7 Potato Craft For Kids

7 Potato Craft For Kids

Whether you’re looking for a fun way to spend a day with your kids or just want to make something cute for yourself, these potato crafts are the perfect project. 

7 Potato Craft For Kids

All you need is some potatoes, watercolor paints, and paper—all of which can be found at your local dollar store!

Potato Print Fish Picture

  • Potato print fish are the perfect way to spend a day with your kids.
  • They’re easy to make, and the potato is an unexpected medium for this art.
  • The potato prints will last for a few days and can be used as coasters or decorations.

Potato Stamp Flowers

Potato stamp flowers are easy to make and can be used as ornaments, or even hung in a window. 

You can also use old potatoes to make potato stamp flowers by peeling off the skin and using the inside of the potato as a canvas.

If you have a lot of potatoes that have gone bad and are trying to figure out what to do with them, this is a great way to use up all those extra spuds!

Potato Print Heart-Shaped Cards

Take the potato print heart-shaped card and use a heart-shaped cookie cutter to cut out a large heart from the middle of it.

Take your heart-shaped card and punch holes around the edge, using a hole puncher or set of scissors with rounded corners (for ease of use).

Now you can use your potato to stamp out some cute little hearts!

Potato Stamp Bookmarks

You will need.

  • a potato, a knife, and a stamp pad (optional)
  • Cut the potato in half.
  • Make a slot in one of the cut sides to hold your bookmark.

Stamp the other side with some designs using your stamp pad if you have one (or just draw on it). 

If you don’t have any stamps, you can use other items like paint brushes or pens to make patterns on the potato before stamping them onto paper.

Potato Print Monogram Coasters

Potato print monogram coasters are a great way to use up leftover potatoes. 

They’re also an easy craft for kids to make, and they can be made in any size or shape you like—round, square, oval…you name it! Just don’t forget the glue so that you can stick them together when they dry.

Potato Stamp Owl Art


  • 1 potato
  • 1 small jar of paint (or more if you’re doing a project with several kids)
  • Paper to use as your canvas (I used scrapbooking paper)


Wash and dry your potato, then use a paring knife to slice off the top so it’s flat on both sides. This will make it easier for little fingers to hold and stamp the potatoes, 

but feel free to skip this step if you want your kids to just pick up the potatoes by their tops and press them down into a surface for art! Once you have your little stampers ready, spread out their canvases on a tray or tabletop that has been covered with newspaper or plastic wrap (this keeps everything clean). 

Have some brushes nearby that are easy for little hands to hold and dip them in paint before handing them over—you could also use Q-tips if they don’t mind getting messy like me Let children go crazy creating patterns or designs with their stamps wherever they wish on the paper until it looks good enough!

Potatoes Make Great Building Blocks!

Potatoes make a great building block. And they’re easy to peel, inexpensive and healthy! Here are some potato crafts your kids can try out.

  • Make a potato clock. 

This is a fun way for your kids to learn about time and how clocks work. It’s also pretty easy if you have an adult helping with the cutting of the potato into slices and drilling holes for the hands.

  • Create a family tree by carving names 

into potatoes with a sharp knife or drill bit so that each person has their own “potato name.” Once everyone has their own unique piece of potato art, hang them up on display as part of your home decor or keep them in storage so they can be passed down through generations!

  • Bake some sweet potatoes

 in the oven (350 degrees Fahrenheit) until soft (about 45 minutes), scoop out the flesh into a bowl and mash it well before adding flour, sugar & cinnamon until thick enough consistency not stick together anymore when spoon dipped out onto the plate; 

then roll the mixture into small balls about the size needed for cookie-cutter shape which will then be pressed into a flat surface lightly but firm enough not to break apart easily once cooled completely so when baked again after glazed ones come out just the right amount of icing added inside a middle hole cut prior baking process makes tasty treat perfect dessert choice any time day

These Potato Crafts Are A Great Way To Spend A Day With Your Kids!

Potato crafts are fun for kids because they can be simple or complex, depending on the level of difficulty that you want. 

Some of them require some adult supervision, but many do not. Potato crafts also teach children about creativity and how to use their imaginations when they create beautiful works of art out of simple things like potatoes.


Potatocraft seems to be a Minecraft server that offers different game modes, such as survival, creative, and mini games. More information on the specific features and offerings of Potatocraft can be found on their official website or by contacting their support team.

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but I am not aware of any specific website or service called “Potatocraft.” There are many websites and online services related to gaming, crafting, and other topics that might use the term “Potatocraft” in their name or content, but without more information, I cannot provide a specific answer. If you could provide additional details or context about what you are looking for, I may be able to assist you further.

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Potatocraft is a Minecraft server that is focused on creating a fun and engaging environment for players.

It has a custom map with various features such as quests, custom items, and events. Potatocraft also has a friendly and active community that players can join and interact with. To play on the Potatocraft server, you would need to have a Minecraft account and connect to the server using its IP address, which is currently “

potato craft ideas

Here are some creative Potato craft ideas you might enjoy:

Potato Stamping: Cut a potato in half, carve a design on one side, and use it to stamp paint onto paper or fabric.

Potato Heads: Use potatoes as the base for creating fun and silly characters with various features like googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and pom-poms.

Potato Prints: Carve designs into a potato and use it to create a pattern on wrapping paper, cards, or other paper products.

Potato Vases: Carve out the center of a potato, fill it with water, and use it as a unique vase for small flowers.

Potato Animals: Use small potatoes to create animal figures by attaching features like toothpicks for legs or pipe cleaners for tails.

Potato Jewelry: Carve small pieces of potato into shapes like hearts, stars, or circles and string them together to create unique pieces of jewelry.

Potato Lanterns: Carve a design into a potato and place a tea light candle inside to create a glowing lantern.

These are just a few ideas to get you started, but the possibilities for potato crafts are endless. Get creative and have fun!


We hope you enjoyed our roundup of seven potato crafts for kids. If you found this list useful, share it with your friends!

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