11 Milk Jug Bird Feeder Craft For Kids

11 Milk Jug Bird Feeder Craft For Kids

11 Milk Jug Bird Feeder Craft For Kids This is a fun and easy craft for kids that can be done with items that are probably already around the house. 

All you need is an empty milk jug, some bird seed, and a little bit of string or ribbon. First, cut a small hole in the bottom of the milk jug. 

Then, tie some string around the jug just below the hole. This will be used to hang the feeder. Next, fill the jug with bird seed. Once it’s full, put the cap back on and you’re done! Hang the feeder outside and wait for the birds to come.

Milk Jug Bird Feeders


  • a 1-liter or 2-liter plastic milk jug (washed, dried, and cut in half)
  • a pair of sharp scissors (or a knife)
  • birdseed or other food for birds (I used black oil sunflower seeds)
  • a bowl, bucket, or another container to hold the seed (this will be your “seed tray”)

Water Bottle Bird Feeder

A water bottle bird feeder is a cute craft you can make with your kids. To create this project, all you need is a water bottle, some wire hangers, and bird seed.

First off, remove the top of the water bottle by cutting it off with scissors or a craft knife. Then poke holes in the bottom of the bottle using an ice pick or something similar so that the seed won’t fall out when birds perch on it to eat their food. 

You can also use small rocks to hold seeds inside if needed. Finally, hang your new feeder from a tree branch by hooking a wire through one of its holes and around the branch (like in step 1). Fill up with seed then sit back and watch as birds arrive!

DIY Log Bird Feeders

If you don’t have a milk jug, you can use a log or piece of wood. 

To make holes for the bird feeder in your log, use a drill. You’ll also need some wood screws and washers to attach it to the log. 

If you don’t have these supplies on hand, try using a hammer and nail instead!

Milk Carton Bird Feeder

Materials needed.

  • A milk carton is cut in half.
  • Scissors (adult supervision required)
  • Glue stick (adult supervision required)
  • String or yarn of choice to hang the bird feeder from a tree or your house window (I used natural-colored hemp string.)

5/6th grade. After you have all of your materials, step one is to cut the milk carton in half! Use scissors and be careful not to cut yourself! This can be done by either cutting through both sides at once or cutting off each side separately, then joining them back together afterward if they don’t line up perfectly. 

After that, use a glue stick to apply glue around where you want your hole for birds’ access into the container; I recommend applying it on top because this will make it easier for them later on when eating out of this bird feeder craft idea project! 

Finally, tie some string around each end of your new homemade bird feeder craft before hanging it up outside so adorable little creatures can come to enjoy some tasty treats during their free time away from school work during summer vacation days ahead.”

Toilet Paper Roll Bird Feeder

Cut a toilet paper roll into 1/2″-wide strips using scissors. 

You’ll need about 9 strips for this project, so if you only want to make one feeder, cut them all out at once and save the remaining pieces for another project!

Make sure your hot glue gun is ready to go by plugging it in and heating up (30 seconds).

Apply hot glue to one end of each strip and press it onto the bottom of your clean bird feeder (the top will be open so birds can eat). Make sure they are lined up in order from front to back; otherwise, when you hang it outside with string or wire later on down the line, they may not hang straight due to their weight pulling them down unevenly

Tissue Box Bird Feeder

  • Cut the top off of a tissue box.
  • Glue it back on, and then cover it with birdseed (use glue to keep the seed in place). Hang from a tree or other outdoor location that provides easy access for birds looking for food!

Egg Carton Bird Feeder

Empty your egg cartons and discard the ends of them.

Use a hole punch to make a hole on the side of each egg carton. This will be where you hang the feeder from.

Use a straw to make a hole in the bottom of each egg carton. This will help you fill it with birdseed without making too big of a mess!

Use a hole punch to make a hole in the top of each egg carton so that birds can eat right through it!

DIY Sugar Cube Bird Feeders

Sugar cube bird feeders are a fun way to teach kids about birds and encourage them to be mindful of their environment. 

Making these cute little feeders is simple, and they’re sure to keep your kids busy for hours as they fill them with birdseed.

Once you have finished making these cute little bird feeders, set up a tray outside so that the birds can easily find it!

Eggshell Flower Seed Starters

Place a few eggshells in your container and cover them with potting soil.

Add some water to the soil, just enough to wet it, but not enough to make it muddy or soggy.

Sprinkle flower seeds on top of the potting soil and then gently press down on them so that they are buried in about 1/4″ of soil (but not too deep!).

Apple Seedling Garden Craft for Kids

Apple seedling garden craft for kids is a fun way to introduce your child to gardening. 

It can be done in small pots or on a windowsill, so you don’t need a lot of space and it’s easy enough that even younger children can participate.

Here’s what you’ll need.

  • apple seeds (buy them here)
  • saucer or dish with drainage holes in the bottom
  • watering can or cup filled with water

Rock Garden Markers for Kids to Make

This craft is easy to make and a great way to teach kids about gardening. It’s also inexpensive, so you can make one for each of your kids. In addition, it’s a great way to recycle!

As you probably know, there are so many ways that we can help our environment by recycling things like milk jugs and plastic bags into useful items. This project is one such example where you can give new life to an old container by turning it into something beautiful: bird feeders! 

These are simple enough for even preschoolers or toddlers to create on their own with adult supervision (and maybe some help). You may need some supplies from the craft store, but if not then all you will need is an empty milk jug and some rocks which should be free because they come right out of nature (or your backyard).

The 11 Milk Jug Bird Feeder Craft For Kids is simple and fun to make.

The milk jug bird feeder is a great way to get your children involved in recycling and encourage birds to visit your backyard. 

The feeders are easy to make and you probably have all of the supplies needed around the house already! Kids will love seeing their little friends come to their yards every day to enjoy their tasty treats. For more fun activities, check out our post on DIY kids’ crafts.

  • milk bottle bird feeder
  • bird feeder out of milk jug


This is a great craft for kids because it is simple, fun, and rewarding! They will love seeing the birds come to their homemade feeder and it will give them a sense of pride and accomplishment.

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