9 Crazy Craft For Kids

9 Crazy Craft For Kids

9 Crazy Craft For Kids

These are the best craft ideas for kids that we’ve found online. 

We’ve tried them all and they work great!

Bubble Wrap Sun Catchers

Materials needed

  • 1 piece of bubble wrap (at least 10 inches in diameter)
  • scissors or a craft knife, pencil, and ruler for cutting out the circle shapes.
  • Take your bubble wrap and cut out a large circle from it that’s about 6 to 7 inches larger than the jar/bottle you’re going to use as a mold.

Once you’ve cut out your circular shape, draw another smaller circle on top of it using your pencil so that there’s an extra 2-3 inches of space between them when they overlap (this will be where all your colored pieces will hang).

Cut around this second circle using either scissors or a craft knife, then remove any excess material around it until only two layers remain (your outer layer + inner layer).

Carefully slide both layers into your glass jar/bottle and secure them tightly by pressing them against its sides with one hand while holding onto the bottom with another hand (you can also use tape if necessary). This step is important because if these layers aren’t secure enough then air won’t be able to move through it properly during drying time which could lead to bubbles popping off too soon!

Have You got Bubble Wrap In Your Recycling Bin? 

Why not turn it into a new craft with your kids! This beautiful sun catcher will be a great addition to any window and is super easy to make.

  • Cut the top off an egg carton.
  • Use toilet rolls and chenille stems to make the squid’s tentacles.
  • Glue buttons for eyes onto a pencil eraser head and add feet with pipe cleaners.

Paper Plate Ladybug


  • A paper plate (it’s easier to paint on if it is flatter)
  • Paint in colors of your choice, or paint the paper plate in a solid color if you want to use markers.
  • Paints, pens, and crayons can be used for this craft. You can also buy colored construction paper and use it instead of painting a plate.

How long does it take? It takes about 30 minutes once you have all your materials gathered together. It will take longer depending on how messy your child gets while painting!

What should I do after my kid finishes this craft? You could leave it as is, or cover it with clear tape and add glitter or sequins for extra sparkle!

This adorable paper plate ladybug is a great craft for kids. 

It’s quick to make, uses simple materials and the outcome is so cute! Hang it up indoors or out – it’s sure to brighten up any wall or fence.

This adorable paper plate ladybug is a great craft for kids. It’s quick to make, uses simple materials and the outcome is so cute! Hang it up indoors or out – it’s sure to brighten up any wall or fence.

Cut a paper plate in half using scissors.

Cut a long strip of green construction paper that fits around your half-plate (it should be about twice as long as the diameter of the plate). Tape it onto one side of your plate in a stripe pattern from top to bottom, leaving about an inch at each end uncovered by tape – these will be part of your antennae later on!

Egg Carton Caterpillar

This is a great craft for kids and adults alike, and it can be done with very little prep work. You’ll need an egg carton, construction paper, markers or crayons, and scissors. 

The first thing to do is cut out the base of the egg carton so that it’s flat on the bottom. 

Next draw two circles for eyes on each side of your caterpillar body; one on top and one below it at about half an inch from where your caterpillar ends (look at pictures of real caterpillars for reference). 

Once you’ve drawn in its eyes take some small pieces of construction paper (or even scraps from previous crafts) and fold them over themselves four times each until they’re nice and skinny like antennae; then glue those onto either side of your body where they meet up with another piece coming down from above it that looks like legs! You can also cut off pieces towards their bottom end so they look like toes too! 

Now comes time for coloring everything in with markers or crayons—make sure all edges are clean before moving on to the next step! 

Finally, glue down triangle shapes onto either side so they look like feet underneath this guy while also attaching googly eyes just above where his head will be placed later on top off everything else!

Transform an egg carton into something a little more interesting with this egg carton caterpillar craft for kids! 

Use a pencil eraser as the head and recycled buttons for eyes, then cut the top of the egg carton into legs and there you have it!

This craft is quick and easy and can be done with minimal supplies. All you need is:

  • An egg carton
  • Scissors
  • Pencil eraser (optional)
  • Recycled buttons (the kind with no shank)

Toilet Roll Squid

Toilet roll squid is a classic craft for kids to make. It’s easy, and it looks great! You can make one for any occasion: anniversaries, birthdays, weddings… you name it!

You’ll need recycled materials like toilet rolls (obviously) and cotton balls or balloons. You might want to get some scissors too.

First, you’ll need to cut your toilet rolls into pieces of different sizes—the bigger they are the fatter the squid will be when it’s finished. If you’re making one with smaller children then keep these pieces small enough so that they can’t hurt themselves on them when they’re playing with it later on in life! 

Then glue all these pieces together (you can use PVA glue). When it’s dry add some eyes made out of paint or felt using a needle or pin if necessary – now your squids are ready for action!

This Toilet Roll Squid Iis Definitely 

one of our more adventurous crafts – but we just love it! Combining toilet rolls with chenille stems you can create a whole family of squids in no time at all. 

Not only are they loads of fun to make they look great hanging from the ceiling too!

This toilet roll squid is definitely one of our more adventurous crafts 

but we just love it! Combining toilet rolls with chenille stems you can create a whole family of squids in no time at all. Not only are they loads of fun to make they look great hanging from the ceiling too!

Toilet rolls are very versatile, you can use them as:

  • Stems for flowers (we love this idea)
  • A centerpiece on your table
  • The base for a dinosaur or other animal sculpture
  • Wiggly fingers (for Halloween)

Jellyfish Fish Craft For Kids


  • clear plastic sheeting
  • white glue
  • paintbrushes
  • plastic spoons, forks, and knives (optional)


Lay out your plastic sheeting flat on the table or floor. You’ll need enough to cover a large area (at least two or three feet square). If you don’t have enough plastic cut from your poncho, use two sheets of different colors. 

Cut them apart so you end up with two long rectangular pieces—one for each side of your jellyfish fish craft for kids. The sides should be about 5 feet long and 3 feet tall if you’re using a twin bed-size piece of poncho material (or a little smaller if using any other size). 

Fold one side over onto itself by 1/3rds so that it becomes narrower across its length but longer in height; this will become the top part of our jellyfish fish craft for kids’ bodies! Trim any uneven edges after folding so that they’re smoothed out nicely before moving on to step 2 below!


If you have younger kids, this craft is perfect for them. It’s easy to make and doesn’t require any special tools or materials. All you need is paper and scissors! These fish are super cute and best of all they float so can be used as bath toys too!

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