7 Craft Activities For Toddlers 18 Months

7 Craft Activities For Toddlers 18 Months

7 Craft Activities For Toddlers 18 Months

While you might not think of craft activities when it comes to toddlers, 

There are plenty of crafting ideas that can be adapted for your little one. Below, I’ve listed some of my favorites to give you a taste of what’s possible. Read on for inspiration!


Play dough is a great activity for toddlers. 

They can explore the texture of play dough, practice using their hands and fingers to make shapes, and discover different colors. Y

You can make your own play dough or buy it at the store. If you want to make your own, try this recipe:

1 cup flour

2 cups water

2 tablespoons oil

food coloring (optional)


  • Put the paper down on a table or the floor.
  • Get some paint and spread it on the paper.
  • Let your toddler play in the paint, making shapes and splatter marks.
  • Try this with different colored paints as well!


Glue is a great way to teach toddlers about shapes and colors. 

They can use glue to make pictures, shapes, patterns, and textures.

You can also make it their job to put the glue on a piece of paper for you! This will help them learn about following instructions and taking turns.

Sensory bins

A sensory bin is a great way to introduce a variety of new, fun activities that your child can explore. 

Sensory bins are typically made up of various materials and textures, which is why they are such an engaging activity for young children. You can make your own sensory bin using items you have around the house, or purchase one at a store or online.

There are many benefits to sensory activities for toddlers:

  • Provides an outlet for children’s creativity and imagination
  • Offers new experiences in developing motor skills
  • Encourages interaction with other children through play

Pom-pom sorting

Pom-pom sorting is a great way to keep kids entertained and engaged. It’s also a great opportunity to teach them about sorting and patterns. 

To get started, all you need is a variety of pom-poms in different colors. You can also add in other objects like buttons or beads to mix things up. Once you have your materials, let the kids start sorting! 

They can sort by color, size, or shape. If you want to make it a bit more challenging, you can have them sort by multiple criteria at once. For example, they can sort by color and then by size. This activity is great for developing fine motor skills and problem solving skills. Plus, it’s just plain fun!

Sticker activity

Stickers are a great way to encourage your child’s fine motor skills and creativity. 

They’re also very versatile, so you can use them in many different ways. Some examples of what you and your toddler can do with stickers:

  • Create scenes using the stickers
  • Make shapes out of the stickers
  • Make characters with the stickers
  • Write letters using the alphabet or numbers on stickers

Unifix cubes

If you’ve got a toddler in the house, chances are good that they have a Unifix cube. 

These plastic, interlocking cubes are an excellent toy for fine motor skills and learning about shapes, colors, and patterns. 

They can be used for building towers, sorting by color, or putting them together to take pictures. There are also Unifix blocks with letters on the sides which help toddlers learn their alphabet!

Fun With The Right Materials 

Little ones can have masses of fun with the right materials and a little creative spark!

Craft activities for toddlers 18 months are so much fun! Some of the very best games and activities you can play with your toddler are creative ones. Why? Because they’re not only fun, but also teach children important life skills.

Here are seven craft activities for toddlers 18 months:

Play-Doh – A classic toy that helps to improve fine motor skills, creativity and hand-eye coordination. You can get some great ideas on how to use a bit of Play-Doh here!


Craft activities are a fantastic and easy way to keep your toddler entertained, learning and happy. By following the above tips, you will be able to give them plenty of creative inspiration and keep coming up with new ways to play together for many months and years to come!

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