11 Lotus Flower Craft For Kids

11 Lotus Flower Craft For Kids

The lotus flower is one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. It’s also known as a water lily and grows in both fresh and salt water. 

11 Lotus Flower Craft For Kids

This popular flower can be found growing in Asia, India, South America and Africa. A lotus flower has five petals that form an oval shape around a center which will produce seeds once pollinated. Lotus flowers are very fragile and must be handled carefully so as not to damage them.

11 Lotus Flower Craft For Kids

Explore Some Of The Most Amazing Lotus Flower Craft For Kids

Lotus flowers are beautiful and they can be used to create many fun and creative projects. We have rounded up some of the most amazing lotus flower craft for kids so that you can make them at home or school.

Lotus flower symbolizes peace, purity, fortune, wealth and life. Many people make lotus crafts to bring these positive energies into their lives. 

The lotus is also thought to be one of the most sacred flowers in Buddhism because it grows from mud but blossoms above water – an analogy for spiritual development through meditation in this case (source). 

Lotus flowers are also associated with Lakshmi, goddesses of wealth, prosperity and abundance that has become popular worldwide as a symbol for prosperity due to its association with luck (source).

Basic Lotus Flower Craft

Materials needed.

  • Flower shaped sponge paint stamp (try a craft store)
  • Paper plate or other sturdy surface to hold your paper while you work with the stamp
  • Paper
  • Straws (optional)

Easy Lotus Flower Craft


  • Stick
  • Paper straws
  • Pipe cleaners in various colors
  • Toothpicks (if you want to be fancy)


Use a craft stick or popsicle stick to make petals. Cut a paper straw into different lengths and use it as the stem of your lotus flower. If you want, use pipe cleaners in varying sizes and shapes as a base for your stems. You can also use twine or string instead of straws or pipe cleaners if that’s more accessible for you!

3d Lotus Flower Craft

You will need

  • Paper cup
  • Paper plate
  • Paper towel roll or tube (optional)

What to do: Cut a slit in the bottom side of the paper cup. Then, draw five petals with tape on the outside of the cup. You can also use glue to hold them down if you want. Make sure that they touch each other and form a circle around your flower center! 

After this, cut out some leaves from green construction paper and glue them onto your lotus flower craft using hot glue or Mod Podge! If you want to add any additional details, like pearls or glitter glue then go ahead!

Tissue Paper Lotus Flower Craft

This tissue paper lotus flower craft is a perfect project for using up any leftover tissue paper you have lying around. You can also use different colors and sizes to create your own unique designs.

First, fold the tissue paper into a flower shape by creating six petals that are all the same size. For this project, I started with four petals but decided it was too difficult for my 5-year-old to attach them all at once so we ended up doing six instead!

Next, use an adhesive like glue or tape to secure each of the petals together in a cross shape on top of your foam board or cardboard (if you don’t have either of these materials you can use posterboard). If there is any excess material hanging off of each side now is when it would be easiest to trim it off with scissors!

To finish up this easy Lotus Flower Craft idea just paint over everything with acrylic paint or watercolors! You could even punch out shapes from some white construction paper and glue those onto yours before painting if you want something extra cute)

Glue Stick Lotus Flower Craft

What you need.

  • glue stick
  • toilet paper roll
  • paper or construction paper (optional)

How to make it.

Glue the toilet paper tube to the piece of paper. If you want, cut out some petals and glue them on. You can also glue a stem if you want! This will be your lotus flower craft for kids!

What else can I do with this craft?

Hang it up in your room!

You could also use it as a card holder in your locker at school when you’re not using all four sides of the notebook for homework assignments and reminders from teachers )

Stenciled Lotus Flower Craft

This is a great way to make a lotus flower craft, especially if you want the kids to be able to paint the flowers. 

If they are not too young, they can do it all on their own. You will need:

  • Paintbrushes (different sizes)
  • Watercolor paints in different colors (primary and secondary) and/or acrylic paints
  • Stencils of lotus flowers and leaves

Leaf Print Lotus Flower Craft

This is a fun way to decorate your home or garden, or anywhere else you may want to display the beautiful design of the lotus flower! 

You can use any type of leaf and make it into a unique piece of art that will be sure to impress anyone who comes into contact with your craft project. 

The best part about this activity is that there are so many different ways in which you can create your craft depending on what supplies you have available and what kind of look you’re going for.

It’s also great because once you’ve completed it, all you have to do is hang it up somewhere where people can see it!

Painted Handprint Lotus Flower Craft

Using a paintbrush, paint the petals of your lotus flower with yellow or orange paint. Ensure that you only cover the areas where you have drawn on the paper. 

You can use a small brush for this step if you like.

You can also use a larger paintbrush to paint the centre of the image, but note that this will make it harder for younger children to complete their project on their own since they might need help getting inside of all those little spaces in between each line!

Next up Use two different sized brushes (one small and one large) to fill in any remaining white space around your lotus flower so there aren’t any blank spots left behind! If needed try using watercolors instead as these tend to be less messy than regular acrylics like we used here due their transparent nature vs opaque pigments found within standard crafts paints which tend cause smudges more easily during application onto surfaces such as tissue paper sheets used here )

Embossed Toilet Paper Roll Lotus Flower Craft

Cut a toilet paper roll into 4 equal parts and glue them together. 

Paint the petals with acrylic paint and let dry. Use a paper punch to make the center of your lotus flower, then glue it all together onto your toilet paper roll!

 Cupcake Liner Lotus Flower Craft

If you’re looking for a way to make lotus flowers that’s easy, you’ve come to the right place. The cupcake liner lotus flower craft is the perfect project for kids who are just learning how to draw and cut out shapes.

You can easily find these colorful liners at your local grocery store or in bulk online. They’re made from sturdy paper, so they won’t bend or tear while you’re working on them with your little ones.

Once your child has colored their design, they’ll need to cut out their shape using scissors (available at most craft stores). There are no complicated techniques involved here—just simple snips!

Once all of the pieces have been removed from their backing sheets, it’s time for some gluing action! Start by placing each piece on top of its corresponding color; once everything is lined up perfectly (you may need an adult helper here!), apply glue very carefully around all four edges of each piece and press down firmly until they stick together seamlessly!

Origami Fortune Teller Lotus Flower Craft

The origami fortune teller is a classic paper craft that can be used to predict future events. 

It’s also a great way to teach kids about the concept of probability and statistics. In this project, you’ll learn how to make a fortune teller in the shape of a lotus flower. 

This is one of our favorite origami crafts for kids because it incorporates several different techniques, including making origami flowers and folding multiple sheets of paper at once.

Lotus Flowers Are One Of The Most Beautiful Flowers In The World

Lotus flowers are one of the most beautiful flowers in the world. In fact, they have been used as a symbol of purity and rebirth for many centuries. 

If you’re looking for an amazing craft to do with your kids, it’s time to make some lotus flower crafts!

This is one of my favorite crafts because it looks so pretty when finished and can be used as part of a centerpiece or just by itself. You’ll need:

  • Craft foam
  • Scissors (adult)
  • Lotus Flower Craft For Preschoolers
    Lotus Flower Activity
    Lotus Flower Craft Activity
    Lotus Craft For Kids
    How To Make Lotus Flower
    Craft Lotus Flower
    How To Make A Lotus Flower
    Easy Lotus Craft
  • easy lotus flower craft for kids
    lotus flower paper craftHow To Make A Lotus Flower Out Of Paper
    Lotus Flower Crafts For Preschoolers


These are some of the most amazing lotus flower craft for kids. These crafts are easy and fun to make, so you can use them as a springboard for more fun act

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