7 Outdoor Group Games For 5-Year-Olds

7 Outdoor Group Games For 5-Year-Olds

7 Outdoor Group Games For 5-Year-Olds

Children love to play games, and playing outside is a great way for them to get some exercise and enjoy the outdoors. It’s also a wonderful opportunity for parents, teachers, and carers to encourage healthy development. 

Games that include running around and physical activity will help develop your child’s motor skills. They are also excellent for the development of hand-eye coordination, which helps with writing skills later on in life. When children run around they breathe faster, meaning their heart beats faster. It’s important to boost circulation when you are young as it helps strengthen your blood vessels over time and promotes a healthy heart rate into adulthood.

Children learn best through play, so it is important that group activities are engaging, fun, and challenging at the same time. When looking for outdoor group games for 5-year-olds you want something that will keep them entertained whilst allowing them to work as part of a team or individually. Below I have listed 7 popular outdoor group games for 5-year-olds.

Section: Capture the flag

Musical chairs

Duck duck goose

Cat & Mouse

Yoga Poses Relay Race

Section: Water balloon toss relay race! This one takes a little preparation but can be super fun – especially in hot weather! Fill several water balloons (enough so each team has 3) with water then tie them up securely at the top. Once tied securely place on a sheet tray in the freezer until frozen solid (this may take a while). Kids can help fill balloons if they would like but should not be involved in tying them as this can be difficult/frustrating even for adults! A few hours before your party start filling additional balloons (again enough so each player gets three) with cold water from an outdoor faucet or hose making sure not too much air gets inside while doing so – these

Musical Bumps

Musical Bumps is a game of musical chairs with a twist. You can play it with or without music, but this way of playing it makes it more fun for kids since they have to anticipate the end of the song and know when to turn back around before anyone else does.

The group sits in a circle on their bottoms and moves forward one space each time someone says “bump.” 

The child who bumps into another person’s bottom must sit down until everyone has bumped into each other at least once so that there are no “safe spaces” left anymore — just an empty chair and a line of children waiting for their chance at getting bumped off!

Yoga Poses Relay Race

This is a great game for 5-year-olds to play at a birthday party. It’s a Yoga Poses Relay Race! The object of the game is to see who can do the most yoga poses in a minute. 

The first player starts by doing one yoga pose, then runs to the next player and shows them the pose. The next player then does the same pose, and so on. The first team to finish all of their yoga poses wins the game!

This game is perfect for a class of 5-year-olds who love to move and be active. It is yoga poses relay race where each child will have a yoga mat and they will need to complete the yoga poses as fast as they can. The first child to complete the yoga poses correctly, wins the game!

The Floor is Lava

The Floor is Lava is a fun twist on the classic game of tag. In this version, all players except for one are “safe.” That player must tag each other player before they can move on to another spot in the room.

The catch? The only way to do so is by saying “the floor is lava” first, which means you have to be standing on top of another player’s feet! 

This adds an extra layer of difficulty for your child who may struggle with coordination or motor skills, but it also gives them an excuse to use their voice and practice some basic vocabulary skills if they’re still learning how to count numbers higher than five.

Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek is a classic game that any child can enjoy, but it’s especially great for young children because it requires no equipment and requires only one person to be the “it.” It’s also a good game to play in pairs or teams of two, which will help develop teamwork skills. 

If you have multiple kids at home who are all about playing hide and seek with each other, make sure that you designate a spot for them to go into hiding so they don’t get too frustrated (or lost!). This way, everyone has an equal chance at winning the game.

One fun twist on this classic favorite is having the kids hide together in different spots throughout your house or outside. Or instead of having them come out when they’re found by another person like most traditional versions allow – tell them they need to stay hidden until someone finds them! 

This makes things more challenging since there are fewer places available where one could easily find another hider without searching around first…and it’ll give everyone some extra incentive not only because now whoever finds someone wins points (i.e., gets 10 points), but also because if anyone leaves their hiding place before being found then they’ll be penalized with 10 extra points deducted from their overall score total! 

The catch here though would be identifying which player was moving around within those scenes – something easier said than done considering each character could either have their eyes closed while moving around (so as not see their surroundings clearly) OR else may know exactly where others are located ahead of time through prior knowledge about what items might contain such information!

Ping Pong Ball Game

The ping pong ball game is a great game for 5-year-olds because it encourages the development of hand-eye coordination, physical fitness, and social skills. The objective of the game is to keep a ping pong ball in the air without letting it hit the ground. 

Each player gets three tries before their turn ends and another player gets a chance to catch it. This game can be played by two or more people at once, but only one person throws it at a time until everyone has had their turn.

The first player stands with his feet shoulder-width apart holding one end of an elastic band above his head horizontally so that there’s enough slack in both ends to allow him to bend down low enough to grab onto one end while still keeping his hands high up in front of him. 

He then takes hold of both ends with each hand and pulls them apart until there’s tension on both sides before releasing them quickly so they snap back together catching any incoming projectile under its inertia which will cause it to go flying upward towards someone else who needs practice catching things!

Duck Duck Goose

Duck Duck Goose is a fun game of tag that can be played in both indoor and outdoor settings. To play, all you need is a large grassy area and enough space to run around.

To set up the game, start by choosing an “it” player and assigning them a number between 1 and 4. Make sure your group has at least 3 people playing or else it won’t work very well!

The first thing everyone needs to do when playing this game is sit down on the ground in a circle together (let’s call it “the duck line”). This will act as your starting point for each round of play because once someone captures another player, they’ll have no choice but to cross over into “goose territory” where they’ll have their turn at being tagged out by whoever was previously standing there–that person becomes “it” for their next round!

Jumping Rope

To play, you will need a rope and at least two players. You can set up this game by tying one end of the rope to something sturdy, like a tree or pole. Then, hold the other end of the rope and have your partner hop on one foot while trying to catch it in their hands as you swing it back and forth. 

If they catch it three times in a row without letting go, that person wins! This game is great because it teaches young children to hand-eye coordination skills while also improving their balance and gross motor skills (how they move their muscles).

To keep this game fun for everyone involved: make sure no one gets hurt; if someone falls off balance during an attempt at catching, try again later when they’re ready; if someone keeps getting knocked over by another player’s failed attempts at catching but doesn’t want to quit playing—let them try again later once they’ve had enough rest time between rounds.

don’t let any one person dominate by always winning; give everyone equal amounts of time playing so no one feels left out during those moments when only two people are playing versus five players (or more)!

Great Outdoor Group Games 

There are lots of great outdoor group games to play with five-year-olds! These games are fun and can be played in many different places, they’re good for both boys and girls, and they’re also good for a range of ages.

Cookie Monster Tag: This is a classic game that can be played indoors or out. One person becomes the cookie monster and hides around the house/yard while everyone else tries to tag them. 

Once someone tags them, that person becomes the new cookie monster. If you want to make it more challenging, have everyone wear blindfolds so they can’t see where their friends are hiding!

Musical Chairs: This is another classic kid’s game that doesn’t have any set rules—you just need chairs or stumps for everyone playing! The first person starts by sitting down on one end of an empty row of chairs (or stumps). 

Then each player has to grab one chair from their side as fast as possible until all but one chair is taken away from either end. When there’s only one left standing at either end without someone sitting on top of it (or leaning against), whichever player has been left behind loses!


It’s fun to play outside with your kids, but you don’t always have the right games for them. This list of outdoor group games for five-year-olds will give you options whether it’s a rainy day or summertime!

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