7 Angel Ornament Craft For Kids


The holidays are a great time to bond with your kids over a fun craft project. You can find many wonderful crafts that use supplies you already have at home. In this post, we will show you how to make 7 angel ornaments with ease. All of these projects are easy enough for children to do by themselves, but they’re also fun for parents and siblings as well!

Angel Ornament for Kids

My daughter loved this craft. It was easy for her to do, but it had enough detail to keep her interested. She even made a few of these angels as gifts for friends!


  • paper plate
  • stapler (you could use glue instead)
  • scissors

Instructions: 1) Cut out a large circle from your paper plate using scissors or a hole punch. 2) Make three smaller circles using the same method as above; they will be used as halo and wings later on in this project. 3) Use one of your straws to make an even bigger hole at the top of your paper plate; this is where you’ll place the angel’s head when it’s finished.[1] 4) Using another straw, cut out two small pieces for wings by making cuts down the sides of the straw until there’s about an inch left at both ends; then bend those ends back slightly so they’re pointing upwards towards each other.[2] 5

DIY Toilet Paper Roll Christmas Ornaments with Wings

  • Toilet Paper Rolls
  • Paint
  • Glitter (if you want it)
  • Ribbon, yarn and/or string for wings. We used embroidery thread because it was the same color as our paint, but ribbon would work just as well.
  • Scissors
  • Craft glue
  • Be sure to let all your paint dry before moving on to the next step!

Santa’s Little Helpers Kid’s Ornament

  • Materials:
  • Two pieces of red felt (the same size)
  • One piece of white felt (the same size)
  • A black marker or pen (to draw the face)
  • Tacky glue or hot glue gun (to attach the felt to the ornament)

Cotton Ball Angel Ornament

Have you ever wanted to make a craft with your kids that was easy, inexpensive, and fun? Well here is a simple craft project to help you do just that!

First take the printout of the template. If you don’t want wings or a face, then just cut out an angel shape from the sheet of paper with scissors. Then cut out another piece of white paper and glue it on top of original sheet (or use construction paper).

Next have your child color in his/her design using markers or crayons. You can even draw on details such as hair or clothing yourself if you want too! After this is done have your child glue cotton balls onto their drawing using white glue or tacky glue (whichever works best for him/her). It’s important not too use too much because it could make his/her design harden up when dry which isn’t fun at all!

Air Dry Clay Christmas Ornaments

What you need:

Air-dry clay, craft knife and cutting board, paintbrush and paint (optional), glue (optional)

Step 1: Follow the instructions on your air-dry clay package to make one pound of clay. The basic recipe is two cups of flour mixed with enough water to create an easily workable dough. Once you’ve kneaded in enough water to form a ball of clay that isn’t too sticky or crumbly, roll out your clay into a long snake shape.

Step 2: Using a small cookie cutter or knife, cut shapes out of the snake—you can leave them as simple circles or create fancier designs by making snowflake-like cuts around each circle’s outer edge! You can also use a variety of tools like toothpicks or pushpins for this step if you prefer not to cut into your creation. Once all your pieces have been cut from the main shape, carefully push them onto the end pieces that will become hooks on which to hang your ornament later on; try using a dab of hot glue if necessary! Step 3: Once everything has dried completely (this may take up to several days depending on how thickly coated with paint/glue etc.), cover it all in glitter! You could also choose another material such as sequins instead if desired; just make sure that whatever type chosen doesn’t melt before baking so as not damage your creation while heating up during this process.(Optional) This step isn’t necessary but adds some extra sparkle which makes these beautiful DIY Christmas decorations look even better hanging from trees outside during December holidays 🙂

Handprint Christmas Angel Ornaments

Handprint Christmas Angel Ornaments are a fun craft for kids to make. They can be used as a tree topper, or as gifts for friends and family members. The best part is you don’t need any fancy supplies or expensive tools to make it!

You just need paint or paint pens, paper plate and some glue. Follow these instructions on how to make your own and then let your child use their imagination when decorating it.

Easy Angel Craft made with Foam Sheets and Pipe Cleaners!

  • Use a foam sheet. You can use any size you like, but the larger ones tend to be easier for kids to cut out.
  • Use pipe cleaners. If you’re using small pipe cleaners, the ends will be easier for little fingers to hold onto than larger ones would be—and they won’t get lost as easily!
  • Glue or tape all your pieces together with glue or tape (or both).
  • Use markers or pencils on brown paper bags if you want to make an angel ornament look more golden than white—and don’t worry about stuffy perfectionism: nobody else needs to see it except yourself and whoever winds up getting it as a gift!
  • You can also use scissors rather than paper cutters if that works better for whatever reason (maybe because someone else has already used up all the brown paper bags in the house). Just keep in mind that sharp objects are dangerous around young children—so keep them away from little fingers until everything is glued together safely! Also remember that cutting out angel shapes might require some patience from younger kids who aren’t quite ready yet for this kind of work … but there are many other crafts here where even preschoolers could participate independently within their own abilities.”

Making Christmas decorations is a fun way to spend time with the family.

Making Christmas decorations is a fun way to spend time with the family. If you’re looking for an easy and inexpensive activity, this angel ornament craft is perfect! It can be done in just a few minutes and you probably already have most of the supplies on hand.

  • Gather all your materials together. You will need:
  • colored construction paper or cardstock (to make wings)
  • a pencil or pen
  • Draw wings on one side of each piece of paper or cardstock, then cut them out so they look like actual wings! If your child isn’t able to draw yet, don’t worry—they’ll be learning how to write their name by doing this project as well! After cutting out their wing shapes, ask them to write their name on the other side using whatever writing instrument you choose (pencils work well). This step will help children recognize how letters form words when written down correctly; it’ll also allow them to use words in sentences instead of phonograms alone simply because they’ve already practiced spelling them before hand.”


Here at Crafty Morning, we love making crafts with our kids! Here are some of our favorite Christmas ornaments for kids. They’re all easy to make and fun for everyone in the family. If you have any other ideas or tips for kid-friendly holiday decorations, please share them with us in the comments section below!

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