11 job Craft For Kids

11 job Craft For Kids

11 job Craft For Kids

If you’re looking for a fun project, with a little bit of work, You can make something that will keep your kids entertained for hours. 

The projects in this article are easy enough for kids, but they’ll also give them some real skills and confidence.

How To Make A Rocket

For this craft, you’ll need

Cardboard. Any sturdy cardstock will do. If you can find a box or some other container with a lid, that will be perfect for your rocket!

  • Scissors
  • Tape
  • Rubber bands (at least 1)
  • Paper and pencil/pencil crayons (you will also need water and food coloring)

How To Make An Airplane

Materials, Airplane model kit (or use a paper airplane)

  • Glue (optional)


Fold the airplane model in half, with the nose facing down on a flat surface.

Cut along all three lines that intersect at opposite corners of the paper airplane’s wing tips and unfold your new rectangle shape; this will make it fly in an arc rather than straight up and down like an arrow shot into the sky by an archer or knight-in-training!

Once it is unfolded, glue one end to another so that they overlap each other like an accordion—this will create more lift when you throw your paper plane into flight!

Now you’re ready for takeoff! Throw it as hard as possible at any nearby wall or ceiling; if done correctly then gravity should take over from there allowing your aircraft to soar through space until its fuel runs out—which could take anywhere from 5 seconds depending on how much paint was used during construction (and therefore weight).

How To Make A Car

This is a great craft for your little one to make. It’s easy and fun, and the finished product will be admired by all.

First, you’ll need to cut a paper plate in half. Then, use crayons to color the front of the car blue (or any color you want). 

Then use more crayons to make windows on each side of the car by drawing two lines from top to bottom at an angle out from where you drew your wheels. Finally, add some black dots for the wheels!

How to Make a Pinhole Camera

A pinhole camera is a simple device that takes photographs without the use of a lens. Instead, it uses the light coming through a small hole to expose film or photographic paper and captures an image on it.

How Does It Work?

When you take a picture with your digital camera, one or more lenses are used to project an image onto an imaging sensor inside the camera body. 

This process allows photographers to capture clear images with adjustable focus and depth of field (DOF). The opposite occurs in pinhole cameras because they lack any form of lensing at all! 

When you take a photo using this method, you’ll notice that there is no real focal point; everything appears blurry as if there were no DOF at all but don’t worry—it’s not nearly as bad as it sounds and may actually end up being kind of cool once we get into how these things work!

How to Make 3D Glasses Without Lenses


  • Paper plates
  • Scissors
  • Colored tape, markers, or crayons (optional)


Cut the paper plate in half, lengthwise. You should end up with two semi-circular pieces of paper.

Fold one half of your circle so that it is flat against itself and create a crease that runs all the way around the edge of your circle, leaving no overlap between each side’s open edges. 

This will create a donut shape with a hole in its center that you can see through easily when looking at it face-on.

3rd Grade Crafts Kids can make these out of simple materials found around their house or classroom! These are fun from an early age and great for practicing fine motor skills!

How to Make a Flying Paper Glider.

A paper glider is a simple toy that lets you fly like a bird. The first thing you’ll need to make this project is some paper. 

You can use anything from newspaper to construction paper to cardstock, just pick what feels right for you and your project.

Next, cut two identical pieces of paper in the shape of an airplane wing (or half-plane wings if it’s easier), but leave them flat instead of folding them into the traditional A-shape. Then take one of these halves and fold it in half lengthwise so that when open again, each side has two flaps with two layers each. 

This will create an L shape (like a capital letter L). Fold down one flap from each side so it looks like an arrow pointing downwards; then twist its tip around itself until they touch at its base point on one side only—this will be what connects them later on when you glue them together! 

Repeat this step with your second sheet so that both sides have been folded along their long edges but not across them yet! 

Now take some tape or glue stick (your choice!) and secure these flaps together where they meet at the top center point so now you have one long piece sealed shut of its own accord—this will become your glider body!

How to Make a Plane With Just Cardboard and Rubber Bands.


  • Cardboard
  • Rubber bands
  • Tape
  • Scissors (to cut the cardboard)
  • Ruler (to measure the cardboard)
  • Pencil (to make a guideline on the cardboard)
  • Glue (to glue it together)
  • Tweezers (for helping you to put on rubber bands after you’ve cut out your plane shape!)

How to Make a Paper Boomerang.

Fold a piece of paper in half and then again. If you are using a small piece of scrapbooking paper, you will have to fold it four times before it is the correct size for your boomerang. 

When you have finished folding your paper, stick one end through the other and pull it tight (see image above). You should now have two loops at either end of your folded-up sheet.

Take one loop and push it through one loop on the other side as shown in picture 2 above – this will create an “X” shape where there was once just one big circle; keep doing this until you reach the end again – this takes some practice! 

Your last step should be placing both ends together so they can be sewn together with thread or string if desired 🙂

How to Make a Bottle Rocket Launcher.

To make a bottle rocket launcher, you will need.

  • A soda bottle or plastic bottle (depending on the type of launcher you want to make)
  • Scissors
  • Tape

How To Build Your Own Blu-ray Player.

If you have some spare time and want to build something useful, consider building your own Blu-ray player. 

It’s easy, it’s fun and it’s an excellent way to learn about electronics. This article will take you through everything from finding parts to building the player itself.

How To Build A Cool Robot.

Using a Raspberry Pi and the Pi Camera Module, you can build your own robot that can be controlled remotely via Wi-Fi or over USB.

The robot will be able to move around, turn its head from side to side, and make sounds. It also has a light sensor that reacts when it sees light!

11 job Craft For Kids


I hope you enjoyed these crafts, and that they inspired you to make your own. If so, share them with us in the comments!

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