7 Vegetable Craft For Kids

7 Vegetable Craft For Kids

7 Vegetable Craft For Kids

Vegetable crafts for kids are a great way to help your little ones get some hands-on time in the kitchen. 

They’re also a fun way to focus on healthy eating. We’ve rounded up 7 of our favorite vegetable crafts that are sure to inspire you and your child when it comes to cooking, decorating, and crafting with vegetables!

Eggplant Pencil

Eggplants are a great vegetable to use for crafts because they have such an interesting shape and color. 

This eggplant pencil craft is easy to make and will look great on your desk or in your pencil case!

Cut off the top of the eggplant. Place it on a flat surface and cut out two circles. You can use a small bowl as a guide if you want them to be perfectly round and symmetrical—but this isn’t necessary!

Use pinking shears or regular scissors to cut along the side of each circle, making sure not to cut all the way through (you should be able at least halfway through). Then push up from inside of each circle so that it folds inward, creating what looks like petals around the bottom half of your eggplant “flower.”

Using a hot glue gun or other adhesives (we recommend tacky glue), attach long strips of yarn onto the backside of both sides of your flower so that they stick out like leaves (one side with two strings while another has three). Let dry before continuing on!

Cucumber Nightlight

How to make a Cucumber Nightlight

Use a cucumber, small bowl, and light bulb to make this craft. First, cut the cucumber in half lengthwise (the long way). Remove the seeds and pulp from both halves of the cucumber using a spoon or your fingers.

Place each half of your hollowed-out cucumbers into their own separate bowls full of water; then add some ice cubes for added effect!

You can now place your hollowed-out cukes on top of each other with their open sides facing down toward where they will receive light from your light source (e.g., lamp) underneath them so that they look like lamps themselves when lit up at night time!

Tomatoes Necklace


  • A tomato or two, depending on the size of your necklace.
  • Paint in various colors (optional)
  • Glue (optional)

Potato Piggy Bank

The first and easiest vegetable craft for kids is the potato piggy bank. Kids can use a real potato or one of those fake ones, but either way, this little piggy will be loaded with change in no time.

  • To make your own potato piggy bank
  • Take a large (2-3 inches across) potato and draw on it with a marker or crayon. 

You can write “piggy” if you want to be cute or use any design that suits you; it doesn’t have to look like anything in particular! As long as there are no holes yet in your potato, it’s game on!

Use a toothpick to poke holes around the outside edge of your drawing—these should be about ¼ inch apart from each other. This will allow coins to pass through without getting stuck on one side of the coin slot as they go through your coin pouch’s mouth (the hole).

Carrot Succulent Pots

What you’ll need. Carrot tops, root vegetables, and/or a variety of colorful vegetables (e.g., radishes, beets) to use as flower pots.

Paper towel rolls (optional) for the stems of the plants. If you don’t have these on hand at home, you can use a thin dowel or even pipe cleaners cut into pieces of varying lengths.

  • Step 1

Cut carrot tops into small pieces about two inches long each. You can also just use the roots if desired—just make sure they are clean!

  • Step 2

Roll up your paper towel roll or other stem material and push it gently into one end of an empty toilet paper roll until it fits snugly inside but doesn’t fall out easily when turned upside down 

(if using). This will be used as your pot holder while making flowers with leaves over top later on in this craft project!

Chili Pepper Pinata


  • Paper mache
  • Paint (red, yellow, and green)
  • Paintbrush (for each color of paint)
  • Ribbon (8-10′ long)
  • Pom poms (1/4″) for pepper seeds
  • Glue sticks or hot glue gun

Paper in different colors for making the pepper’s face with a smiley face or eyes, nose, and mouth. You could draw this on paper first before gluing it to the paper mache pot. 

You can also use construction paper for this project if you want to make it colorful instead of using white paper. You may also want to add some glitter as well if you have some! We didn’t do that but it would look nice too! 

To make the stem stick out more make sure it’s thick enough so that it doesn’t break off easily while playing with your piñata toy later on down the road…

Peppermint Candy Wreath

You will need

  • peppermint candies
  • a wreath form, or a circle of felt (to make your own, see directions below)
  • ribbon to hang it with
  • Place the peppermint candies on the wreath form in whichever pattern you like, making sure to overlap them so that no gaps are visible.
  • Once all of your candy is on there and arranged nicely, tie a bow around your wreath so it doesn’t fall off when hung up!

These Are Vegetable Crafts For Kids!

Vegetable crafts for kids are a great way to get your little ones playing with their food. If you want to try out some fun and creative ways to use vegetables, here are seven vegetable crafts for kids.

  • Eggplant 

Eggplants produce fruit inside them, which makes them look like they’re pregnant. They can be used in any kind of craft project that involves seeds or eggplants.

  • Cucumber

Cucumbers have a very smooth surface on the outside, but inside there are many seeds that look like little peas or balls. You can use this vegetable in any craft project where seeds would be appropriate!

  • Tomato

Tomatoes grow from vines on plants with green leaves and red flowers (or pink ones sometimes). They’re easy to find at most grocery stores too! If you want some ideas on how to use tomatoes in your next art session, check out these tomato craft ideas below!


We hope you enjoyed these 7 vegetable crafts for kids. They are all easy to make, inexpensive and can be done in a few minutes or less!

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