11 Knot And Bling Mermaid Tail Blanket Craft For Kids

11 Knot And Bling Mermaid Tail Blanket Craft For Kids

11 Knot And Bling Mermaid Tail Blanket Craft For Kids

If you’re looking for an easy and fun DIY project for kids, this mermaid tail blanket is perfect! 

It’s made of a soft and cozy fleece blanket, which is perfect for snuggling up with on cold nights. Plus, it’s super easy to make! Follow the steps below to learn how:


To create a custom-fit mermaid tail blanket, you’ll want to measure your child’s height (or the length of their legs) and then add at least 2 feet. 

This will allow them to wrap up their tails comfortably and still have room for creativity.

You’ll also need.

Polyester fiberfill stuffing or another type of stuffing that can be stuffed into pillows or other soft objects. A pair of scissors, which are often found in crafting kits sold online or at craft stores like Michael’s. A glue gun and extra glue sticks if needed

What Supplies Are Needed To Make A Mermaid Tail Blanket?

The supplies you need are.

Medium-weight yarn in the colors of your choice (I used Red Heart Super Saver). Size F/5.00mm crochet hook (I used my Clover Soft Touch Hooks)

Needle to sew buttons, etc onto your tail blanket with (size depends on the type of button you are using). I used a small sewing needle and thread that matched the colors in my tail blanket.

Scissors (you’ll be cutting yarn all day!)

Button(s), if desired for embellishment on your tail blanket

What Is The Best Way To Measure For A Custom Fit?

When measuring for a custom fit, you must take the following measurements.

  • Waist
  • Height
  • Length of arm
  • Distance from the waist to the knee
  • Distance from the waist to the ankle (or heel)

Is There A Video Tutorial Available For This Project?

Yes! There is a video tutorial. It’s the first step in this project. 

In the video, you will learn how to make your mermaid tail blanket and how to make the scales on your tail blanket. You can also watch it later if you need help with this craft project.

The second video shows you how to secure the blanket around your waist so that it looks like a mermaid tail.



  • 2 pieces of felt (1 for the tail and 1 for the fin)
  • 1 piece of ribbon or yarn
  • scissors, needle, and thread


Cut 2 pieces of felt in the shape of a fishtail. The width should be about 3 times longer than your twin’s height, but if you’re unsure, just cut one big piece and then trim it down later if need be—it’s easier than starting all over again! Then cut out a second piece slightly wider than they are tall that will form the fin at the top (we’ll talk more about this later).

Next, cut out two rectangles that are each 3 times as long as your child is tall but 1 inch shorter on both sides so they fit snugly around his/her waist without being too tight or falling off when he/she moves around in them

What Are Some Tips For Making A Professional-looking Blanket?

Tips for Making a Professional-looking Blanket. Use the right yarn. The thickness of your yarn will determine how dense your stitches are; this is important because it will affect the overall look of your blanket. 

For example, if you use thin yarn but make tight stitches, there’ll be gaps between them, and the piece will look uneven. If you want to make sure that doesn’t happen, use a hook 1 or 2 sizes smaller than recommended by the pattern creator (or even larger if necessary). You can also try using different kinds of yarn altogether—for example, instead of an acrylic baby blanket, try an organic cotton one! The possibilities are endless!

Use the right hook size with each type of stitch.* Patterns for crocheting blankets typically use two basic stitches: single crochet (sc) and double crochet (dc). 

These two stitches create each row in a blanket—each row consists of either sc or dc stitches worked across from left to right within each square space on your pattern graph paper/chart paper sheet(s). 

There’s no need to worry about where you place these rows; just follow along as instructed and everything will turn out fine! But here’s another thing I found helpful when working on my first ever crocheted piece – knowing exactly which hook size goes best with each type

What Is The Best Type Of Yarn To Use For This Project?

For this project, I recommend using a yarn that is soft and not too thick. You want it to be easy to work with, but not so loose that it starts to fray or clump. 

The best way to choose the right yarn for your blanket is by looking at its sheen (or lack thereof) and then feeling the fabric that it creates when you run your hands across it. If you want a blanket with less shine, try out some acrylic blends or wool blends; both are washable and dryable and easy on your fingers!

If you still aren’t sure which type of material works best for this project, then let me help! Here are three options.

  • Acrylic Blends

These types of yarns come in many different colors but don’t tend to have much sheen at all (hence their name). However, they’re very inexpensive and great for beginners who don’t know where else yet about choosing materials; 

if we had started here instead then these would have been perfect because they’re cheap enough for even young children who aren’t yet confident enough about their crafting abilities.”

How Long Does It Typically Take To Complete This Project?

We’ve developed this craft to take about 3 hours to complete. It will require the following.

6-8 hours of free time. You’ll need to be able to devote at least one night (or day) to your child, and possibly a few hours each weekend for the next two weeks.

three skeins of yarn in different colors of their choice (we recommend picking 4-5 colors total). Each skein should be at least 500 yards long.

scissors, sewing needle, and threading tool

Can This Project Be Modified For Adults?

Yes, this project can be modified for adults. 

You will need to use a bigger blanket and hook. Larger hook size and larger gauge yarn will also make it easier to work with the stitches. 

The other main difference is that you will need to make the tail longer, which means that the body of your mermaid will also have to be bigger.

How Do You Care For The Blanket Once It Is Complete?

After the blanket is complete, you will want to wash it. You can do this by hand or in the washing machine.

For hand washing/

  • Use a gentle cycle and warm water
  • Do not use bleach or fabric softener

Air dry (on a flat surface)If you have access to a machine that has an “agitation” option then you may choose to use that setting instead of having your child’s hands on all those pretty beads! Just make sure it’s set on “delicate” mode so that there isn’t any friction tearing up the yarn!

How Do You Add Embellishments To The Blanket?

You can embellish your blanket using a variety of materials. 

To add beads, you can either sew them on by hand or buy a bead loom that will help you create a consistent pattern across the entire blanket. 

You can also create sequin designs where each section has its unique color and look, which makes it look like it was made by more than one person. Embroidery would be another great way to embellish your blanket, as well as glitter and buttons!

What Is The Best Way To Secure The Blanket Around The Waist?

The best way to secure the blanket around your waist is with a piece of ribbon or elastic.

Try using a piece of ribbon that has been sewn onto one end (or both) of the blanket. This will keep the bow tightly secured and provide the most comfortable feeling around your waist. 

For added security, you can also sew an extra piece of elastic on each side before tying it off with the ribbon. This will prevent any movement during playtime!

How Do You Create The Scales On The Blanket?

To create the scales on your crochet blanket, use a stitch marker to mark the first stitch of each row. Pull the yarn through that marker with your crochet hook and continue to follow along with the pattern.

At this point, you have made 4 rows. When you’ve completed Row 5, your scale pattern will begin! To create a scale, insert your yarn needle into one of those stitches just like before but don’t pull it through all the way! 

Instead, leave about 6 inches hanging out so you can sew it on later! Now it’s time for another scale! Repeat step 3 above by inserting your hook into a different spot within that same stitch (the first spot in each row should always be closest to where you started out). 

Then take another 6-inch strand (or however long feels comfortable) and place it on top of what has already been made so far. Now pull up tight enough so both strands stay snugly together as if they were just one piece of yarn! Continue adding scales until all sides are covered except where the tail fin begins (you’ll see why later).


The Mermaid Tail Blanket is a fun project to make. It’s great for kids to use their creativity, as well as parents who want something new and exciting to try out. The finished product will l

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