7 Fun Outdoor Games For Kid Groups

7 Fun Outdoor Games For Kid Groups

7 Fun Outdoor Games For Kid Groups

Rain or shine, snow or sleet, it’s time to get your kids outside and play. And what better way to do that than with a classic game of… Capture the Flag?

Anytime my kids’ friends come over, we try to keep things fun and get them outdoors for some time playing. So, without further ado, here are some of our favorite outdoor games for kid groups:

Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a classic game that is played by two teams. The rules are simple, but the game can be played in many different ways.

The goal of Capture the Flag is to get the other team’s flag and bring it back to your base. You can make this game more interesting by adding obstacles like trees or bushes along with some kind of boundary so that players aren’t running all over your house trying to steal each other’s flags!


Tag is a classic game that’s been around since at least the early 1900s. The rules are simple: players chase each other, trying to tag or touch their opponents without getting tagged themselves. The person who’s “it” chases everyone else until they’re caught.

Variations include freeze tag (where the person who’s “it” must freeze when someone touches them), reverse tag (where those who are caught become “it”), and even water tag (for which you’ll need more than just grass). Make sure you have enough space for your group!

Safety considerations: It can be hard for kids to tell how fast they’re running and how far away from others they are, so encourage them to run slowly at first and don’t let anyone run into trees or bushes with sharp branches—you can always add those later in the game if you want!

Water Gun Fight

Set up boundaries. It’s important to set a boundary for your water gun fight so that everyone can enjoy themselves and not be injured or upset. The best way we’ve found is by using a rope, tape, or otherwise marking off your playing area. 

If you’re using a large area like a park, then the boundary should be at least 100 feet away from any buildings or other people’s property so as not to disturb them in any way!

Set time limits. Water gun fights only last as long as they do because it’s hot outside—if you want them to go on longer then make sure there are refill locations nearby (see below). If there aren’t any available refills available yet none of these rules apply!

Set limits on how many times players can reload their water guns during each round – this prevents arguments over whether someone cheated when reloading twice but the others only once per round


Kickball is a great sport for kids because it doesn’t require much equipment, can be played indoors or outdoors, and can be modified to meet the needs of all your players.

How to Play: In kickball, two teams stand on opposite sides of a field with bases at each end (or make up your own rules by adding more bases). One player from each team kicks a ball from the home base toward first base in an attempt to get it past the other team’s kicker before it touches the ground. 

This continues until one team scores three points by successfully kicking the ball past first base without having it caught by the opposing team’s catcher. If you’re looking for an inclusive way to play this game that doesn’t require any special gear or accommodations, consider using foam balls instead—they’ll still provide plenty of fun while keeping things safe and easy!


There are many different rules for basketball. Some games are more competitive and some are more inclusive, but all of them can be fun for kids.

Each team has five players on the court at one time (1-5)

The goal of the game is to score points by getting the ball through your opponent’s hoop (which has a net on it) and into their net (which does not have a net on it). You can do this by throwing or dribbling the ball towards your opponent’s basket while they try to stop you from scoring points with their defense.

You win by reaching certain goals first: 10 or 20 points, or if nobody scores after 30 minutes of playtime have passed


  • How to Play

A group of kids sits in a circle on the floor facing inward, with one child designated as “it” or “the music caller” at the center of the circle. The game begins when “the music caller” calls out a phrase, such as “one potato…two potatoes…three potatoes more!” and then claps his hands together once before continuing with whatever number he wishes to use next (e.g., four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty). 

When he reaches each number, all players must stand up and move around clockwise until they reach that number again—or if they’re already standing up, they must sit down again right away! The last player standing wins that round; then everyone sits back down and someone else starts calling numbers until there’s only one person left standing—that’s who wins!

  • How to Win

The player who wins this game has excellent reflexes and senses; she knows exactly where everyone else will be moving based solely on what she hears from their movements around her body position during clapping sequences (which sounds like “clap clap clap”). 

You can tell if someone’s good at winning this game because every time you play against them it always seems like luck is not on your side–but maybe we’re just saying that because we’re jealous/envious? This is also something I think would be fun for families who want something different than Monopoly night with grandma over Thanksgiving break–she’ll probably fall asleep halfway through anyway!

What Time Is It Mr. Wolf?

This game is all about getting away from the screen and playing more physically. It’s also a great way to get kids up and moving!

What You’ll Need.

You’ll need alarge space that you can use, such as an empty field or park. You’ll also need at least five players (but more is better). If you have ten people, that would be great! And finally, you’ll need a big bag of plastic bottles with lids on them – these will represent wolves (you can put anything inside them if they’re not filled with water or sand).

Get your kids outside and play.

We all know that kids need to get outside, but what do you do when they’re stuck indoors on a rainy day? Here are some fun indoor games that encourage outdoor play.

Glow in the Dark Tic-Tac-Toe (for 2 or more players) – Use glow-in-the-dark markers and paper. The first player draws a vertical line down the center of the paper and writes “1” at one end, then continues to draw rows on either side until they reach “9.” 

Repeat this process for each player. Players must alternate colors as they write their numbers down so no two players have identical rows or columns of numbers. When all nine squares are filled with numbers, turn off your lights! The goal is for you to use your lighted markers to play tic-tac-toe with your opponent(s). 

The first person who gets three X’s in a row wins!


I hope you enjoyed reading about all these different fun outdoor games for kids. These games are great for backyard play, summer camp, or getting in some quality family time. Whatever the situation might be, I’m sure there is a game here that will fit your needs and have everyone having fun together!


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