40 Animals That Start With The Letter J

40 Animals That Start With The Letter J

40 Animals That Start With The Letter J

When I think of the letter J, I think of Jack Russell Terriers, Japanese Chin dogs, and Jack Russels. But that’s not all! 

There are so many animals that start with this letter, from the tiny Javan rhinoceros to the beautiful jaguarundi cat – who knew there were so many?


Jackals are members of the Canidae family, which also includes wolves, foxes, and dogs. There are four species of jackal.

 Ethiopian, black-backed, fennec, and side-striped. They have large ears, a long snout, and a bushy tail. They are found in Africa (Ethiopia), Central Asia (Iran), and South Asia (India). Jackals eat small prey such as insects, rodents, or reptiles as well as larger animals such as antelopes or even small deer when they can catch them.

Jackals have been known to mate with domestic dogs so make sure to keep your pets away from wild ones if you want them to stay safe!


Jaguars are the largest cats in the Americas and one of the biggest in the world. They’re found in rainforests, dry forests, and grasslands throughout Central and South America. 

Jaguars are solitary, nocturnal hunters who prey on small mammals like deer and peccaries (wild pigs).

Though they once roamed far into North America, jaguars have been pushed back to their current habitats due to deforestation. Jaguars are also threatened by poachers who kill them for their fur or body parts used as traditional medicine in some countries. Despite these threats, jaguars are protected under law in many areas where they live

Jack Russell Terrier

A Jack Russell Terrier is a small breed of a terrier named for Reverend John Russell, a 19th-century fox hunter. 

They are known for their high level of intelligence and energy.

They are very energetic and require plenty of exercises, so they make great companions for someone who likes to get outdoors regularly (walking or hiking). 

Jack Russells were originally bred to burrow underground in search of foxes on horseback, but today they spend most of their time playing with their owners indoors or outside in an enclosure.

Javanese Cat

The Javanese cat is a breed of domestic cat that originates from Indonesia and is known for its long, silky coat. 

It’s a medium-sized cat with an average weight of 6 to 8 pounds, but it can vary depending on gender.

While this breed is relatively new compared to other breeds, it has become increasingly popular due in part to its friendly personality and small size—it makes an excellent choice for people who live in apartments or don’t have much space available.

Javan Rhinoceros

The Javan Rhinoceros is a species of rhinoceros and it’s the smallest of all five species. This animal is found in Indonesia, which is located in Southeast Asia. 

They are critically endangered because only about 50 remain in Ujung Kulon National Park on the island of Java.

Javan Rhinos have a stocky body with small ears and large eyes for seeing at night when they come out to feed because they are nocturnal. They use their prehensile lip to pluck leaves from trees like bamboo trees and figs that grow along riversides where they live.

Japanese Macaque

Japanese macaque (Macaca fuscata) is a primate found in Japan. 

The Japanese macaque is the most common species of macaque in Japan, and it lives on the islands of Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. The Japanese macaques live in groups (troops), which can range from 3 to 30 individuals.

Japanese macaques are omnivorous: they eat meat, fish, and plants. They feed on acorns, chestnuts, walnuts, and avocados as well as insects such as grasshoppers or crickets; some also eat crabs or shellfish when food is scarce.


A Jerboa is a small, cat-like animal that can be found in deserts. 

It has a long tail and can jump up to a meter. The eyes of the Jerboa are large, as is its long nose. Its neck comes out from its shoulders and it has strong legs to help it jump so far into the air!

Jico Deer Mouse

The Jico deer mouse (Peromyscus juices) is a species of rodent in the family Cricetidae. 

It is found in Bolivia and Peru. Its natural habitat is subtropical or tropical dry shrubland.

It is known as a common species in Peru, where it has been recorded at elevations between 1,750–2,200 m (5,740-7,220 ft).

Jack Rabbit

The jackrabbit is a hare and a member of the Leporidae family. It’s also called a desert cottontail.

Jackrabbits are medium-sized rabbits with large ears and long, powerful back legs. They can reach speeds of up to 56 km/h (35 mph) when frightened or pursued by predators.

The jackrabbit feeds mostly on grasses, herbs, and shrubs as well as fruit from time to time. Jackrabbits are herbivores—they only eat plants for food!

