buy an old windowpane from a home improvement store.)
  • Red and yellow tissue paper, cut into small squares.
  • Clear tape. (You will want to use several pieces, but start with one.)
  • Scissors and glue.

Rose Chain Garland


  • Crochet hook (2mm)
  • Yarn in a variety of colors
  • Scissors or yarn-cutting tool


Take a crochet hook and wrap it with the yarn you want to use for your garland. This will give you a long piece of yarn that you can cut into pieces later if needed. You can also just keep winding your ball of yarn without cutting out any strings at this point, which will save time later when it comes time to attach everything together.

Make as many roses as desired using whatever color combination you’d like; different colored roses make an especially beautiful effect when used together! Alternatively, they can all be made using the same type of flower if desired.

this will result in what looks like one big rose made up of many smaller ones attached together by chains instead of regular stems (which would make them look less realistic). There’s no wrong way about doing this! Just have fun with it 🙂

Pom-Pom Cupcake Topper Rose Bouquet.

Did you know that pom poms are super easy to make? They’re great for all sorts of crafts, including floral arrangements. 

You can use them in the same way as a real flower but with less mess, since they’re non-biodegradable and don’t require any watering (unlike real flowers).

You’ll need.

  • Cardboard paper towel or toilet paper roll
  • String/yarn (I used craft string)
  • Scissors or utility knife (if you’re going to cut through your cardboard tube)

Tissue Paper Flowers.

Tissue paper flowers are a great craft for kids to make, especially if you have some old tissue paper on hand. 

These flowers can be made in different sizes and colors, so you can use them for many different types of crafts. They’re also perfect for decorating parties!

You will need.

  • Scissors
  • Glue (or something else that will hold the tissue paper together)

Roses Can Be Used For All Types Of Crafts For Kids

Roses are truly one of nature’s most wondrous creations, and they have been used in all sorts of crafts. With this in mind, let’s take a look at some fun ideas that use roses as the main focus.

  • Paper Rose,

This would be a great craft to make with your child while they’re in school or on vacation. You can choose various colors of construction paper and cut out petals for each flower petal. Once you’ve constructed enough flowers, glue them all together to create a stem for your rose bouquet!

  • 3D Rose. 

This project is perfect for anyone who has access to expensive materials—you’ll only need cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls! Simply cut out two circles from each tube and glue them together so that there are three layers total; 

then fill them with cotton balls or tissues until they’re full but not bulging outwards too much (these will become the center parts). For leaves, just cut strips from cardstock and glue them onto the outer rims at different angles depending on how many “leaves” you want per bloom! After everything has dried thoroughly before handling again, 

it’s time to decorate your masterpiece with paintbrushes dipped into acrylic craft paints (use whatever colors strike your fancy). You could also add glitter if desired–this will make sure it shines brightly even when hanging near other displays throughout your home or office space.”


Whether you’re looking for a creative way to teach your child about the meaning of love or just want to make an awesome decoration for their room, these flower crafts will definitely do the trick!

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