7 Fun Stay-At Home Activities For Families

7 Fun Stay-At Home Activities For Families

7 Fun Stay-At Home Activities For Families

Being cooped up with your family can be tough, but it’s also a great opportunity to get creative and spend time together. 

Here are some of our favorite tips for how you can have fun without spending money or leaving the house:

Make A List Of Each Family Member’s Favorite Indoor Activities

Take turns choosing which activity the entire family will do that day and make sure everyone can participate in the chosen activity, including babies and children who aren’t able to communicate their preferences yet!

Include your kids in the process of deciding what things are on the list, but don’t let them choose everything (you’re still responsible for making sure all needs are met).

Make sure everyone is included in the planning; not just you running around like crazy trying to make everything happen by yourself while kids run around like crazed animals with no direction or purpose!

Make Homemade Pizzas

Homemade Pizzas are a fun activity for the whole family!

  • Preparation:
  • Make the pizza dough. You can use our recipe or buy the ingredients from the store and make it yourself.
  • Make your own pizza sauce and spread it on top of your dough.
  • Enjoy!

Have A Movie Marathon

Snuggle up on the couch with some popcorn and watch some of your family’s favorite movies.

Choose a movie theme. 

Whether it’s all-time classics, comedies, or Disney movies, picking a theme will help you choose the right films.

Make some popcorn. No movie marathon is complete without popcorn. Get the family involved by making it together. 

Get cozy. Get everyone comfortable by setting up blankets and pillows on the floor in front of the TV. 

Choose your snacks. In addition to popcorn, have some other snacks on hand like candy, cookies, or fruit. 

Have fun! This is supposed to be a fun activity for the whole family, so make sure everyone is enjoying themselves.

Turn Up The Music And Have A Dance Party

A dance party is a great way to get all of your family together, get some exercise, and clear your mind. Dance parties are also very easy to do, even if you don’t think you can dance!

If you have young children at home, they will love being able to get involved in this activity too. There are lots of child-friendly songs out there with simple moves that anyone can do, so it’s easy for them to participate and join in with their favorite tunes.

If you go with an upbeat song (like ‘Let It Go’ from Frozen) or a popular tune that everyone knows (like ‘Uptown Funk’) then it’s even easier because everyone will know the words and be able to sing along as well!

Have A Family Game Night

If you’re looking for a night that is fun and engaging, try having a family game night!

Choose games that are easy to learn. A great first choice is Uno because it’s fairly simple and quick to play.

Choose games that are short in duration. Games like Sorry or Trouble don’t last more than twenty minutes, so they’re ideal for families with young children who tend to lose interest quickly.

Choose games that aren’t too competitive—this will help keep everyone happy and engaged throughout the evening! You can also choose cooperative board games where everyone wins together or loses together (like Monopoly).

Choose non-violent card games like Phase 10 or War rather than violent video games like Call Of Duty or Halo 5: Guardians (unless you want your kids playing those instead!). Similarly, avoid dice-rolling party games such as Liar’s Dice if any member of your family has an anxiety disorder or similar condition where random stimuli can trigger an episode; these types of activities may cause them distress when played under certain circumstances!

Try To Take Turns With Who’s In Charge Activity

In addition to the above, it’s important to try to take turns with who’s in charge of the indoor activity. 

For example, if you’re playing games, take turns being “it” and letting others go first each time. That way, everyone gets a chance at winning!

Consider doing one longer activity

When you’re short on time and energy, it can be tempting to just sit around when you get home from work. 

But if you have kids at home who need entertainment and care, it’s important to look for ways to make your kids happy while helping them learn at the same time.

One way of doing this is by scheduling fun activities for your family. If all members of the family are involved in an activity together, everyone gets something out of it without taking away from anyone else’s happiness. Here are some ideas:

Consider doing one longer activity, such as a movie or board game, and three shorter activities like reading or dancing together. This gives everyone a chance to be involved without tiring out too quickly.

such as a movie or board game, and three shorter activities, like reading or dancing together.

Get “Togetherness” To-do Items Done While Spending Time Together.

Get everyone involved. If you’re going to be doing something together, you need to make sure that your kids are a part of the process, too. In fact, they can probably help you out more than you think!

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It’s so easy to take on too much when we have a lot going on outside of our homes (work, daycare, errands) but it’s important not to hurt yourself or your relationships by trying to do everything yourself or feeling like you’re not asking enough from others around you. Don’t be afraid to delegate tasks either: nobody is good at everything, so don’t feel like there’s only one way for things to get done (or even worse–that no other way exists!). Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses—you just need someone who has the skills necessary for completing whatever job needs doing!

What are you going to do today?

Plan at least one outdoor activity per day, whether it’s a walk around the block or tackling yard work together.

This is one of the most common questions a child asks every morning, even if they don’t know it. It’s not just parents who want to know what their children will be doing when they’re not around; kids want to know this too! It’s important that there are fun plans in place so that everyone can feel like they’re part of something exciting, whether it’s an activity or simply a pleasant walk around the neighborhood. The activities here provide great inspiration for any family hoping to make their stay-at-home hours more enjoyable.

To Stay Connected With The People

Guard against overstimulation — especially for kids — by keeping all non-essential devices “off-limits” during your time together.

“Unplugging” is a term that’s become popular in recent years — it refers to the practice of turning off your devices and focusing on what’s happening around you. Unplugging can be helpful for adults, and even more so for children who are often overstimulated by their technology and can benefit from taking a break from it.

To stay connected with the people around you and avoid distraction during your time together, make sure your devices are “off-limits.” This will prevent any unnecessary interruptions, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy each other’s company.

Bubble Blowing

See if you can make an indoor activity more fun by doing it outside! Examples include board games, art projects, exercise, and bubbles.

The top 10 indoor activities for families are:

  • Board games
  • Arts and crafts
  • Exercise (i.e., running, throwing balls)
  • Dancing or martial arts
  • Bubble blowing

You don’t need a lot of money to have fun as a family

You don’t need to go out to have fun as a family. You don’t need to spend a lot of money. You don’t need to buy expensive toys, clothes, food or furniture to make your home more enjoyable.

The possibilities are endless and you can think of something that works for your family!


And finally, as we mentioned before, don’t worry if your family isn’t into all of these ideas! Every family is unique and has its own interests. The point is to spend time together and build memories, so try not to feel pressure to make it perfect. You can always come back to this list another time for more ideas or use it as a starting point to brainstorm activities that are even better suited for your family. Whatever you do, enjoy the process!

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