30 Animals That Start With The Letter E

30 Animals That Start With The Letter E

30 Animals That Start With The Letter E There are a variety of animals that start with the letter E. Some of these animals include. All of these animals are interesting in their ways and are native to different parts of the world.

1. Ermine

The ermine is a small animal with a white coat and black tips on its tail. It is a member of the weasel family and is found in the northern parts of North America, Europe, and Asia.

 In the winter, the ermine’s coat turns white to help it blend in with the snow.

This collection is an exciting blend of traditional and contemporary design. Ermine is a family of graceful animals: ermine-weasels, stoats, and ferrets. Their name comes from the Old French word Hermine which denotes the animal’s white winter coat.

Ermine animals are very cute, but they are also experts at hiding from their predators. They have a long tail that is covered in soft white fur. The body of an ermine animal is usually brown or black. The long tail allows these animals to blend in with their surroundings without being detected by predators.

2. English Cream Golden Retriever

These are animals that are bred for their cream-colored coats and are often used as show dogs. They are considered to be one of the more popular breeds of golden retrievers. 

The English Cream Golden Retriever dog breed was born on the grassy hills of Great Britain. These friendly dogs are eager to please and enjoy spending time with their people. They are intelligent, curious, and brave dogs who are loyal and devoted to their family.

English Cream Golden Retriever dogs are a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador retriever, although in the past these pups were Labradors. 

These dogs are typically cream-colored with brown or black details around their eyes and on their ears; some may have longer ears or tails than other retrievers, but this is not very common. Golden Retrievers are intelligent and loyal dogs. They are very friendly and welcoming to everyone and get along well with everyone they meet.

3. Elephant Seal 

Elephant seals are large, aquatic mammals that live in the southern hemisphere. 

They are gray or brown and can grow to be up to 20 feet long and weigh up to 4,000 pounds. Elephant seals are proficient swimmers and can hold their breath for up to an hour at a time. 

They eat fish, squid, and krill, and can live to be up to 50 years old. There are nine species of Elephant Seal animals that live in Antarctica. They are also called the Antarctic or True Seals. 

They can grow over 6 feet long, and weigh up to 2 tons! The Elephant Seal body plan is designed for life in water and on land: they have two pairs of flippers, which help them swim quickly through the water; their coats (which keep them warm) are made up of lots of small hairs; when they need to move quickly on land, they pull their front flippers under their bodies so they take longer strides.

4. Echidna

Echidna animals are interesting creatures found in Australia. They have short snouts and pointy noses. 

They have very little hair or fur and they have a thick layer of brownish spiky skin that grows along their backs.

Their bodies are covered in prickly spines! Echidnas also have beautiful bright colors on their bodies and on the bottoms of their feet, too! Echidnas spend most of their time in burrows underground or under bushes and trees where it’s cooler and more comfortable for them to live.

These animals are unique in that they have a spine and are covered in fur. Echidnas are also the only mammal that lays eggs. These animals are generally shy and reclusive but can be aggressive if provoked.

5. Eurasian Wolf 

The Eurasian Wolf is a subspecies of gray wolves that is native to Europe and Asia. It is the largest subspecies of gray wolves and the largest member of the canid family. 

The Eurasian Wolf is a top predator in its ecosystem and plays an important role in the food chain. Eurasian Wolf animals are predominantly found throughout Europe and Asia, but also can be found in parts of the Middle East. 

They are what we call a conservation-reliant species, which means that they still need protection. The Eurasian Wolf animals population has been threatened by hunting, loss of habitat, and reintroduction programs. 

a large number of the Eurasian Wolf animals population is protected under European law. However, this protection is not total across all countries within their range.

These animals are very intelligent and are extremely adaptable to their surroundings. Eurasian wolf animals can be found living in forested areas, grasslands, mountains, deserts, and even cities! They can even swim across rivers without taking a breath!

6. European Wildcat

The European wildcat is a medium-sized mammal of the Felidae family. The European wildcat is the only wildcat species that occur in Europe. 

The European wildcat is found in forested areas in Europe. The European wildcat is a nocturnal animal and is an expert hunter. 

