7 Paper Easter Basket Craft For Kids

7 Paper Easter Basket Craft For Kids

7 Paper Easter Basket Craft For Kids

The Easter bunny is coming! The Easter bunny is coming! That’s right, it’s that time of year again when the kids get super excited about finding eggs in their baskets on Easter morning. 

And while those eggs might be made of chocolate, the baskets they come in are a little more exciting. In this post, we’ll show you how to make seven different types of paper baskets that will turn your child into an Easter basket-making pro! 

We’ll start with two simple shapes: the cone and cylinder. Then we move on to more advanced ones like triangles and diamonds.

Paper Plate Baskets

Paper plates are easy to find, cheap, and easy to work with. To make a paper plate basket you will need.

  • Paper Plate Baskets (of course)
  • Glue Gun or hot glue gun
  • Scissors or utility knife
  • Tissue paper (or any kind of material you’d like to use)

Toilet Roll Baskets

Toilet roll baskets are a great way to reuse those empty rolls that you have lying around the house. 

You can use different colored toilet rolls to make them look really colorful and pretty, or you could use white ones if you wanted a simple basket.

To make this basket, you will need:

  • 6 large toilet rolls (they don’t have to be empty)
  • blue craft glue or poster paint

Newspaper Baskets

Use newspaper and glue to make a basket that your kids can decorate.

  • Use their creativity to design the basket in any way they’d like. They can use crayons or markers, glitter, or stickers. It’s up to you!
  • For an extra twist on this craft, set aside one newspaper basket for storing Easter candy and hiding it from the other baskets.

Striped Paper Bag Baskets

The Striped Paper Bag Basket is a great project for kids to enjoy making, and it makes a perfect springtime treat basket. 

All you need is some colorful construction paper, scissors, and glue!


1 paper bag

construction paper in several colors (different colors of construction paper can be used on different parts of the basket)

scissors or craft knife (adult supervision required)

Diamond Paper Cup Woven Basket


  • Paper cups
  • Glue (white glue, regular and fabric glue)
  • String (clear monofilament fishing line works best)
  • Scissors
  • Pencil

Ruler or tape measure to measure the circumference of each cup, which is necessary for cutting string to the right length.  

Also, you’ll need a pen and paper for this step. Although not necessary, having a few paper clips on hand will make life easier when it comes time to assemble your basket.*

Felt Scraps Basket (or Lunch Bag)

  • Felt Scraps Basket (or Lunch Bag)
  • Paper plate
  • Paper cup

Paper bag, recycled paper lunch bag, or recycled paper grocery bag. You could use a Glad Forceflex Large Drawstring Trash Bag for this one! Or any other type of drawstring trash bag will work too!

Paper towel roll, cardboard box or cardboard tube – cut in half and cover with tissue paper or wrapping paper.

Recycled Cardboard Box Basket (with optional handle)

You can use a shoebox, a cereal box, or any other box that is the right size.

  • You can add a handle to make it easier to carry.
  • This basket is perfect for filling with Easter candy and small toys! 

Or you can fill it with paper towel rolls and use it as a pencil holder at your desk at work.

If you want to decorate your basket with paint or stickers, we recommend covering the entire box in wrapping paper first (or even newspaper) so that when you apply paint or stickers on top of that paper layer they’ll stay put better than if they were just sitting on top of colored cardboard alone!

Your kids will have fun making these Easter baskets!

They’re easy to make and made from paper, cardboard, and fabric. These Easter baskets are perfect for any occasion. The kids will love it!

If your kids are anything like mine, they’ll be overjoyed with the chance to create their own artistic masterpieces!

The best part is that there’s no wrong way to decorate an Easter basket: all you need is imagination and some basic crafting skills. 

For older children who want more of a challenge, there are plenty of ways you can strengthen their fine motor skills by using different types of materials or creating more intricate designs.


We hope you and your kids have enjoyed making these Easter baskets. They are easy to make and can be made from recycled items or old materials around the house. You will find that they are great for storing summer toys, books, art supplies or even as gifts!

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