11 Cuckoo Clock Craft For Kids

11 Cuckoo Clock Craft For Kids

Looking for a fun, kid-friendly craft tock Craft For Kids do with the whole family? The cuckoo clock is a classic design that goes back centuries. But you don’t need to buy one when you can make your own! Here are 11 simple DIY cuckoo clocks you can make at home from recycled items.

11 Cuckoo Clock Craft For Kids

Music Paper Clock Craft

What You Need.

  • Music paper
  • Pencils or markers
  • Scissors/craft knife and cutting mat (optional)

How To Make This Craft.

Cut out the cuckoo clock shape from the music paper, using a pencil or marker to trace it first if you’re not confident with your cutting skills yet. If you want to decorate your clock, now is the time to do so! If not, give it another coat of paint before continuing on. 

I’ve just given mine one coat of yellow acrylic paint here because I don’t think it needs any more attention than that right now. But feel free to add some decoration however you like—colored paper shapes would look great too!

Alice in Wonderland Clock Craft

Alice in Wonderland is a novel written by Lewis Carroll. It tells the story of Alice, who follows a white rabbit down a rabbit hole and finds herself in an alternate reality. 

She meets many strange creatures along the way, like the Mad Hatter and the Cheshire Cat. The book has become one of the best-known stories in English literature and has been translated into at least 150 languages since its release in 1865.

In this craft, you will make your own Alice in Wonderland clock out of paper plates or cardstock! You will also learn how to tell time using analog clocks (the kind with hands).

DIY Vintage Plate Clock


  • vintage plate
  • clock kit (available at craft stores)
  • clock hands (you can buy them or cut your own from wood)


Find a plate that you like, and make sure it’s big enough to fit the clock face on it. You can also use a wooden plaque if you don’t have access to any plates! Then trace around the outside edge of your clock face onto the back of your plate or plaque with a pencil. 

Then cut out around this line with an X-acto knife or box cutter. This will leave you with a hole in the center of your object through which you’ll insert the clock mechanism later on! 

2. The next step is to get ready for assembly by gluing down all four sides of fabric onto each corner so they stay down while we work on other parts later on as well!. 

3 . Now take out all those tiny screws ()(5), washers (6), and nuts (). 

4 . Remove protective covering over battery area by gently prying up at edges using a straight-end screwdriver tip

Handprint Clock Craft

Make a Handprint Clock Craft


  • Step 1

Take your child’s hand and put it on a piece of cardstock. Then trace around it with a pencil to make sure that you get the correct size. You can also use an adult’s hand if you’d like!

  • Step 2

Cut out the circle pattern, but don’t cut right through the center where their thumb is! Leave a little bit of extra space so you know what part is going to be glued down later in step 7. It’s okay if there are small spaces between each finger as we will be covering them up with paint later on!

  • Step 3

Add some glitter glue or regular craft glue in between each finger crack, then let dry overnight (or until completely hardened). 

This will give us time for any mistakes made during any steps prior to this one without having them affect our final product at all!

Cuckoo Clock For Kids to Make

Materials needed.

  • Popsicle sticks (you can use any kind of wood, but popsicle sticks are easy to find and convenient to work with)
  • Scissors or a craft knife (if you’re using popsicle sticks, you’ll need something to cut the shapes out)
  • Glue gun and glue sticks (or another adhesive of your choice)

How to make.

Cut out 4 pieces for each clock face.

2 short sides and 2 long sides. You can use the same piece of wood for all four faces if you want one cuckoo clock in each room—that’s up to you!

Glue both ends of each side together so they form an L shape, 

Make sure they’re directly parallel (i.e., if one side is longer than another, they should still be perfectly aligned). The point where two pieces meet together will form part of your hands on either side; don’t forget this when gluing!

3 Set aside while allowing it time dry

Retro Record Player Wall Clock


  • One record player wall clock kit with a chrome or silver-tone frame (available at your local craft store)
  • Black paint and paintbrush
  • Record player wall clock template (download it here)
  • Craft glue, scissors, ruler, and an old CD (optional)

Vintage Plate Wall Clock

Using the clock template, trace a circle on a plate. Make sure that the plate is thick enough for the clock movement to fit inside.