They are usually found in forested regions, but also live in mountainous areas with rocky terrain and open fields. European Wildcats have large paws with retractable claws, which help them climb trees.

Their coat is short and sleek, providing excellent insulation from cold weather. European Wildcats tend to be nocturnal and feed on rabbits, birds, rodents, and reptiles. 

The kittens are born after a gestation period of 63 days and remain hidden in their den for several weeks before venturing out to explore their surroundings.

7. Eurasian Beaver

The Eurasian Beaver is a large, semi-aquatic rodent. It has historically been called the European Beaver and its original scientific name was Castor fiber. 

It occurs primarily in Eurasia, North Africa, and North America. There are two extant subspecies: The Eurasian beaver and the American beaver. The extinct Irish elk was the oldest known member of this family when it became extinct around 10,000 years ago.

Beavers are powerful and efficient swimmers. They are also good climbers and can climb trees for escape or the construction of a den. These mammals can construct elaborate lodges out of branches and leaves that provide shelter from predators and an ideal place for raising kits (young). 

Eurasian beavers also use their tails to help swim as they propel themselves underwater using powerful hind legs, while their broad tails provide stability while in the water.

The Eurasian Beaver is a species of beaver that is native to Europe and Asia. They are the largest species of beaver and can grow to be up to four feet long. Eurasian Beavers are good swimmers and build their homes in rivers and streams. They are known for their dam-building behavior, which can help to reduce flooding.

8. Emperor Tamarin

Emperor Tamarin is a small monkey found in the forests of South America. They have long, white mustaches that give them their name, and they are known for their playful nature. 

These animals are endangered due to habitat loss and hunting, and efforts are being made to protect them. Emperor Tamarin animals are the second most popular pet, but they are extremely tough to find. 

There are only three different species of Emperor Tamarins, and they can all be found in Brazil. They have short black tails and beautiful long hair that ranges from blonde to tawny brown colored fur. 

The three kinds of Emperor Tamarin animals are Brown Emperor Tamarins, Golden-Brown Emperor Tamarins, and Golden-headed Emperor Tamarins.

9. Elk

Elk animals are a type of deer that is native to North America. They are the largest member of the deer family and can weigh up to 1,000 pounds. Elk are very social animals and live in herds of up to 100 individuals. 

They are known for their distinctive antlers, which are shed every year. Elk animals have been traditionally associated with strength and power. 

Their antlers make them unique from other animals and act as a highly effective defense mechanism against predators. Elk is a popular animal in the rug industry, with their soft coats and gentle faces making them both striking to look at and comfortable to walk on.

Elk are a large species of deer that have been widely hunted for their meat, antlers, and hide. There are some subspecies of elk, but they all have the characteristic large main beam on their antlers and the whitetail which is only found on male individuals. It’s a good way to determine whether or not you are looking at an elk or a moose!

10. Eskipoo

Espoo animals are a type of dog that is a cross between a Poodle and an Eskimo Dog. They are known for being very friendly and good with children.

The skip is a designer dog achieved by crossing an American Eskimo dog with a European poodle. This breed that weighs about 15 pounds stands about 11 inches tall. Breeders developed this designer breed as a happy-go-lucky family addition. 

Most have a double coat, which may make them ideal companions on cold winter days. Almost all have the flappy ears of the European poodle.

If you are looking for a new member of your family, consider the eskipoo. They love to be with you all the time, and their antics will have you laughing frequently. The 6 different types of eskipoos and eskipoo mixes

The eskipoo can have a long and thick coat like the American eskipoo dog, or it can have a short curly coat like the European poodle. 

Others fall somewhere in between. If you are worried that you will not have time to groom it properly, choose the poodle-type coat option. 

Since either option is very dense, these animals do better in cooler climates. You will find them in a variety of colors, including

White: this is the typical color of an eskipoo’s coat.