Jackrabbits live in deserts across North America where there isn’t much water available for drinking so they need to be able to get enough hydration from their food sources instead which means lots of roughage like dry grasses which helps them digest their food better without getting sick from constipation too often either!

Jack Russel

Jack Russells are known for their loyalty and affection. These dogs are also very intelligent and can be trained easily. 

Jack Russells are very energetic and love to play, making them a good choice for families with children who will enjoy playing ball with the dog or letting him chase after his favorite toy.

The Jack Russell Terrier may be small in size, but it has a big personality!


Jackabee. A rabbit that is bred from a jackrabbit and a doe.

Jackabees are cross-breed rabbits that have been produced by crossing a male Jackrabbit (a rabbit with an extremely long and thick coat) with a female domestic rabbit (or hare). The jackabes were initially bred for their fur but later became popular as pets. 

They are more active than other domesticated animals and require plenty of space to roam around.

Jungle Cat

The Jungle Cat is a medium-sized cat that is native to Asia. It has also been called the Bay Cat, but this name is less commonly used. 

The word “jungle” in its name comes from the term “jungles,” which means tropical rainforests.

The Jungle Cat is nocturnal, meaning it sleeps during the day and hunts at night (the opposite of most other cats).

Its coat varies from light gray to tawny brown on top and darker gray or reddish-brown underneath. It has black blotches covering its body and tail, as well as dark stripes running down its back and sides. Its legs have dark rings around them that make them stand out against its soft fur when it’s running through the forest!

Japanese Hare

Japanese hare, or Lepus brachyurus japonicus, is a species of hare found in Japan. 

It is the smallest of all hares and has small ears, a long tail, and large hind legs. The fur on its back is brownish-grey with black spots while its belly is white.

The Japanese hare mates in February and April so that it can have two litters per year—one in March to April and another in September to October. They usually give birth to three or four young at once after about one month of pregnancy; however, some females have been known to give birth up to six times per year under optimal conditions!

Japanese Chin

The Japanese Chin is a small, toy dog breed. They are members of the Spaniel family and were developed in China.

Japanese Chins are known for their elegance and intelligence, which make them great companions for any owner. These dogs can even learn tricks!

Japanese Chins make wonderful pets because they’re so easy to train, but they’re also smart enough to be left alone when you need some peace—they’ll know what’s going on without being told every step of the way.

If you’ve been looking for an intelligent dog with a lot of personalities then look no further than this beloved breed!

Japanese Beetle

The Japanese Beetle is a species of beetle native to Japan and China. 

In the United States, it is considered a pest because it eats the leaves of many trees and shrubs. 

The Japanese Beetle has been known to travel across oceans on ships—like many other species that have found their way into new ecosystems as human trade routes expanded.

Jaguarundi Cat

The Jaguarundi cat is a small black and tan cat with long legs and a long tail. The head of this animal is large with small rounded ears, 

it has a short snout that allows it to catch prey in the water. The teeth are well developed for holding fish, frogs, lizards, and birds. The claws allow them to climb trees as they hunt on land or in water. 

They have been known to kill animals many times their sizes such as dogs or even cattle! These cats are very stealthy hunters who can be seen at dusk stalking around ponds waiting patiently for their next meal!


The jaguarundi is a small cat found in the Americas.

It’s a good swimmer and climber, and can also jump up to 50 feet (15 meters) vertically using its strong hind legs. The jaguarundi is an excellent hunter and predator.

Jackson’s Chameleon

Jackson’s Chameleon is a species of chameleon native to Madagascar.

The Jackson’s chameleon is a medium-sized chameleon that grows to a maximum length of about 20 centimeters (8 inches). 

This species has a long tail and often drags it along the ground as it walks on all four legs, with its body held parallel to the surface. This species has green scales and bright blue patches on the flanks, which can be seen from far away by other animals in its habitat.


Jackrabbits are herbivores and can be found in North America. They’re fast runners, nocturnal, and can leap as far as 20 feet at a time! They live in open spaces such as deserts and grasslands.

Jackrabbits are usually brown or grey. Their fur protects them from hot temperatures; if you see a jackrabbit with black stripes that’s because it is sick or injured. Jackrabbits have long ears which help them hear predators coming from far away–they also hear very well at night when most other animals sleep!

Jackrabbits are born with their eyes open; this means that even though they’re still babies they can run around almost immediately after being born! 

