What Is The Best Outdoor Game

What Is The Best Outdoor Game

what is the best outdoor game?

When I was a kid, I used to eat, sleep and breathe four square. I’d hump a ball shaped like the name of my favorite band (RUSH) for hours and hours until school started. 

Then there was recess, lunch period, summer vacation… pretty much whenever I could play four square, my friends and I would be on that court playing four square. 

It’s sportsmanship at its finest: you sacrifice your body against a hard ball while you’re still learning what it means to lose gracefully in an ever-changing game of skill. So when it comes to outdoor games, four square is the best one out there. Period!

Four Square

Four Square is a game that’s played by four people; it’s one of the oldest backyard games out there. 

The objective of this game is to be the last player standing, and after you’re eliminated, you’re out of the game. Four Square is played on a square court with four walls and an open center space—like this one

The center white piece on each side of the court is called “home base.” You can only move from one space to another if your ball touches someone else’s home base (or if they let you). The other pieces are called “squares,” numbered 1 through 4, and players stand behind them until they’re eliminated from the game or take over another player’s spot on their turn (more on this later.)

Kick the Can

Kick the Can is a great outdoor game for kids. It can be played by two teams, and it’s simple enough to play in any park or backyard.

The first team hides a metal can somewhere on the field of play (a football field works well). The other team then has to find that can within 60 seconds. Once they do, they kick it back over to their side of the playing area and hide it again while their opponents try to locate it once more. The first team to locate their opponents’ hidden can wins! This time limit keeps things moving along quickly, which is important when you have young children playing this game in your backyard after dark!

Capture The Flag 

This is a game of strategy and skill, where two teams compete to capture each other’s flags and return them to their own base. 

It can be played on your own or with friends in an empty lot, playground, or any other location where there’s space for people to run around. It’s also fun for spectators!

Hide And Seek 

The game of hiding and seek is one that has been around for centuries. The basic premise is simple: one person hides while the others look for them. 

The game can be played anywhere, from a small room to a large outdoor space. It can be played with any number of people, though it is typically played with two or more.

I remember when I was a kid, my favorite game was playing hide and seek. I would always choose the best hiding spot and then wait patiently for my friends to find me. I loved the feeling of suspense and excitement, and the rush of adrenaline when someone finally found me. These days, I don’t play hide and seek as much, but it’s still one of my favorite games.


Kickball is a popular game that can be played by people of all ages. It typically involves two teams, each consisting of nine players. Each team is equipped with a rubber ball and stands in opposite corners of the playing field—a rectangular area that’s usually about 20 feet wide and 50 feet long.

The object of the game is for each team to kick their ball across home plate to score points for their side by landing it in their opponent’s starting area (either between or behind home plate). The first player on each team takes his turn kicking his team’s ball across home plate.

He continues until he misses or runs out of balls. If someone catches your kick in mid-air, they have one chance to throw the ball back at you before it lands back on your side. If they’re able to hit you with a return pass before your kick lands on the ground again, then they get credit for an out even if nothing else happens after that point—you’ll still be considered safe because no one tagged anyone else during play!

Touch Football

Touch football is a game played by two teams of seven players on a rectangular field. It is a modified version of American football where tackling is not allowed and players must touch the ball to the ground in order for it to count as an “in”, or “touchdown”. 

The winner is determined by which team has the most points at the end of an agreed-upon time period.

Touch football can be played indoors or outdoors using different types of balls, including those made specifically for this purpose such as rubber touch footballs or foam-padded ones. Since there are no pads or helmets worn during play, athletes should wear appropriate clothing if they’re worried about getting hurt while playing outside on grass surfaces!

Duck, Duck, Goose

Duck, Duck, Goose is a great game for kids or adults. All you need are some sticks and lots of energy.

  • To play the game, pick someone to be the goose (the one who runs around). Everyone else sits in a circle with their knees up against each other like an egg carton.
  • The person who is not it will call “duck” and point at someone else in the circle. The person that gets chosen has to run out of the circle and tag the runner (goose).
  • The runner can try to tag as many people before they get tagged by someone else!

If you’re playing with younger kids or if it’s just too hard for everyone to run around all at once, then we suggest using a ball instead of sticks—it’ll keep things moving even faster! If your group is really small or if there aren’t enough people available right now, then feel free to stick with just calling out “duck” when someone gets chosen—this way everyone still has fun without feeling overwhelmed by all those rules!

What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf?

What Time Is It, Mr. Wolf? is a game that’s played by a group of people. 

One person will walk around the group asking “What time is it?” The rest of the group responds with “Mr. Wolf,” and then asks him or herself, “What time is it?” 

This continues until someone messes up and gets caught saying something other than “Mr. Wolf.” Then they become “it” and have to start over again!

The best outdoor game is Four Square.

Yes, you read that right. The best outdoor game is Four Square. It’s a great game for adults and kids alike, and it can be played with just two people!

The rules are simple: the person who gets out of bounds or misses has to sit out the next time around. A point goes to whoever makes the shot first—but if everyone misses, then no one gets any points. 

(I know, I know: it sounds like some kind of cruel joke.) But don’t worry—the point system isn’t really all that important here; what matters most is having fun!


From water balloon fights to lawn darts and kickball, we covered a wide variety of games for you to play. Of course, the best outdoor game depends on who you’re playing with—and what kind of mood everyone is in! Sometimes it takes some effort to get your friends or family excited about a game, but as long as everyone ends up having fun (and gets some fresh air), it doesn’t matter which game you choose.

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