  • Black: some eskipoos are black all over while on other animals black is mixed with another color. All different shades of black are possible, including those with a red or blue tint.
  • Cream: all different cream shades are possible, from very light off-white to a deeper tannish color.
  • Grays: these animals may be born with a gray coat, or it may turn that way before they are five.
  • Apricot: these animals are a dull, saturated orange, very similar to an apricot’s color.
  • Brown: from light to dark, many different shades of brown are possible.

11. Elephant

Elephant animals are very large animals. They are usually very gentle and calm but can be dangerous if they are provoked.

Elephants are one of the largest land animals in the world, and also one of the most intelligent. With their large ears, enormous feet, and long trunks, they have adapted 

over time to living in many different climates. They are herbivores but can easily be trained to work for humans too!

Elephants are large land mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; other, 

Know extinct members of the order include;

  • Deinotheres
  • Gomphotheres
  • Mastodons  

Male African elephants are the largest extant terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weight up to 7500 kg (16,500 lb), when adult.

12. Edible Frog

An edible frog is a frog that is safe for humans to eat. These frogs are typically found in Asia and Africa, and their meat is considered a delicacy in some cultures. 

Edible frogs are often raised in captivity specifically for their meat, and they are typically slaughtered before they reach adulthood.

If you are looking for some fun food, you should try this Edible Frog. This frog will be your favorite food and is also good to eat. 

It is made of good quality material and it is durable. You can use this frog at the birthday party, get-together, or just at home because everyone will love it!

13. Eastern Woodrat

The Eastern Woodrat is a species of rodent that is native to the eastern United States. It is a small animal, with a body length of only 8-10 inches. 

The Eastern Woodrat is a brown or gray color, with a white belly. 

It has a long tail and long pointed ears. The Eastern Woodrat is a nocturnal creature and is most active at night. It is a good climber and is often seen in trees and bushes. 

The Eastern Woodrat is an omnivorous creature and eats a variety of foods, including insects, berries, and nuts.

The Eastern Woodrat is a beautiful creature that comes in many colors. 

  • These colors can be a light brown
  •  These colors form a dark grey and everything in between. 
  • These colors can be a creamy brown

They are small rodents and are very common in the eastern United States. Eastern Woodrat is a big, burly, and handsome member of the rodent family. Just don’t call him one: he may be related to the common rat, but he’ll get angry if you call him one. 

The Eastern Woodrat is found in forests, woodlands, and meadows throughout eastern North America. It lives underground in networks of tunnels. The Eastern Woodrat’s fur is soft, dense, and fine with the tail being shorter than that of the North American Packrat (Neotoma cinerea).

14. Eurasian Lynx

The Lynx is the largest and most powerful of the small cats and can climb trees to escape danger. 

This big cat is missing in the U.S., but we are working to change that! Learn more about the Eurasian Lynx and how you can help bring this species back to America! This large feline has a brownish or greyish coat covered with black spots which vary in size and coloration.

The slender body is pointed at the forehead followed by broad shoulders and narrow hips. There is little difference between males and females except that males are slightly larger than females.

It has a short, yellowish-brown coat with black spots and ruffs of long hair on the ears. These cats are perfectly adapted to the cold, snowy environment in which they live, with thick fur and ear flaps that can be closed to keep out the snow. The European lynx is one of the biggest wild cats in Europe, along with its cousin species, the Canada lynx.

15. Emperor Penguin

The Emperor Penguin is the largest and heaviest of all living penguin species and is endemic to Antarctica. 

The male and female Emperor Penguins are similar in appearance, although the male is slightly larger and has a more prominent crest. 

These penguins breed during the Antarctic winter, when temperatures can reach as low as −60°C, making them the only species of penguin to breed during the Antarctic winter. They are very shy, but sometimes can be seen waddling down a beach to look for food.

The Emperor Penguin is black and white with a striking orange-brown breast patch. They have a very large body, a wide, flat beak, and white ear patches. Their weight varies between 20 to 45 kg (44 to 99 lb) and they are about 80 cm (31 in) tall when on all fours. 

They have large front flippers and webbed feet that help them walk on land, but they swim underwater using their hind flippers which have “toes” that are loosely attached at the base and pull up tightly against their bodies when not in use.