Does this also mean that if you ever see a jackrabbit with its eyes shut for any reason (like if something had scared it), then there’s probably something wrong with it like maybe someone picked him up by accident? That would explain why he wouldn’t be able to get away because he couldn’t see where he was going.”


In this section, we will learn about the Jackdaw, a species of bird that belongs to the Corvidae family.

A jackdaw is a black bird with a white throat and beak. It is a member of the crow family; its scientific name is Corvus monedula.

Jackdaws are native to Europe and western Asia, but they have been introduced into other parts of the world as well. In North America they are mostly found in western states such as Montana and California; they were introduced there in 1920.

Javan Pig

The Javan Pig is a species of pig that is endemic to Indonesia. They are wild boars and were hunted by humans until they became extinct in the 1950s. 

The last remaining Javan Pigs were then bred in captivity, but they were released into the wild again in recent years. 

They live on farms or in forests, but they cannot survive without water because they need it to drink and bathe themselves with when they come inside from the heat outside!

Javan Langur

You may have heard of the Javan langur, an endangered species of monkey that lives in Indonesia. 

It can be found in groups called troops and is nocturnal, meaning it sleeps during the day and comes out at night. The Javan langur has a white face and black fur. It also has large ears and dark eyes.

Javan Langurs are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals for food. They usually eat fruits, leaves, and insects but will also occasionally eat small birds or lizards if they come across them while foraging for food at night time!

Japanese Terrier

The Japanese Terrier is a highly energetic breed that is known for its intelligence. 

These dogs make great family pets, as they are very loyal and affectionate towards their owners. They also make excellent watchdogs, because they are alert to every noise or movement around them. 

The Japanese Terrier is generally easy to train, as it has a high desire to please its owner.

Japanese Squirrel

The Japanese Squirrel is a small rodent, native to Japan. It is part of the Sciuridae family, which includes ground squirrels and tree squirrels. 

The Japanese Squirrel has several unique characteristics that set it apart from other species in its genus. These include its bushy tail, nocturnal behavior (it sleeps during the day), and the ability to climb trees at night. 

While these traits are common among other members of this family, they help us understand more about how this animal lives on different levels of forested areas across Japan.

Jack Mackerel

The Jack Mackerel is a fish, and it’s also a type of mackerel. It’s also known as the horse mackerel because it looks like a horse and can neigh when you pet it. 

The Jack Mackerel is a small fish, but don’t let that fool you: Although its size doesn’t usually exceed 30 centimeters long (12 inches), this little guy packs quite the punch in terms of flavor!

The Jack Mackerel is one of many animals that start with the letter J. Many people enjoy eating him with lemon juice or lime juice while they’re watching TV together on their couch.

Japanese Macaque

The Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata) is a species of macaque native to Japan. 

It is one of the most widespread and well-known non-human primates in the world, with a total population estimated at more than 260,000 individuals.

The Japanese Macaque (Macaca fuscata) is a species of macaque that can be found across much of Japan. It belongs to the genus Macaca and the family Cercopithecidae (Old World monkeys). 

There are about twenty different subspecies recognized within this species that all have their unique characteristics; however, most will fall into one major group based on phenotype similarities between individuals such as body size and fur coloration patterns.

Japanese Spitz

The Japanese Spitz is a breed of dog that has been around since the 1930s. It is a small dog with a hardy, loyal nature and can be used as both a pet and a guard dog.

The Japanese Spitz is affectionate toward its family members, but it can be aggressive toward strangers. Since this breed tends to bark at anything unusual, it’s not the best choice for families without children or other animals in the home. 

The barking isn’t excessive; however, if you’re looking for something more mellow then you might want to consider another breed instead.

Jumping Mouse

The Jumping Mouse (Zapus hudsonius) is a small rodent that can jump. It’s only ten inches long and weighs around 100 grams (less than half a pound).

The jumping mouse has four toes on each foot, including a big toe with an opposing second toe, which helps it to grip trees when it leaps from branch to branch. Some other mice have five or six toes instead of four, but they don’t have the same ability to jump because their extra toes are tiny and useless for gripping branches.

In general, the jumping mouse lives in forests where there are many trees—and lots of bushes and grasses for eating!


The jaguarundi is a small cat that is native to Central and South America. 

