11 Boomerang Craft For Kids


I love boomerangs. They’re fun to play with, and they’re also a great way to get outside and have some fun! But you may not have the right supplies on hand to make your own DIY boomerangs—and that’s okay! I’ve got you covered with this list of 11 different ways to make boomerangs out of everything from paper plates to popsicle sticks. You don’t need anything fancy; all you need is an imagination and some time spent in the sun.

Paper Plate Boomerang


  • paper plates
  • glue (optional)

How long it takes: 15 minutes. You can make one in just a few minutes, but the whole process might take longer if you want to decorate your boomerang and give it an interesting design.

Boomerang From Ice-Cream Stick


  • Ice-cream sticks
  • Hot glue gun
  • Ruler
  • Pencil (optional)


  • Use your hot glue gun to stick the two ice cream sticks together at their ends. Make sure that they overlap and that there is no gap between them. If you’re working with a child, make sure they don’t get burned by the hot glue!
  • Measure out how long you want your boomerang to be, then use a pencil or pen to draw designs along its length, like arrows or smiley faces (or whatever!). This will give it some cool detailing when it comes time for throwing! You can also add some colors if you want, but remember not too much liquid will run down onto the wood where it could cause damage over time—just keep within limits of what would normally be considered safe for children’s craft projects in terms of materials used for coloring purposes only so nobody gets hurt later on down road when trying out new things such as these crafts made from recycled materials found around home with friends who are interested in doing something fun together after school while still learning something new during recess period each day before dinner time during fall months where everybody enjoys playing outside during daylight hours because summer vacations mean more freedom so everybody loves having fun together without worrying about homework assignments yet being able

Paper Cup Boomerang

Paper Cup Boomerang

You will need:

  • A paper cup, preferably one that has not been recycled. Recycled cups are very thin and won’t work as well for this project. If you don’t have any unblemished cups on hand, you can use a plastic cup or even an empty water bottle!
  • Fold the paper cup in half so it looks like a taco shell. Use your scissors to cut down the side of the tortilla-shaped paper cup, halfway between where it is folded in half and at an angle so that it resembles a boomerang when opened up again – see image above for reference! You should be able to see both sides now from inside your tortilla shape… good job!

Boomerang From Popsicle Sticks

This boomerang is made from popsicle sticks, but you could also use paper.

Step 1: Glue the popsicle sticks together with a glue gun. You will need five of them to make one boomerang wing.

  • Tip: If you don’t have a glue gun, use tape or hot glue instead!

Step 2: Cut off the ends of your popsicle sticks so that they are all even and flat on both sides. This is important because it makes your boomerang fly better when it’s balanced properly!

  • Tip: Make sure they’re not cut too short or else they might fall apart while flying!

Cardboard Boomerang

It’s the perfect time to make a cardboard boomerang. If you have an old box sitting around, or happen to be ordering pizza, there are lots of options for creating this type of boomerang.

  • Make a Cardboard Box Boomerang: Take an empty cereal box and cut it into three pieces along the fold lines. Cut one end off each piece so that they’re all equal in size (see image). Fold each piece in half lengthwise, then unfold it and place it on top of another piece with their folded edges matching up (see image). Tape them together firmly where they overlap using masking tape or any other kind of tape that can withstand the rigors of flight through rotation without breaking apart mid-flight due to stress fractures from centrifugal force upon impact with surfaces after catching air currents from other objects such as trees or buildings during their flight path which brings us back around to why we need those tape strips…

Foam Sheet Boomerang

You will need:

  • craft foam sheets
  • scissors or a sharp knife
  • hot glue gun (optional)

How to make it:

  • Draw five blades on the foam sheet and cut them out with your scissors or sharp knife. You can use any shape for the blade, but make sure it’s symmetrical so you get good results when throwing it! If you’re using a hot glue gun, be careful not to burn yourself while using it!
  • Glue together two of the blades at one end to create a point in the middle of your boomerang. Then do this again on both sides so that all four sides have points sticking out of them; these are called “wings”. Be sure they’re even and symmetrical before gluing anything onto each wing so that they fly in straight lines when thrown properly later on down below under “How To Throw A Boomerang”.
  • Finally punch holes through each wing so that you can string some fishing line through there later down below under “How To Throw A Boomerang” section below 🙂

Bamboo Stick Boomerang

Here’s a craft that will bring your children joy and give them something to do over the long summer months. Make a bamboo boomerang with your kids and see how it flies!

