How Video Games Help Child Development

How Video Games Help Child Development

How Video Games Help Child Development

It is a well-known fact that children love video games. They are often seen as a source of entertainment and can be a great way to keep children occupied. 

However, did you know that video games can actually help with child development? There are many benefits to playing video games, including the development of hand-eye coordination, improved problem-solving skills, and increased memory. 

Additionally, video games can help children to develop social skills, such as teamwork and communication. So, next time your child is asking to play their favorite video game, don’t say no! Encourage them to play, and watch them develop essential skills that will help them in their future.

They Help Kids Learn Logical Reasoning And Basic Math

One of the most important skills that every kid needs to have is a strong grasp of basic math. Math is a critical skill for kids because it helps them learn how to problem solve and make good decisions, which are both essential skills in order to succeed later on in life.

There are many ways that video games can help children develop their logical reasoning and basic math skills. One way is by introducing kids to math concepts through the gameplay itself—for example when playing Super Mario Odyssey or 

In the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, kids can learn about numbers by counting mushrooms or gold pieces picked up along their journey throughout each level. Another way developers use games as teaching tools is by creating specific mini-games within their games based on particular mathematical principles—for example, an entire chapter within Pokémon Sun/Moon revolves around using numbers on your calculator watch (the Rotom Dex) so you can catch rare Pokémon!

They Encourage Kids To Problem-solve

Video games can play a role in the development of your child’s problem-solving skills. As they progress through the game, they will encounter obstacles that require them to think creatively and use logic to solve their problems. 

They learn how to take risks, be creative, work as a team, and also be patient while waiting for things to happen in the game.

The way we do things today may not be the same way our parents did it or even how we did it yesterday! This is why children need exposure to new ideas and ways of thinking about things through video games. 

Video games allow them to explore different situations without having any real consequences if something goes wrong. It encourages them to take risks and try new things without fear of failure because there isn’t really anything at stake when playing video games (except maybe losing some points). For example.

If a child is too shy around other kids but doesn’t want this behavior anymore then playing certain types of social games will help break down those barriers slowly over time until eventually, that shyness goes away completely – which isn’t possible using other methods like talking therapy sessions alone.”

Super Mario Odyssey

Super Mario Odyssey is a 3D platformer game that was released in October 2017. The game has been praised by many critics, who call it one of the best games ever made. 

In it, Mario travels through various kingdoms to collect moons. One thing that makes Super Mario Odyssey so great is that you can use your hat to possess enemies and objects in the world! You can also use your hat to fly around or swim underwater. The best part about this game is that you can even use your hat as an umbrella if it rains!

The reason why we love Super Mario Odyssey so much is that it allows us to explore new worlds and learn more about ourselves at the same time—and we think everyone should play it!

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild

In The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, you play as Link, a young man who wakes up 100 years after the events of Ocarina of Time. 

Hyrule is now an expansive wilderness that stretches far beyond what was previously known as Koridai or Hyrule Field. In Breath of the Wild, there are no towns or villages; instead, players explore a massive world filled with ruins and dungeons that contain important items and challenges along their journey.

The game takes place in a large open-world environment where players can explore mountains, forests, and plains at their leisure. Players also have access to different climates throughout their journey including deserts and snowfields which will affect how Link looks as he progresses through his adventure (for example: wearing warm clothes when exploring icy terrain).

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is a racing game for the Nintendo Switch that players can play alone or with up to seven other players. 

The game has 32 tracks and 48 characters from the Mario franchise, including Mario, Luigi, and Peach as well as Bowser, Yoshi, and Donkey Kong. There are also eight additional characters available for purchase in-game: Wario, Waluigi, and Rosalina.

As you race through each course using vehicles like go-karts and bikes (or even on foot), there are numerous obstacles to overcome including jumps over chasms or around obstacles in your way; spinning wheels that must be avoided.

items dropped by other players that can help you or slow you down; boosts along the track giving your vehicle a speed boost at certain points; coins scattered everywhere that allow you to buy new items such as weapons or vehicles; shrinking walls at certain points during races where only small vehicles can pass through safely while larger vehicles hit them causing damage to those who get caught inside them

Super Smash Bros Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a fighting game for the Nintendo Switch that was released on December 7, 2018. 

It is the fifth installment in the Super Smash Bros. series and the first since 2008. The game features every fighter from previous games, 

including Link, Donkey Kong, Princess Peach, and more than 1,800 stages to play on (including all-new stages).

They Can Enhance Hand-eye Coordination

Not only that, but you can learn to develop and build other skills, such as hand-eye coordination. 

Hand-eye coordination is a skill that improves with practice, so playing video games is a great way to help your child improve this skill.

Games like Minecraft and Roblox are fantastic for improving hand-eye coordination because they require players to use their mouse or controller to interact with objects on screen. Other examples include anything where you have to aim and shoot objects such as Angry Birds or Flappy Bird.

They Teach Kids To Make Tough Decisions

A child who plays video games has to make tough decisions. They can choose to save the princess, or they can choose to save themselves. 

They can choose to kill a monster, or they can choose not to kill it and let it go free. In order to maximize their score in a game, they’ll have to decide how long they’re willing to risk their life for an extra point or two (or three). 

It’s important that children learn how difficult these choices are so that when they grow up and face real-life choices themselves, they know what their options are and which ones are most likely going to lead them down the path of happiness (i.e., not those involving killing monsters).

They Compare Games To The Real World

Games can be a good way to introduce children to the real world. This is especially true when it comes to learning about what happens in nature. For example, 

if you have a child who doesn’t understand why rain occurs, you can use a game like Sims FreePlay (a free version of The Sims) as a tool for teaching your child how to play with characters who live in houses and interact with each other. 

After playing this game together for a while and having fun, your child might start asking questions about why people live in houses or why some people don’t live in houses but instead sleep on the streets or under bridges. You’ll be able to tell them that those are things that happen in real life!

Similarly, there are many ways games can help children learn about history before they go back to school next year: reading books together about historical events; playing games like Assassin’s Creed Syndicate which takes place during Victorian-era England; visiting museums where interactive exhibits will teach them more information than any textbook could ever hope accomplish alone–and much more besides!

They Can Help Kids Empathize And Understand Emotions

Empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of another, is an important part of child development. Kids who have developed empathy are better able to interact with others and form positive relationships. 

They are also more likely to be kind and compassionate toward others in their lives, which can lead them to become caring adults.

Empathy can be learned through exposure, practice, and modeling. Watching characters in movies or video games react with compassion allows children an opportunity to observe how they respond emotionally and mentally to these situations themselves. 

This helps them identify their own feelings as well as those of others around them—a skill that will help them navigate the world effectively later on when they interact with other people throughout life

ThinkFun Games for Learning

We also love the ThinkFun line of games. 

These are great for developing critical thinking skills and encouraging children to use math, reading, science, and language arts in fun ways. 

They’re also a good way to teach your child how to be competitive while still learning together.


It is clear that video games can have a positive impact on child development. They can help children develop problem-solving skills, improve their hand-eye coordination, and increase their level of concentration. Additionally, video games can also teach children how to socialize and interact with other people. With so many benefits, it is no wonder that video games are becoming increasingly popular among children of all ages.

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