7 Outdoor Games For Child

7 Outdoor Games For Child

7 Outdoor Games For Child

Outdoor games can be a fun way to get kids to play outside and interact with their friends and neighbors. They help build confidence, improve team-building skills, and are great for physical fitness. 

Some outdoor games involve equipment or preparation, but many of them do not require anything but a little space and some people. Here are 7 fun outdoor games that your kids are sure to love

Enjoy these suggestions for outdoor games!

4 Square

4 Square is a playground game that requires a court with four equal-sized squares marked on it. The players take positions in the center of the squares and toss a ball up in the air to all the other players. 

When it falls, each player tries to hit the ball before it hits the ground and land within their space. If you do so, you get to keep playing until someone else beats you. 

When all of your opponents have beaten you or if no one scores within 30 seconds, then another player goes into play with each successful shot adding 10 points to score for everyone’s round total when time runs out (typically about 20 minutes).

Relay Races

Relay races are a fun, easy way to get the kids outside and moving. They’re also a great way to get them working together! 

Relay races can be done with any number of players, although it’s best if each player has their own color (or some other distinguishing identifier).

  • “Pass-a-Boo”

The first player in line starts by passing something (see below) behind his or her back to the next person in line. The second player then passes whatever is being passed along, starting from behind their backs and ending with it again behind their backs. The third person does the same thing until all players have had their turn. Each team gets one point for each item that makes it across successfully.

  • “Switch”

Instead of passing an object between players, they switch positions in line after each pass/switch is made. Again, teams receive 1 point per successful transfer before moving on to another position in line.*


Cornhole is a popular game that can be played by all ages, and it is one of the most fun games to play with kids. Cornhole involves throwing bean bags into a hole. 

This game can be played by two people, four people or any number in between! The rules are simple: toss your bag through an elevated wooden box as close to the center of the board as possible. Points are scored for getting closer to the center than your opponent’s bag.

Cornhole is also a great game for adults because it involves skill and strategy!

Red Light, Green Light

Red light, and green light games are a great way for children to learn about traffic safety. They can also be a lot of fun! Here are some tips for playing these games.

  • make sure the area is safe and free of traffic 
  • choose a starting line and an ending line 
  • have the children line up at the starting line 
  • explain that when the traffic light is green, they can move forward towards the ending line – when the traffic light turns red, they must stop
  • the first person to reach the ending line is the winner! 

These games are a great way to teach children about traffic safety in a fun and interactive way.

The first player will start as “it” by taking their place in the middle of the field, facing away from everyone else. Teams then take turns chasing each other around until someone gets tagged; once they’re tagged, they become “it”. The last person left standing becomes victorious!

Kick The Can

There are many different types of kick-the-can games that you can play with your child. One popular game is to set up a can in the middle of the room and have the child kick it to see how far they can make it go. 

Another game is to have the child stand a certain distance away from the can and see how many times they can kick it before it hits the ground. 

These are just a few examples of the many different types of kick-the-can games that you can play with your child.


Hopscotch is a game that has been around for centuries and is still a favorite among children today. The game is simple to play and can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Hopscotch is a great way for children to get some exercise and have a lot of fun at the same time.

To play this game, you will need a chalkboard or an empty lot. You can also use sidewalk chalk.

To begin, draw a hopscotch grid on your choice of surface. You can make it as simple or complex as you like, but usually, there are 7 squares in each row and 5 squares in each column (this makes 30 total squares). 

The center square is called the home base where players will start their turn. The rest of them are numbered from 1 to 9 going up left to right and then back down right-to-left again (i.e., 3 is next to 1, 4 is next to 2, etc.). The numbers give direction.

if you land on a number while hopping (and don’t jump exactly into it) then move up one space; if you land on a number while jumping (and don’t hop into it), then move down one space; otherwise stay put! The person who gets across first wins!

Capture The Flag

Capture the Flag is a great outdoor game for kids. It’s also a good way to get your kids off their phones and away from technology. Capture the flag can be played with teams or individually, depending on how many players you have available.

The rules of capturing the flag are fairly simple: each team has one “flag” (a piece of material that can be easily seen) and they must defend it while trying to take their opponent’s flag. To score points, you must return with your captured flag back to your base without being tagged by members of the opposing team. 

In addition, if someone catches another person before they make it back to base with their captured flag, then they will become prisoners themselves until freed by their teammates at base camp!

Outdoor games are fun!

Games are fun. And they’re good for kids. They’re also good for adults, families, friends, neighbors and communities. 

Games are a way of bringing people together at all levels of life to have fun in a safe environment where everyone can participate according to their ability level and abilities are respected by all participants. 

Games can be played with just about anything that you can find around you – sticks or stones on the ground outside your home; pieces of paper or cardboard lying around inside your home; even old clothes discarded by others could be used as equipment in some games!


We hope you and your little ones will enjoy these outdoor games! If you have any more games or ways to play that we missed, please let us know in the comments, we’d love to find some new ways for our kids to have fun outside.

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