It belongs to the genus Herpailurus and can be found in a variety of habitats, including dense forests and scrublands.

The jaguarundi gets its name from its resemblance to both the domestic cat (which it resembles in size) and the jaguar (which it resembles in coat coloration). It also gets called “dwarf jaguar” for this reason.

Juniper Vole

Juniper voles are small rodents that are found throughout the Northern Hemisphere. 

They are also known as meadow mice, and these animals typically measure about 5-6 inches long. Voles have dark brown fur on their backs and cream-colored bellies.

Juniper voles are herbivores, which means they eat grasses, plants, and other plant matter. They also eat insects or other small animals depending on what they find available in their habitat.

June Bug

June bugs, also known as the May beetle (although they’re not beetles), are a type of winged insect that has been known to bite people. 

They can be found throughout North America and often fly around at night in large swarms.

June bugs have red and black coloring and are about 1 inch long. Their bodies have hard wings that protect them from being eaten by predators like birds or snakes.

Japanese Bobtail Cat

The Japanese Bobtail Cat is a breed of cat with a kinked tail. The tail is kinked approximately 90 degrees, and the cat is bred to have a “cork-screw” tail. 

This breed is also known as the Munchkin Cat.

The Japanese Bobtail Cat has a short body with long legs and large feet, which makes it look like it’s standing up all the time. In addition to its unusual physical characteristics, this cat has an outgoing personality that makes them excellent pets for people who want more than just another houseplant or pet rock!

Japanese Chin Dog

The Japanese Chin Dog also referred to as a Jap Chins and Japanese Spaniel is a small purebred dog with a long history. 

The dogs originated in Japan, but they were introduced to the United States in the late 1800s.

The Japanese Chin Dog has delicate features and an elegant body shape that is similar to a miniature Poodle’s. They have long legs and tails that are docked for show purposes only; however, both males and females can have tails if you wish them not to be docked at birth (this will require more frequent grooming). Other than their coat type, this breed does not shed much hair so make sure you brush their coats often!

When it comes to temperament: these animals can be very friendly towards humans while being wary around other animals they do not know well yet or those who may pose a threat such as barking dogs nearby or even other cats/dogs coming near when out on walks through parks near your home together playing fetch etcetera because some people like playing fetch with their pet sometimes too but maybe not everyone does this activity together so depending on what kind of person keeps getting closer every time we go outside together into public places where there might be strangers walking past us without permission because some people think it’s okay because everyone needs privacy too which means we must protect ourselves from others who might try taking away our property without asking first before doing so–

Junin Grass Mouse

Junin Grass Mouse (Akodon juninensis)

  • It’s a rodent.
  • It lives in the Andes Mountains, of Peru and Bolivia.
  • It is herbivorous, and so eats mostly plants, but also some insects if it can find them (especially during the dry season).
  • This animal is nocturnal: it only comes out at night; its days are spent sleeping or sitting quietly under a bush or rock somewhere where there is plenty of food available.
  • These animals are solitary creatures who don’t live together all that often—they’re just incredibly social animals when they do happen upon each other!

Jungle Shrew

The jungle shrew (“Cryptotis” is Latin for “hidden,” and “guttata” is a reference to the small, dark dots on its white belly) is a small mammal found in tropical forests in Central and South America.

They’re not quite as small as the pygmy shrew, with an average length of about 2 1/2 inches (6.4 centimeters), but they have very similar habits—they’re nocturnal, insectivorous mammals that spend most of their lives underground or under leaves.

Jungle shrews live in damp soil under logs, rocks, and leaf litter. They eat insects such as beetles, spiders, and crickets; also earthworms if they can find them!

John Dory Fish

When you are talking to your friends and family about the fish that start with the letter J, you will probably mention the John Dory fish. 

This is a type of fish that can be found in many places across the world. It is also known as St. Pierre fish and Saint Pierre fish. The name comes from someone named Saint Pierre who caught this type of fish sometime during his life.

The John Dory is a thin-bodied white-colored creature that has been around for thousands of years and has been used for food by many different cultures throughout history.

Jungle Palm Squirrel

The jungle palm squirrel is a species of tree squirrel native to Southeast Asia. The jungle palm squirrel’s scientific name is Funambulus palmarum. 

It can be found in Indonesia and Malaysia, as well as other parts of South East Asia including the Philippines, Singapore, and Brunei Darussalam.