16. Epagneul Pont Audemer Scientific 

The Epagneul Pont Audemer Scientific is a type of spaniel that is bred for hunting and retrieving games. 

They are a medium to large-sized breed with a long coat that is either wavy or curly. They are a very versatile breed and can be used for both land and water retrieval. 

The Epagneul Pont Audemer Scientific is a very intelligent breed and is easy to train. The Epagneul Pont Audemer Scientific is sweet, gentle, and reliable. It loves being part of a family, but it also thrives on regular exercise. 

With its long ears that stand erect when trying to get people’s attention or point out the presence of a snack or treat, this dog is one fun pup!

17. Eastern Green Mamba

The eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps) is a highly venomous snake of the mamba genus, endemic to Africa. 

It is the largest member of its genus and is known to grow to lengths of up to 3.6 m (12 ft). It is olive green in color, with a pale greenish-yellow belly, and is one of the fastest and most agile snakes in the world, capable of moving at speeds of up to 16 km/h (10 mph). 

The Eastern Green Mamba is a species of venomous snake in the family Elapidae and native to Africa. It is believed to be one of the most dangerous snakes on earth.

Eastern Green Mamba is a striking snake that can be a real pest in the garden and on farms. The real thrill of this species is its speed. But, they are not considered aggressive or dangerous to humans. This species also has a reputation for being difficult to handle in captivity because it tends to strike when handled.

18. Eastern Gray Squirrel

The eastern gray squirrel is a common species of squirrel that is found in North America. Is a medium-sized squirrel that has a grayish-brown coat. 

The eastern gray squirrel is a diurnal animal, meaning that it is active during the day. 

The eastern gray squirrel is a furry little squirrel with a large bushy tail and large ears. This squirrel’s tail is longer than its body and it is covered in brown fur. 

The eastern gray squirrel has white paws, a black face, and an orange stripe down each side of its back. The Eastern Gray Squirrel is a small to medium-sized tree squirrel that lives in mature deciduous and mixed forests across Canada, the eastern United States, and northern Mexico. 

The Eastern Gray Squirrel is gray with a striped tail that varies from brown to black.

is a large tree squirrel – a member of the Sciuridae family. 

It is sometimes called the British squirrel or the tree squirrel. It has a head-and-body length of 16 inches (40 cm), and its tail measures an additional 16 inches (40 cm), making it a total 32 inches (80 cm). The Eastern Gray Squirrel weighs between 1/2 and 1 pound.

19. Eastern Chipmunk

The Eastern Chipmunk is a small, brown, and white striped rodent. They are found in wooded areas of eastern North America. 

Chipmunks are very active and are constantly searching for food. They eat a variety of foods, including insects, nuts, and berries.

The Eastern chipmunk is a small, bushy-tailed rodent that lives in the forests and fields of North America.  The Eastern Chipmunk occurs from southern Canada to northern Georgia, and west to Minnesota, Iowa, and southeastern Missouri. 

 It has brown, gray, and sometimes white body fur with a lighter-colored belly. It has a long tail for balancing when climbing trees. Their large front teeth allow them to open hickory nuts and acorns.

20. Eastern Barred Bandicoot

The eastern barred bandicoot is a species of bandicoot that is found in eastern Australia. It is a marsupial that is about the size of a rabbit and has a brown and white striped coat. 

The eastern barred bandicoot is an endangered species due to habitat loss and predation by introduced animals such as foxes and cats.

The Eastern Barred Bandicoot (Perameles gunnii) is a small to medium-sized bandicoot found in eastern Australia. It has a brown body with a white belly and short, white stripes above the eyes, which are surrounded by black fur. 

The tail is long, black, and hairy on top with a fluffy covering underneath. This species has unspecialized teeth with large incisors that grow. 

The Eastern barred bandicoot is an Australian marsupial that looks like a cross between a rat, pig, and wombat. Although it has hooves on the front legs and claws on the back legs, it prefers to walk on all fours like a rodent.

21. Eastern Brown Snake

The Eastern Brown Snake is a species of venomous snake that is found in eastern Australia. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in Australia and is responsible for the majority of snakebite deaths in the country. 

