7 Parachute Craft For Kids

7 Parachute Craft For Kids

7 Parachute Craft For Kids

Parachutes are great fun to play with, and they can be used to make all sorts of games. 

We’ve made a list of seven awesome parachute activities you can do with your friends that are guaranteed to make you smile!

Parachute Fireflies

How to make a parachute firefly.

Cut out a variety of shapes from construction paper and/or other light-colored paper. The best shapes are triangles, circles, squares, and diamonds (but don’t worry if you don’t have these exact shapes—create whatever you want!).

Make an X-cut in each shape at one end so that it can be folded over itself and form the body of your firefly.

Fold each piece in half lengthwise then unfold it to create an accordion-style fold. This is called a concertina fold (also known as a Dutch or fan fold). 

You may also choose to cut slits in the middle if you’d like your pieces decorated with fringe on either side where they fold together or leave them plain without any decoration on either side depending on what material they’re made from (for example construction paper has a color which requires no additional decoration while tissue paper doesn’t). It’s up to personal preference!

Blinking Parachute

Cut the bottom of a plastic bag, so that it’s just large enough to cover your head.

Use a marker or pen to draw happy faces on the parachute. For eyes, use two small beads and sew them onto the parachute with thick thread. Or just glue them on!

For a mouth, use two more beads and sew them onto the parachute with thin thread (so they can move). Or just glue them on!.

Parachute Racing

Parachute racing isn’t just a fun activity to keep kids busy. It’s also a great way to teach kids the basics of teamwork, fair play, and good sportsmanship. 

I’ve broken down the steps below so that you can set up your own parachute race for your children with ease.

Set up the race course. 

You’ll need at least two trees or poles that are about 15 feet apart from each other (you may want more than two in case someone has trouble getting off the ground). Securely attach one end of your parachute cord’s grommets (the metal rings where you inserted the cord) around each tree with duct tape or zip ties, making sure they’re snugly secured but aren’t cutting into anything else on their way up there. 

Then secure another cord end through both grommets before attaching it to something heavy like a backpack or lawn chair so that when it falls down after being cut by whoever wins first place as they’re flying overhead near enough distance away from everyone else who hasn’t won yet too quickly yet. This will prevent anyone else from getting hurt if they try using their own homemade version instead–which could lead to dangerous situations if not properly supervised during playtime activities such as these!

Throwing And Catching

This is the most important part of playing with a parachute. 

The idea is to make a circle with your friends, then throw and catch the parachute in the air. This can be done in any direction for some added fun!

You can also do this with balls, but it’s recommended that you only do this when there are no children around because it’s safer to use parachutes than balls.

Parachute Ladders

Parachute ladders is a game where kids hang from a parachute, run in place and jump up to grab the next rung on the ladder. 

It can be as simple as a piece of string tied to two trees or as elaborate as one long piece of fabric attached at both ends with many rungs in between. You could even make your own parachute by attaching some pieces of fabric or string together or purchasing one at your local party store or crafts store. 

The good news is that it’s easy to make this game work for any number of kids!

Parachute Hopscotch

Parachute hopscotch is a fun game for kids. You’ll need to make your own hopscotch board, but once you have that, you’re ready to play.

Parachute hopscotch can be played in the daytime or at night, depending on how much fun you want to have. If it’s nighttime and you want more excitement, try playing with glow-in-the-dark parachutes!

If it’s snowing outside (or even if it isn’t), try playing parachute hopscotch with your friends in the snow. Your footprints will show up perfectly against the white backdrop as they do when you play ball or frisbee outside during warmer months without any snowfall at all–it makes everything look so fancy!

Parachute Tag

Parachute tag is a fun game for kids of all ages. To play, you need two to four players and at least one parachute craft. 

You can play with as many parachutes as you want, but each player needs a parachute craft. You can also divide the group into teams if you want to make it like a game show! Here are the rules:

Everyone is given their own parachute craft.

The first player spins the spinner and then runs under their parachute while it’s falling down from above them so they land in it safely on top of them (or just tap into it). If they don’t have one yet, they should go get one before spinning again otherwise they won’t be able to participate!

After everyone has landed in their parachutes successfully, there will now be three different colored stripes on each one: red/blue/yellow for instance – this tells us which team we’re playing against today; yours will always be blue! It does not matter what color stripe yours has because no matter where

Try One Of These Fun Parachute Activities With Your Pals!

The first step in any parachute craft is to gather your supplies. The most important thing you’ll need is a parachute, which you can find at most toy stores or department stores. 

You also need plenty of space—you won’t be able to do these activities on a small, crowded playground!

Next, you’ll want enough people for each craft so everyone has an equal chance at participating and having fun. Decide who’s going to help lead the project before beginning so everyone knows their role and responsibility in making the activity successful. Remember: no one should feel left out or excluded from any part of the workshop!

When planning this activity with friends, make sure they’re all willing participants who want to learn new things together (and preferably don’t mind being covered in glitter). Don’t forget about yourself: if possible, encourage those around you by reminding them why this particular craft seems fun and exciting—this will help them stay interested throughout!


I hope you guys have fun with these activities! Parachute crafts are a fun way to spend time with friends and family. They are also great ways for kids to learn ab

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