11 Zombie Craft For Kids

11 Zombie Craft For Kids


The zombie craze is in full force, and I’m not just talking about the Walking Dead. From Halloween costumes to themed parties, it seems like everyone has jumped on the undead bandwagon. And why not? Zombies are fun! But if you’re looking for something different from the traditional gory blood and guts, why not try crafting with your kids instead? Zombie crafts are a great way to keep kids occupied over the break or during rainy days without resorting to screen time. Plus, if you’re tired of playing Minecraft or watching Stranger Things yet again (not that there’s anything wrong with either), these activities will be sure to break up any boredom for both of you! So grab some glue sticks and let’s get started making some fun zombie decor!

Zombie Hand Prints

You can use paint, paintbrushes, sponges and watercolor to make zombie hand prints. You can also mix in other types of paint like tempera or finger paints to give your zombie a different color skin tone.

If you’re going to use shaving cream it’s best to have some adult supervision if it’s going on a child’s hand. We don’t want anyone getting their fingers cut off by razor blades!

Zombie Jars

The materials needed for this craft are simple:

  • Cardboard box or container
  • White paint
  • Black paint (optional)

The process is also pretty straightforward. First, you’ll want to paint your box white. Then, once it’s dry, draw out the shape of a zombie face with a marker on one side of the box and cut it out with an x-acto knife or scissors. Finally, fill your jar with jellybeans or candy corn and place it inside your new zombie jar to create an eerie centerpiece for Halloween!

Zombie Gnomes

Zombie Gnomes

Zombie gnomes are a fun and easy craft for kids. All you need is a few simple supplies, including:

  • Plastic skeleton figurine (such as from the Dollar Tree or Target)
  • A paper towel tube
  • Acrylic paint in various colors (red, green and white)
  • Paint brushes or foam brushes if using acrylics. If using watercolors, use small paintbrushes or Q-tips instead of foam brushes or larger brushes since the watercolor is so delicate.

Start by painting your Zombie Gnome skeleton with red paint. Next add green to some areas where you want grass growing out of his hair or at his feet for grass growing on top of dirt/dirt paths that lead through cities full of zombies like Detroit! Finally add some white highlights around eyes and teeth then it’s done!

Zombie Spoons

  • A spoon
  • Paint
  • Stapler
  • Glue gun (if you’re feeling fancy)
  • Hole punch/hole puncher, depending on your preference

3D Zombie Paper Craft

3D Zombie Paper Craft

This craft is a fun way to make your own 3D paper zombie. You will need:

  • paper
  • marker
  • scissors or cutting tool

First, draw an outline of the zombie on one side of your paper (you can use a grid if you want). Cut out the shape and then color it in. Finally, glue together all of your pieces. Attach some eyes and mouth for added effect! Then add arms and legs by simply folding over small bits of ripped-up paper!

Zombie Hands

Materials & Tools

  • A pair of disposable gloves (the kind you use when you wash dishes)
  • Safety scissors or a scissor
  • White paper (like printer paper, not cardstock)
  • Duct tape or electrical tape (optional)

Preparation: If you’re using the gloves, remove any tags that might be on them. Then cut off the fingers and thumb at the base of each finger. If using two pairs of gloves, cut out one set of fingers from each; it doesn’t matter which set has four fingers versus three since they will be attached to each other through their hands anyway. Next, fold white paper lengthwise until it measures about 7″ x 11″. Wrap duct tape around each finger end with an extra inch or so left over for taping down at the end of your project when cutting out hand shapes. You can also choose to skip this step if you don’t have electrical tape handy! If making multiple zombies from these steps, repeat all above steps with an additional pair of gloves and white sheets before adding decorations like zombie face paint details onto your finished product(s).

Zombified Toilet Paper Rolls

  • Use toilet paper rolls as the bodies of your zombies. They’re cheap, easy to find, and come in all sorts of colors and shapes.
  • Cut different-colored paper into long strips to make the zombie arms and legs. Glue them onto the body using hot glue or strong craft glue like E6000. You can also use other materials such as pipe cleaners or even string if you’d like a more “fabric” look instead of white paper strips!
  • For added fun (and grossness), put some goo in a bowl before adding different pieces of tissue paper for heads/faces. This will give them an oozing effect when they pop out from within!

If you’d rather have something running away from the toilet instead…

Foam Clay Zombies

To make a zombie head, you’ll need:

  • Foam clay in different colors
  • Wax paper or parchment paper to cover your work surface
  • Roll out the foam clay into a flat sheet and cut it into thin strips (about 1/8” thick) with a sharp knife or kitchen shears. You can also use precut foam sheets in different shapes, like circles, squares and triangles if you want to skip this step entirely!
  • Use these pieces of clay as molds to sculpt your zombies’ heads using your hands or something hard like dental tools (to help press details into them). Once they’re dry enough that they won’t stick together anymore but not so dry that they crack when handled roughly (about 20 minutes), tear off any excess pieces around their edges until each one looks like its own unique creation!
  • Paint their faces with acrylic paints; for best results mix some white with black or brown to achieve lighter shades of grey (this will depend on how pale/dark-skinned your zombies are supposed to look). You could also try adding red paint for blood splatters which would look awesome when mixed with white paste -probably best saved until after painting though because it’s easier to make mistakes then remove first coats than later ones!

Zombie Headband

This is a great craft because it’s super easy, and you can use materials that you already have around the house. All you’ll need is a headband or hat, white craft glue and a hot glue gun.

Create the undead look by attaching strips of fabric to the inside of your headband or hat with white glue. Use strips that are about an inch wide so they’re visible when wearing the piece. Be sure to add some extra blood below your mouth as well!

Next it’s time to make yourself look scary! First attach fake blood around your eyes with hot glue then finish off by drawing on some eyes using black marker pencils.

Fingerprint Zombies

  • Pour some black paint into a paper plate.
  • Use a sponge brush to spread the paint on a large piece of white paper.
  • Let your child make fingerprints all over the paper with his or her fingers and hands, until the surface is covered with messy handprints in various shades of black.
  • When they’re done, let them dry for at least 24 hours before hanging up their zombies in creepy locations around your house!

Build a Bandage Zombie Family

This is a project that can be done with supplies you likely already have in your home or can easily buy. You will need:

  • bandages of different sizes and colors
  • a box cutter, scissors, or an exacto knife for cutting the bandages
  • cotton balls (optional)

Step 1: Cut out some zombie family heads from different-sized sheets of lightly colored wrapping paper. The head should be about 2 inches square on each side and slightly smaller in height/width than the larger sized wrapping paper. It’s best if you use one color for all four parts of the body (head, arms, torso and legs). This way it looks more like one person when you are done! If you prefer to use multiple colors for each part however feel free to do so! We have used green for heads and arms; purple for torsos; yellow or orange for legs depending on how we were feeling at that moment when deciding what color to use next haha! We also used black velcro dots on all four sides instead of having separate pieces cut out as well because they stick better this way too which makes them easier to stick onto clothes later too if needed – such as socks or jeans etcetera…

Craft with your kids and be zombie creatures!

With your kids, you can make the following:

  • A zombie mask.
  • A zombie puppet.
  • A zombie hand puppet.


I hope the zombie crafts we’ve shared with you today have inspired you to have some fun with your kids, and maybe even given you a few ideas of your own. Halloween is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to get started on any of these projects!

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