The Eastern Brown Snake is highly aggressive, and will often strike without warning. It has a potent venom that can cause paralysis and death within minutes.

These snakes are characterized by their dark brown color, small eyes, and wide triangular head. They have a reputation for being aggressive but will often just remain coiled up to scare off predators. 

The Eastern Brown snake can lay up to 40 eggs at a time and the females can reproduce every second year…

The best way to identify one is by looking on the belly for a yellowish or brown cross that is diamond-shaped near the tip of its tail. The snake can grow to over one meter in length and, like most other snakes, it needs to shed its skin or slough its skin as it grows. The process begins with the snake rubbing against rough objects such as rocks and tree trunks to loosen the old skin, allowing it to separate from the new growth underneath.

22. English Foxhound

The English Foxhound is a dog that was bred for fox hunting. It is a large dog with a lot of energy.

English Foxhound is a breed of dog that combines speed, agility, and endurance. This gentle dog makes a great family companion, although it is more commonly used to hunt foxes by scent. The English Foxhound is one of two members of the category of scent hounds along with the Coonhound.

is a medium-sized hound with a square-shaped head, a long body and short back, strong legs, and a deep chest. Its tail is long, straight, and level. 

It has small ears which are often left uncropped so that they can be placed out of sight when it is being used for hunting foxes. The coat is hard and flat on the head and along the back, but slightly softer on the underbelly.

This dog was originally bred for hunting foxes by scent, but it also has been used for other hunting such as for hare and deer. It is notably intelligent but has been given many other tasks by hunters over its long history such as controlling the trail of wounded prey and pointing at the game, making it particularly suitable for use in hunting pheasant.

23. Eastern Gorilla

The Eastern Gorilla is a large, dark-colored gorilla. The Eastern gorilla is one of the two subspecies of the lowland gorilla and is found in central Africa. 

The eastern gorilla can be identified by its broad brow ridge and large nostrils. Eastern gorillas have an olive-brown back and sides, with pale faces, hands, and feet.

The eastern gorilla, also known as the Grauer’s gorilla, is a large found only in Rwanda and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire). It is the largest ape and largest mammal in Africa. Eastern gorillas grow up to six feet tall and can weigh as much as 400 pounds. Most of their time is spent eating, sleeping, and traveling within their home range of about 1,800 hectares.

 They are the largest of all the gorilla subspecies, and they are also the most endangered. Eastern gorillas are very shy and reclusive, and they are very rarely seen in the wild

24. Eastern Coral Snake

The eastern coral snake is a venomous snake that is found in the southeastern United States. It is a member of the elapid family, which includes cobras, mambas, and sea snakes. 

The eastern coral snake is brightly colored, with red, yellow, and black bands that run the length of its body. It is considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in the United States, and its bite can be fatal.

The Eastern Coral Snake is one of the most beautiful and deadly venomous snakes. They are considered pit vipers, which means they have a pair of heat-sensing organs called pits on either side of their eye which allows them to hunt in low light conditions.

It is small and short and looks like a coral snake but does not have the highly toxic venom of that species. It is only found in eastern North America from Maine south to Florida, west through southern Michigan, and into central Illinois. 

This species hibernates from late September through March under rocks or logs and may be inactive for several months at a time. The Eastern Coral Snake feeds on earthworms, slugs, snails, salamanders, frogs, and lizards by constriction. They are non-aggressive snakes but will bite if threatened or handled.

25. Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake

The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is a species of venomous snake that is found in the southeastern United States. 

They are the largest venomous snake in the United States and are considered to be one of the most dangerous snakes in the world.

It has a wide-ranging habitat and can be found throughout much of southern New England, large parts of the Midwest, South, and East Coast including Florida. These snakes are usually 3-4 feet long but can reach 6 feet in length.

The eastern diamondback rattlesnake is a medium-sized, heavy-bodied species of a rattlesnake that can be identified by its rough, diamond-shaped dorsal scales and the dark black rattles at the tip of its tail. The Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake is responsible for more venomous snakebites than any other species in North America.

