7 Paper Star Craft For Kids

7 Paper Star Craft For Kids

I love paper crafts, so when I found out that they make great decorations for the holidays, I knew I had to try them out. 

Here are seven different paper star crafts that are easy enough for kids or anyone else who wants to make something beautiful and fun.

Handmade Paper Star

You need.

  • A piece of paper, about 10″ by 8″.
  • Scissors or an adult to help you with cutting.
  • Fold the paper in half diagonally, then open it up and fold each corner into the center triangle so that they meet at the crease in the middle (the “valley”).
  • Turn your star over and make two more folds along its diagonal lines, keeping them even with one another and symmetrical to create four equal points on either side of your valley.
  • Smooth out any hard corners or rough edges so they’re nice and round; you want your finished product to be smooth as silk! Cut out any additional shapes if desired—you can make stars within stars!
  • Hang your handmade star above your child’s bed or on a wall in their room for added fun!

Plaster of Paris Stars

Plaster of Paris is a material that can be used for making crafts. 

This is a very easy process and can be done in less than 20 minutes. It’s also relatively inexpensive to make, which makes it an ideal choice for kids who are just learning how to craft using unconventional materials like this one.

Here’s what you will need

  • 1 cup of corn starch
  • 1 ½ cup water (or tap water)
  • ¼ teaspoon salt (optional)

Wooden Block Stars

You can make these stars out of anything that is the right size. You can use a wooden block, a wooden dowel, or even a wooden paint stirrer. 

I prefer to use the paint stirrer because it is usually very straight and has a point at one end already made for you!

If you choose to paint your star, be sure to paint inside the lines so that when they lay flat they will form circles around your pointy tip circle!

If not painted carefully, this could look like an upside-down tree stump with roots sticking up in all directions! And we don’t want our children thinking trees are unattractive…they are nature’s work of art after all!

If using natural wood on this craft idea for kids then leave it as is or sand down the edges slightly if desired (but please do not sand off too much).

Otherwise, if painting is involved then prime first with white primer before adding any other colors. Let dry thoroughly before proceeding to the next step which involves drilling (if desired).

Christmas Card Stars

You can use a Christmas card to make a Christmas star.

You will need.

  • a star-shaped hole punch or paper punch, or
  • a star-shaped cookie cutter, pastry cutter (for cutting into the dough), or cookie stamp (for imprinting on cookies).

Paint Dipped Stars

Materials, Paper plate, scissors, glue, pencil, hole punch, and string/ribbon (optional)


1. Take apart the paper plate and cut it into triangles using scissors. 

2. Fold your triangle in half lengthwise so that you create a shape similar to an “A” shape when open; fold both sides of your triangle together at the base of this “A” shape until they meet on their edges 

3. Glue each inner corner together 

4. Decorate with glitter and other decorations 5. Paint dipped stars

Paper Plate Stars

To make a paper plate starcraft, you’ll need.

  • A paper plate.
  • Colored tissue paper scraps. You can use any color, but I suggest using the same colors as your child’s skin tone so that it looks like the sun.
  • Glue or tape. 

I recommend using glue because it will be easier to hold together until it dries than tape would be.

Once you have all of your supplies ready, follow these steps.

Cut out two different-sized circles from the bottom of your paper plate (the biggest circle should be about three inches wide and the smallest circle should be about one inch wide).

Remove any excess material from either side so that there won’t be any overlap when you put them together later on in step 5 below).

Bow Tie Pasta Star

The bow tie pasta star is a fun food craft that’s easy to make and a great way to use up leftover pasta.

Start by making your pasta shapes, but instead of cutting them out with cookie cutters, roll the dough into thin ropes first.

Then, cut each rope into a half-inch length and shape it into either two circles or four triangles (depending on how you want your bow tie).

Next, paint over the entire surface of each bow tie with watercolors or acrylic paint using multiple colors—it’s okay if some overlap! Let dry completely before removing from parchment paper.

These paper star crafts are so pretty and fun to make! 

They are a great holiday or all-year decoration! Paper star crafts are a fun way to decorate for the holidays.

They’re also a great way to decorate all year round!

Paper star crafts are easy to make and inexpensive. You and your kids can use them as decorations on their own, or use them in other projects like garlands and wreaths. The possibilities are endless!

Paper stars are versatile, too. You can make them any size, from teeny tiny ones that will fit in the palm of your hand to big ones that fill up an entire room with light.


These paper star crafts are so pretty and fun to make! They are a great holiday or all-year decoration! The best part is that all of these crafts have been tested out by our children,

who were eager to show us just how much they enjoyed making them. We hope you enjoy these ideas as much as we did!

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