The jungle palm squirrel lives in a variety of habitats including rainforests, mangroves, and swamp forests. It also occurs at high altitudes up to about 1,500 m (4,900 ft).

Jungle Palm Squirrel

The Jungle Palm Squirrel is the smallest in the world and therefore deserves a spot on our list. It lives in rainforests and can be found in Indonesia. 

This nocturnal creature has a bushy tail and long whiskers, making it look like it has been drinking cocktails all evening!

The Jungle Palm Squirrel is a tree squirrel, so if you have one of these little guys around your house, be sure to keep an eye out for them during their normal hours (between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m.). 

The best way to tell whether or not this cute little guy is living nearby is by looking for signs of destruction–such as chewed-up trees or leaves scattered on the ground outside your home–or droppings left behind by these cute creatures!

Jumping Spider

Jumping spiders are the most diverse family of spiders, and can be found on every continent except Antarctica. They have excellent vision and can jump up to 50 times their body length.

The jumping spider’s main defense mechanism is its ability to leap away from predators, though some species will also bite if provoked.

Jumping spiders are small (about 2 cm), with large heads and often large eyes in comparison with other arthropods; they have very good vision, being able to see beyond the color spectrum visible to humans (they can see ultraviolet light). 

Their chelicerae (“jaws”) are among the fastest moving parts of any animal; at 10g/mm2, they accelerate at about 200 m/s2 (compared with 100g/mm2 for a bullet). This speed allows them to catch insects in mid-air or pounce on prey within almost three body lengths of themselves using their front legs as pulley systems that swing down while they pivot upwards into a jump position. 

The movements used by jumping spiders when jumping are remarkably fast – faster than by any other known animal – with acceleration reaching 1000 gs followed by deceleration over 200 ms (a peak power output equivalent).

Jacob Sheep

Jacob sheep are a breed of white-faced sheep, named after their discoverer, Jacob. They’re medium-sized and have very friendly personalities.

As far as I know, there aren’t many disadvantages to owning a Jacob sheep aside from the fact that they can be quite expensive to buy! 

However, if you want to own one then I recommend starting by looking for sales and waiting for them before going out and buying one because those are usually the best deals when it comes to purchasing animals like these here today!

Jackal Buzzard Bird

The jackal buzzard bird, also known as the African hawk eagle, is considered to be one of the most powerful birds in Africa due to its ability to hunt large prey. 

This raptor can have a wingspan of up to six feet and has been known to have an eight-foot wing span. They inhabit savannas and open woodlands where they can find prey such as small mammals, reptiles, insects, small birds, and large rodents.

The jackal buzzard bird has a curved beak that allows it to eat snakes and other large animals that cannot easily be swallowed whole by other birds or animals. The jackal buzzard bird also has a short tail which helps them maneuver through trees while hunting for food or nesting in trees instead of on the ground like most other raptors do because their legs are not strong enough for them to support their weight when standing upright on two legs so instead they stand on three legs while holding onto branches with their talons making them almost impossible for predators like humans (or anyone else) trying

to climb up into their nest so if someone does try climbing up into where one might potentially spot these beautiful creatures there’s not much chance you would see them unless you know what exactly we’re looking for because these animals camouflage very well into their environment making them virtually invisible unless they want people to see


Javan Banded Pitta Bird

The Javan banded pitta is a small passerine bird that is found in the Javan islands of Indonesia. It is a member of the Pittidae family and is known to only be found in Java.

There Are So Many Animals That Start With The Letter J!

You might think that there are only a handful of animals that start with the letter J, but you’d be wrong! 

There are so many creatures out there that begin with this letter. The letter J is the 40th letter in the English alphabet. It’s also called “jay” or “jam.”

People have been naming their pets after this special symbol for centuries now—and it’s easy to see why! The first time I saw my friend’s pet talking jaguar, I was blown away by how amazing it looked (and sounded). If you’re looking for some ideas on what kind of animal you want to get next, here are a few suggestions:


I hope you enjoyed learning about all of these wonderful animals that begin with the letter “J.” Animals are so interesting and unique, it’s hard not to love them! I know I sure do. There are so many different kinds of animals out there that it would take forever to list them all, but hopefully, this post gave you an idea of what some of them might be like.

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