7 Craft Projects For 12-Year-Olds

7 Craft Projects For 12-Year-Olds

7 Craft Projects For 12-Year-Olds

12-year-olds are at that tricky age where it’s no longer okay for them to color but they’re not exactly qualified to sew a quilt. 

So, what can they do? Well, there are plenty of fun activities that will allow them to engage their artistic sides with little risk of injury or property damage. 

There’s no need to worry about hand-sewing: these projects combine creativity and fun in kid-friendly ways.

Glitter Glass

Materials Needed. Glitter glasses (These are commonly available at craft stores, but you could also make them yourself by using a clear glass and adding glitter to it. 

However, this will not work with all kinds of glass.)

Watercolor paint and paintbrushes for decorating the glasses. You can find watercolors at local art supply stores or online. How to Make It If you want to make your own glittery glasses, follow these Put some glue on the inside edge of each side of the glass and sprinkle a thin layer of fine glitter onto it.

Wait for about five minutes until the glue is dry then dip another piece into more glue and put more glitter on top.3)Continue doing this until you have covered entire surface of glass in layers with small pieces – be sure not too much overlap! 

The amount depends on how thickly coated you want it so experiment here if needed. Remember though thicker coatings won’t show up as well with light shining through them so keep that in mind if making something like this specifically for decoration purposes.4)If necessary wipe off any excesses from around rim area after letting sit overnight (or longer depending on thickness). 

This step isn’t required but helps keep things clean looking once finished because otherwise during use some may come off onto wearer’s hands…not good! 

If using plastic wrap then simply discard after drying process has completed since nothing else needs done besides covering up before painting ahead next step below…but remember always put plastic first before painting over top later since even slight moisture can cause colors bleed out under contact instead leaving nice clean lines behind when dried afterwards.”

Finger Knitting

Finger knitting is a fun and easy craft to make. It’s also a great craft for kids to make with their parents, or with friends!

If you’re looking for an easy-to-learn craft that your tween can make with you, finger knitting is something we highly recommend. 

It’s fun and will give them something to do on those rainy days when they’re stuck indoors.

Tie-Dyed T-Shirt

Tie-dyeing is a great way to get creative and make something unique. It’s also a lot of fun for kids who like to be artsy. 

The best part about it is that it doesn’t take much money or time, so this project can be done by even the most cash-strapped parent!

The first thing you’ll need to do is lay out some newspaper or other paper on your work surface as well as a plastic bag to put the shirt in after it’s been dyed. If you’re using food coloring, fill up your sink with water and add 1 teaspoon of washing soda (you can buy this at most grocery stores) per gallon of water. 

Put the t-shirt into the water until it’s saturated but not dripping wet; then squeeze out any excess moisture with your hands before removing from water and hanging up on a hanger or drying rack somewhere (a laundry line would probably work well too).

Now on to the fun part: tie-dying! This can involve rubber bands or rubber gloves if you want more detailed designs; otherwise just use regular cotton onesies/undershirts because they tend not get ruined easily like other fabrics do when soaked in dye baths for long periods of time–especially since many dyes have bleach ingredients which may weaken fabrics over time if left exposed long enough without proper protection like heat sealing them afterwards.”

Beaded Bracelet

Beaded bracelets are a great craft project for tweens, especially if they enjoy being creative and have an interest in fashion. A beaded bracelet can be made by hand or with the use of a loom or needle.

  • To make a beaded bracelet by hand, you’ll need:
  • beads of choice (you can get them at craft stores)
  • string or ribbon for your wrist size (for example, if your wrist is 6 inches around then use about 24 inches of string or ribbon)
  • scissors

Decoupage Ornament

Decoupage is a craft that involves applying a picture to a surface. To decoupage, you’ll need.

  • A piece of paper (or card stock) with the image you want to use printed on it
  • The glue that’s appropriate for your chosen surface (such as Mod Podge or Elmer’s glue)
  • An ornament or other object that can be covered in glue and has a smooth surface

Once you have all three of these things, apply the glue generously to the ornament and then place your paper-printed image face down on top of it. Cover everything with another layer of glue and let dry overnight before hanging on their Christmas tree!

Clothespin Dolls

Clothespins are easy to find and cheap, so they’re great if you want to make a bunch of dolls but don’t have much money or time to spend on crafting supplies.

You can paint clothespins any color, which makes it super fun for your kid! The possibilities are endless when it comes to clothespin doll arts and crafts ideas—and there’s a lot more than just painting them! 

Try gluing things (like googly eyes or paper flowers) or cutting off some of the arms for different looks. You can also use colored pencils, markers or crayons instead of paint if you’d like something more colorful than white clothespins.

These projects will be fun for kids who love arts & crafts because they don’t require much skill at all – just creativity and enthusiasm!

Make a Bookmark

  • Get a piece of cardboard and a pencil.
  • Use the pencil to draw a rectangle that is about 2 inches by 1 inch.
  • Cut out the rectangle with scissors or an X-ACTO knife (adult supervision required).
  • Use a craft knife to cut a slit about 1/4 inch wide on one side.

Crafts are fun!

If you’re a busy 12-year-old, it can be hard to find time for yourself. That’s why craft projects are so great—they’re an excellent way to unwind and spend time alone with your thoughts. 

And if you like making things with your hands, they’ll also give you an opportunity to express yourself in a different way than usual. If there’s anything that every 12-year-old needs right now (or ever), it’s more opportunities to do those things!

Some crafts are more relaxing than others, but no matter which one you decide on, the important thing is that they all provide an opportunity for creative expression and relaxation through playtime activity. 

It doesn’t matter whether or not it comes out perfectly—you’ll still end up feeling accomplished because of how much work went into creating something special for yourself or others around you


So, there you have it—seven super-fun craft projects for your 12-year-old. You can choose from this list or use them as inspiration to come up with even more awesome craft projects that are just right for your child (or children). Have fun and get creative!

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