7 Food Art And Craft For Kids

7 Food Art And Craft For Kids


Children respond to the universal language of food. Then why not give them a snack while teaching them new skills? Fruits and vegetables (and some “fun food”) may be used in a variety of creative ways that kids can try on their own with minimal adult assistance, and we’ve discovered plenty of examples. Your children will like these activities and be more open to trying new cuisines and creative processes.

Fruit and Veggie Pencil Toppers

Fruit and veggies are a healthy, colorful, fun and easy way to decorate pencils. They’re also an excellent choice for your little ones who have just started learning how to write.

These are some of the benefits of using fruit for pencil toppers:

  • Kids will eat it! When you give them a piece of fruit with their pencils, they will automatically start eating it because they want something tasty to chew on while working. This is a great way to prevent children from getting bored or distracted when doing their homework tasks at school or at home.
  • They provide nutrients like vitamins A and C; iron; potassium; calcium; folic acid and phytosterols (which help reduce cholesterol levels). And if you choose fruit without peelings then there won’t be any added sugar either!

Corn Cob Paper Craft

  • Use a pencil to draw the outline of a corn cob on a piece of paper.
  • Cut out the corn cob shape, removing all extras around it. If you don’t have access to an x-acto knife, use scissors to cut along the lines.
  • Glue on some googly eyes and craft felt for the corn silk (the long strand that hangs off).

Paper Lunch Bag Apple Pom Craft

  • You can use any paper bag for this craft.
  • You can use any type of fruit for the apple.
  • For the stem, you can use any type of toothpick and then dip it in glue or paint to make it look like wood.
  • For the leaves, you can use any type of paint and then dip them in a plate with water to make them curl up at the ends.
  • Paint some eyes on your apple using markers or crayons so that it looks like an apple!

Pineapple Paper Plate Craft

  • Materials:
  • *Paper plates
  • *Scissors
  • *Acrylic paint (or other craft paint) in yellow, green and brown
  • *Paintbrush or sponge brush (optional)
  • Directions:
  • Cut out a large circle from the center of your paper plate. This will be the base of your pineapple. Cut out a small circle from another part of the paper plate and use it to make leaves for your pineapple top. Don’t worry if they’re not perfect—they don’t have to be! In fact, they should look like real leaves rather than perfect circles because that’s what makes them look more realistic! This can also be done with some scrap pieces of newspaper or cardboard instead of using an actual piece off a plate otherwise used by people who actually eat food on it…but why would someone do that? That would be gross! Anyway back to our lesson here…

Paper Cupcake Garland

This craft is a fun and easy way to decorate your party space. It can be made out of store bought paper cups, or you can make your own using colored cardstock. To make it easier for the kids, you could even have them color the cups ahead of time.

How long it takes: The process itself will take about 15 minutes, but cleanup might take another 10 or so minutes depending on how many kids are helping you. How to display: You can hang this garland with fishing line or ribbons from hooks in the ceiling as shown above — just be sure to use sturdy hooks! Or if you want something more lightweight (not tied down), try attaching one end of a string of lights at each end and hanging them around windowsills or doorways.

How to clean up: This project is so simple that there’s virtually no clean-up involved when it comes time to put everything away!

Egg Carton Fruit Craft

As far as food art goes, this one is pretty straightforward. Simply use an egg carton to create a fruit bowl. Cut the top off of the egg carton and then use fruits, vegetables or candy to make your little bowl-like shape inside. For example, we used grapes for our fruit bowl! To give our grapes some color we added red edible food coloring to them and mixed it up with a little bit of water in separate bowls. Once mixed together well (you don’t want any white spots!), place your grapes into their new home: the egg carton! If you’re using something like gummy bears or jelly beans for decoration, place them into their own small section within each section of your fruit bowl so that they look like they’re floating on top of water! To give our grapes some extra flair we used pipe cleaners for stems and plastic knives to cut them down into bite size pieces.

Build a Burger Garland

A burger is a sandwich made of a cooked patty with various other ingredients, including lettuce, tomato, onion and cheese. It’s also known as an American hamburger. If you want to build your own burger, here are some things you can do:

  • Buy the ingredients from a grocery store or supermarket. You will need bread rolls (or buns), lettuce leaves and tomatoes for your burgers. You may also want to add onions and cheese for extra flavor! If you want to go all out with this craft project, then why not make your own patties too? Try using ground beef with spices like garlic powder or cumin powder added in it—that makes it taste even better!
  • Once everything is ready on the table, there are two ways of making them into cute burgers – either by cutting each piece individually or simply spreading all these items onto one slice (like shown above). If kids aren’t yet skilled enough at cutting food into small pieces but still enjoy making crafts then perhaps go ahead with option 2 instead which gives them less work during assembly time but looks just as good when done correctly!

Food can be fun!

Food can be fun! And there are tons of different ways to use it in art, crafts, science projects and more. Here are seven food-based projects that your kids could try.

  • Make a fruit mobile using skewers and fabric

A great way to get creative with food is by making things out of fruit! And these cute little animals will look great hanging from the ceiling after being made out of colorful fruits like grapes or kiwi slices.

  • Create an edible centerpiece for your next dinner party using apples and oranges

Have you ever thought about putting together a beautiful centerpiece for your next dinner party? Well now is your chance because this project looks awesome! It’s easy too—all you need are some apples and oranges (or any other kind) along with toothpicks! By simply sticking pieces into individual sections you’ll have yourself a stunning display that everyone will want at their next function…and they won’t even know how easy it was either!


We hope you found these craft ideas for kids to be fun and easy. They are a great way to engage your child in some creative play while spending time together as a family.

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