How to make a bamboo boomerang

  • Cut two pieces of wood into ovals using any kind of saw. The materials you use can be anything from cardboard to paper mache, but they should be fairly durable so they don’t break when thrown or hit by another boomerang during playtime. One piece should be slightly larger than the other. When you’re finished cutting, sand down both sides until they’re smooth (this is optional). If there are any rough edges left behind from cutting, file them off with an emery board or fingernail clippers until everything feels smooth in your hand when you hold it up for inspection purposes before moving on!

2 . Now comes the fun part: painting! Use any type of paint available at home—acrylic works best because it dries quickly and won’t get sticky after being applied several times over consecutive days/weeks/months until finally getting washed off by rain water later on down this decade-long project timeline…so make sure not only does each layer dry completely before adding another coat but also take breaks between sessions so there isn’t too much sitting around waiting while everyone gets bored out their mind waiting impatiently…you know what I mean? Just kidding 🙂

Plastic Bottle Boomerang

  • Take a plastic bottle and cut it in half.
  • Make a hole in one side of the bottle (the side with no writing).
  • Tie a long piece of string to the back end of the boomerang so that you can throw it like normal, but also have something to pull it back with when you’re ready for it to return home!
  • Throw your boomerang, and watch as it flies through the air in a circle!”

Wooden Boomerang

Do you want to make a boomerang for kids? You’ll need a few simple tools, including a saw and glue. It will take about 30 minutes to construct this wooden boomerang, which can then be used to catch leaves and other small objects.

The first step is to measure the size of your wood board. Then cut out 4 pieces that are equal in size on each side (two long strips, two shorter strips). Glue them together into an “X” shape with longer pieces at each end of the shorter ones.

Next, sand down any rough edges on your boomerang until it feels smooth enough for you to handle easily without hurting yourself or causing splinters. The final step is simply adding some paint if desired!

Felt Cloth Boomerang

  • First, cut an 8-inch by 10-inch piece of felt cloth.
  • Then, fold the piece of felt cloth in half lengthwise and place it on top of a cardboard box or a cutting board for support (please do not use anything less than ½ inch thick).
  • Cut a small notch into one side seam so you can hold onto it when you throw it during play time!
  • Finally, carefully pull the folded edge apart until there are two wings sticking up from the center that look like this:

Feather Lightweight Boomerang

Feather boomerang are a good option for beginner throwers because they are lightweight and easy to grip. You can make them using just a few materials, and they’re so simple that even young children can craft them with adult supervision!

  • Materials:
  • Feathers (You’ll need at least one per boomerang)
  • Cardboard disc/plastic lid (to make the base of the boomerang) – Scissors – Tape

11 DIY boomerangs made with different things

  • Paper Plate Boomerang

What you’ll need:

  • paper plate
  • scissors
  • glue stick or tape (optional)


  • Cut a disc from the center of your paper plate, leaving about one inch of space between the cut and edge of the plate on all sides. The disc should be about 3 inches in diameter for an adult boomerang; 2 1/2 inches for a child’s boomerang; and 1 1/4 to 2 inches for a toddler’s boomerang. If you’re using multiple colors, cut out several discs so that each is a different color or pattern (you can collect interesting plates from parties or events). Even if you don’t want to make two-tone or patterned boomerangs, it’s still nice to have extra discs just in case one breaks during use!
  • Fold down the edges on both sides where there are no cuts left open like shown above until they meet in the middle to form an X shape across where they overlap each other as shown below:


We hope you found our boomerang craft ideas fun and helpful. We’re sure that your kids will love making boomerangs with them!

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