Drill or cut out small holes in each corner of the circle (these will be used as mounting points).

Attach a decorative rope hanger to one side of your clock by drilling two small holes in an X shape and attaching screws through both plates of wood (one on top and one underneath), then screwing them together with nuts to create a sturdy hanger.

To hang your vintage plate wall clock, use twine or any other hanging material to tie around all four corners of your frame at equal distances from each other using knots at each point where you tie it around. This should give you something that looks like this.

Vintage Plate Wall Clock

Use this tutorial for making your own classic cuckoo clock using vintage dinnerware!

Pipe Cleaner Wristband Watch


  • pipe cleaners (2 per watch)
  • ribbon, yarn, or embroidery floss (1/8 inch wide)
  • two paper clips or thin pieces of wire


  • Step 1

Twist one end of the pipe cleaner into a loop. Leave about 2 inches at the other end loose for wrapping around your wrist.

  • Step 2

Tie a knot in the center of your ribbon and pull it through the loop on your wristband. This will be your closure device! Then secure it with either a paper clip or piece of wire that you can bend into shape later to hold them together. 

Repeat this process for all four sides so that when you look down at your wristband watch, you see an X looking through each timepiece hole!

Melted Bead Suncatcher Clock

You will need

  • Beads
  • String or fishing line
  • A clock with a clear face (the type of clock is not important)

Decorate a Paper Cup Clock


  • 1 paper lunch box (or any other kind of cupcake wrapper)
  • decorative paper felt and/or fabric scraps
  • glue gun and glue sticks
  • hole punch or scissors

How to Make It.

Fold the cupcake wrapper in half lengthwise. Punch two holes on either side of the folded edge, about 1” apart. Cut out two circles from decorative paper for each clock face (the size depends on how big you’d like your clock to be).

Glue them onto the inside surfaces of each flap using hot glue; then fold over each flap so that the circles cover most of its surface area. Now you just have to hang it up in a place where everyone can see it! 

You could also make this into an actual functional cuckoo clock by cutting out windows in your pieces and slipping a real clock movement inside—just make sure you know what time it is before setting off any alarms!

DIY Sunflower Hanging Plate Clock


  • craft wire
  • tweezers or pliers (to hold the wire)
  • scissors (to cut the wire)


Take a long piece of craft wire, and shape it into a circle using your fingers or a pen. You can make it as large as you like!

Using tweezers or pliers, bend one end of the circle so that it points upwards at an angle (like a sunflower). Then bend the other end down to form a stem for hanging your clock in place on your wall or doorframe (see picture below). 

If you don’t have tweezers, try making little loops with both ends pointed in opposite directions instead—this will create something that looks more like half of an hourglass rather than just two different pieces of wire sticking up from each other; 

however, keep in mind that this design won’t work when we hang our finished product later because there won’t be any way for us to attach them together without making holes first…so if you want extra credit during class projects then feel free

11 Cuckoo Clock Craft For Kids

Gather your items and tools. You will need a tray or some other surface that can hold the cuckoo clock while you are working on it. 

If you are using a wooden board, be sure to cover it with plastic wrap or wax paper so that the paint doesn’t stick to the surface of your craft table or countertop. 

You’ll also want a pair of old socks (that is, socks without holes) and scissors to cut them apart; two paper plates; one straw per child; glue sticks; brown paint in small jars (or use poster paints);

 safety glasses for each child who plans on painting; masking tape for taping down newspaper underneath each construction project area; a black permanent marker for drawing numbers on clocks’ faces; small pieces of colored construction paper cut into squares—one color per clock face; and cork coasters from around your home (or any other round objects).

In addition: A hot glue gun is optional but makes attaching parts easier than if you were doing everything by hand with glue sticks alone.

  • make your own cuckoo clock kit
  • kids cuckoo clock
  • cuckoo clocks for kids
  • cuckoo clock kids
  • cuckoo clock plans
  • diy cuckoo clock kit


The clock is one of the most important inventions in history. It has come a long way since its invention, and so have the materials used to make them. One of the most popular materials used today is plastic because it’s inexpensive and easy to work with. With these 11 cuckoo clock crafts for kids, you will be able to learn a few different ways that you can make your own unique version of this classic timepiece!

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