26. English Setter

An English setter is a dog breed originating in England. The breed was used for hunting, specifically for setting or finding game birds.

They bond very well with children, but can also be cautious around strangers. This dog makes a good guard dog and is friendly with other pets.

English Setter is a medium-sized dog, with a strong body and hardy constitution. The muzzle is rather short and chiseled; the skull flat; the nostrils broad and prominent; lips clean and closely fitting, covering the teeth which meet in a scissors bite. 

The body and limbs are well-knit, muscular, and of good length. Height: 24 inches at shoulder for dogs; 22 inches for bitches usually weighing from 50 to 65 pounds.

They have long, silky hair and large ears, with a unique double coat that is silky and flat on the undercoat but very thick and curly on top. This breed is happiest when they can be outside in fairly open areas where they can roam freely; however, they are not particularly active indoors.

27. European Polecat

The European polecat is a species of mustelid native to Europe. It is also known as the black-footed ferret or the forest ferret.

The European polecat is the only species of polecat to occur in Europe. It is a member of the weasel family, Mustelidae.

The European Polecat is a fast, wary hunter that can kill animals several times its weight. Its belly is white and its back brown, with guard hairs of black or gray. It has thick, dark stripes on its tail.

The European Polecat is a medium-sized member of the weasel family. It is long, about half the size of a domestic cat. It weighs between 1.5 and 2 kilograms, with males being larger than females. Their fur is brownish with hints of grey on the back and whitish underparts. They have short legs and small rounded ears that are almost hidden in their thick fur; their eyes are also quite small, though they have large black pupils.

28. Eskimo Dog

The Eskimo, as it is sometimes called, is a spitz-type dog used for hunting and pulling sleds in Arctic regions. 

The Eskimo Dog is an extremely loyal dog that is regarded as a companion and a working dog. The Eskimo Dog has helped with camels, cattle, sheep, and other animals for thousands of years. It was introduced to Alaska by the Inuits who used it for sledding, packing, hunting, and herding. The Eskimo Dog is also a good watchdog because of its protective nature. The Eskimo Dog averages from 20 to 26 inches in height at the shoulder.

The breed is thought to be one of the oldest and most versatile working dogs and is still used for these purposes in many parts of the world. They are also kept as pets and are known for being friendly and good with children.

The Eskimo Dog is a breed of working dog developed in northern Greenland and historically used for hunting, herding, and sledding. Inuit breeders have raised the Eskimo Dog for thousands of years, breeding multi-purpose dogs that can withstand extremely cold conditions.

29. Eland

Eland is a beautiful animal. An eland is an extremely large antelope with long flared horns, found in the grasslands of Africa.

The eland is a large, African antelope. It is the second-largest antelope in the world, after the giraffe. The eland is a herbivore and lives on a diet of grass. It is a very social animal and lives in herds of up to 500 animals. 

The eland is a very popular game animal and is hunted for its meat and skin. African antelope is found in Southern and Eastern Africa. They are very shy animals, more often heard than seen.

An Eland is a large, powerful antelope with receding forehead horns. These antelopes are found in the brush, forests, or grasslands of Africa. They eat leaves, twigs, buds, and shoots and will also eat insects and grubs if they are available.

30. Egyptian Mau

The Egyptian Mau is a domestic cat breed that is the only natural breed of spotted domestic cats. The Mau is a medium to a large-sized cat with a short to medium-length coat. 

The Mau is a muscular and powerful cat with a long and elegant body. The Mau has a distinctly Egyptian appearance with their long, slender necks and large, rounded ears.

Egyptian Mau is a lively, entertaining, jovial cat that loves to be part of the family. This intelligent and playful breed will entertain you with its antics and affectionate behavior.

The Egyptian Mau is a rare cat known for its unique coloring, distinct appearance, and playful personality. This medium-sized domestic shorthair is not just any ordinary cat though. Their long coats and short bodies make them unique in their natural state but can also do well in many different cat shows. 

The Egyptian Mau cat is one of the oldest natural breeds in existence.  They have been depicted in art dating back thousands of years, but it wasn’t until 1926 that they were first recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association as a breed.

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