7 Fun Family Activities For 2-Year-Olds

7 Fun Family Activities For 2-Year-Olds

7 Fun Family Activities For 2-Year-Olds

I have a two-year-old, and we often run out of things to do. 

We generally stick to the same activities because I’m always running out of time and energy, but sometimes it’s nice to try something new. 

So I scoured the internet for ideas on what other parents are doing with their two-year-olds, and made a list here so I’ll never run out of ideas again!

Play With Scarves

Scarves make a fun, inexpensive activity for two-year-olds and their parents. You can find scarves at thrift stores or dollar stores—and even make them yourself if you have the time and skill.

Scarves are easy to play with, so they’re great for encouraging your little one’s motor skills. They also help develop your child’s hand-eye coordination through tossing, catching and wrapping them around themselves (and maybe the cat).

Scarves are fun for both kids and adults because they act as an extension of our bodies—they help us do things like keep warm or cover up when it gets too cold out for shorts weather. In this way, scarves bring families together: Kids will want to play with their own scarfs while parents may opt for something thicker like a shawl or blanket scarf that’ll keep them warm on colder days when taking walks is important!

Swing On A Blanket

This activity keeps your little one close to you and provides an opportunity for lots of laughing. Plus, it’s easy!

Lay out a large blanket on the ground or over your bed so that it hangs down like a swing (you don’t want it too tight!). Make sure you are close enough to catch your child if he or she falls out of the swing (ideally, the edge of the blanket should be about waist-high).

Have your 2-year-old wear his or her helmet before swinging away!

Fill And Dump Containers

One of the first things toddlers learn to do is fill and dump containers. It’s a fun activity that helps them build confidence, explore their environment, and even develop coordination skills.

To make this activity even more educational, use different materials for your containers (like paper towel tubes versus empty juice boxes), 

different shapes (like square versus round), different sizes, and more. You can also add some color by using brightly colored containers or adding food coloring to the water before you pour it into a clear container like an old toilet paper roll.

Build A Tower Of Blocks

Another fun activity for your toddler is building towers of blocks.

  • Make sure your toddler’s blocks are safe to use. Some manufacturers design their products for children who are older than two years old, so make sure you have the right type of block before starting this activity.
  • Get your child to stack the blocks on top of each other in different ways, such as alternating colors or stacking them in groups of three or more at a time.
  • Let your toddler knock down their tower and then rebuild it by themselves! They’ll love knocking down something they worked so hard to build in the first place!

Create A Carpet Maze

What you’ll need:

  • A piece of carpet or a large piece of paper
  • Markers, stickers, or paint (optional)
  • A pen (to draw lines)

You can use any type of marker to write on the carpet or paper that you’re using—it’s completely up to you! Then, make sure your child is standing on top of the maze as it is being drawn so that he/she will be able to walk through it afterward.[4] Once you’ve finished drawing your lines on the ground and have allowed them time to dry (if necessary), have fun following them together!

Blow Bubbles

Bubbles are a great activity for any age of child, but they can be especially fun for toddlers. Make your own bubble solution at home using dish soap and water, or use store-bought solutions to keep it simple. You can blow them in the backyard or while you’re out on a walk together—just make sure there is nothing that could be damaged by the bubbles (like windows) and nothing that could be hurt (like your two-year-old).

Paint Or Draw With Water Outside

Water is a fun way to keep your toddler entertained and cool off at the same time. Water play can be messy, but it’s also safe—and there are plenty of ways to help your little one stay clean while she splashes around in a garden hose or water table.

If you’re getting ready for summer, consider investing in an outdoor watering system like this one that lets kids use their hands to move the water from one bucket to another. This type of activity will help your child learn about colors and shapes as he moves the water from container to container.

You can also let him paint with cups filled with different colored liquids on paper plates, which will make cleanup easier than if he were painting on a table or countertop. If you don’t have enough cups for everyone’s favorite colors (or maybe just not enough cupboard space), try squirting blue food coloring into clear dish soap bottles and letting kids enjoy watching bubbles form or drawing designs using colored streams!

These Are Fun Family Activities For 2-year-olds

There are some family activities for 2-year-olds.

  • They’re easy to do.
  • They’re easy to clean up.
  • They’re good for all ages and skill levels, so you don’t have to worry about keeping track of your child’s age when choosing an activity!


These activities are a great way to spend quality time with your kids and help them develop their cognitive skills. We hope you have fun trying out these activities with your child!

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