11 Farm Craft For Kids

11 Farm Craft For Kids

11 Farm Craft For Kids

If you have kids, you know how important it is to keep them occupied — and not just for your own sanity. 

Crafts are great for this because they’re fun, and they teach children valuable skills like coordination, creativity, and problem-solving. 

Plus, kids are always interested in learning about farm animals, so here are some crafts they can make while they’re learning!

Crafts Are A Great Thing 

Crafts are a great thing to do with kids because they’re fun and they teach children valuable skills. Learning how to follow directions, make something with their hands, 

use tools safely and properly, be creative, patient, careful, and precise—are all skills that can be taught through crafts. 

When you do crafts with your kids, you’ll also be teaching them that there’s no need to rush; it’s better if you take your time and get it right (and save yourself some frustration).

It’s important that parents encourage their kids’ creativity in this way—you don’t want them getting the impression that everything has to be done by the book or according to someone else’s schedule. Crafting lets children take control of their own lives in a very tangible way: You see what happens when you try something new!

Here are some crafts

Kids are always interested in learning about farm animals, so here are some crafts they can make while they’re learning.

Crafts are a great way to keep kids busy on rainy days, and they can also be used as a fun way to teach kids about farm animals. Here are some crafts that will keep your children entertained while they learn about farms and recycling.

Recycled Puzzle: Take an old cereal box, empty juice box, or another type of recycled material, and cut out shapes from the material that represent different farm animals (cow, pig, goat, etc.) 

Then glue these onto another piece of cardboard or one side of a plastic lid so that when you open it up it looks like a puzzle with all four sides showing different animal shapes. You can even make it more challenging by having your child put all four sides together at once as they place them into their puzzle frame!

Ears For A Pett. Take an old toilet paper roll from your bathroom (or even better if there’s one lying around somewhere else in your house) and cut two holes into each end where you’d normally squeeze out the tissue paper. 

Then take some fabric scraps and wrap those around both ends before gluing them shut again! You now have two cute little fabric-covered ears for animal figurines like pigs or chickens – just glue them onto whichever animal’s head fits best!

You’ll need styrofoam balls, a styrofoam egg carton, black buttons, and glue to make these adorable pigs.

This craft is so easy, that your kids will be able to make it themselves. You’ll need styrofoam balls, a styrofoam egg carton, and black buttons for the eyes.

To create the pig’s face. Glue together 5 or 6 styrofoam balls to form a head shape (or your child can glue them together).

To create the body. Cut out 2 pieces of cardboard that fit inside an egg carton so they extend above each end. 

Then cut off 1 side of each piece so they’re half as tall as they were before adding more length by wrapping them around one another and securing them with tape or glue. 

Then cut out 2 small circles from cardboard and use these to glue on top of both ends of the box so they act as feet and keep everything together when you set down your piggy friend!

You Can Make A Whole Farm’s Worth Of Sheep Out Of Cotton Balls And Craft Paper

Cut out some sheep shapes from craft paper. You can use scissors, or you can trace them with a marker.

Staple the sheep shapes to cardboard so they’re easy to move around, and glue cotton balls onto the backs of each one (go ahead and get some glue on your fingers).

When they’re dry, paint on eyes, noses, and other details using acrylic paints!

This Simple Craft Uses Paper Plates, Craft Foam, Googly Eyes, And Glue

What You’ll Need

  • Paper plates (one for each sheep)
  • Craft foam in two contrasting colors. I used pink and brown.
  • Googly eyes (one pair for each sheep)
  • Glue gun and glue sticks

 Scrapbooking Skills

Get your kids started on their scrapbooking skills with a felt page to put pictures of different farm animals on.

  • Materials:
  • 10″x10″ felt sheet
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick or glue gun (optional)
  • Directions: Cut out a 10″ x 10″ square from the felt. 

Glue pictures of farm animals to the page. Use a glue stick or glue gun to secure them. You can also sew them on by hand!

Recycling By Making These Adorable Cows

Teach your kids about recycling by making these adorable cows from milk cartons and other recycled items. Use recycled milk cartons and toilet paper rolls to make cows, bulls, and calves.

Make a barn from craft foam or cardboard.

Cut out a cow’s head and horns with scissors, then use glue to attach them to the top of a toilet paper roll. The horns should stick out at an angle from the head to look like real horns on a cow. To make ears for your cow, cut out two circles about three inches in diameter from black construction paper or craft foam. Glue one circle onto each side of the toilet paper roll just below where you’ve attached its horns.

Glue some brown yarn around each eye of your finished cow face so that they look like real eyes! You can also add eyelashes by gluing thin strips of black construction paper underneath each eye (make sure they’re not too long).

Cut six small triangles out of tan craft foam using scissors or an X-acto knife; these will create your tail tips when they’re glued together into one long triangle shape with two pieces overlapping slightly at their center point (see image below). You can glue this shape directly onto your toilet paper roll at any place along its length; it doesn’t matter if it covers up some part of your cow’s body because we’ll be covering everything else up soon anyway!

Make Cows From Cupcake Liners!

Let kids learn about where dairy products come from by making cows from cupcake liners.

Teach your child that food comes from the grocery store or farmers’ market, and we all eat it with our hands (because our mouths don’t have fingers). 

Show them how to recycle the paper they use by turning it into a cow!

Noisemakers Made From Cardboard

Craft some barnyard sounds with these fun noisemakers made from cardboard rolls and tissue paper.

  • Cut the cardboard rolls into smaller pieces, about 2 inches long.
  • Cut a piece of craft foam to fit inside each tube.
  • Glue tissue paper around the outside of the foam and let dry.
  • Glue googly eyes onto one end of each tube so that they look like bunnies’ ears when they are on top of your headband.
  • Use black buttons to make noses and bunny tails by tying them together with string or yarn (you can also use fabric glue).

Cute Decoration For Your Kids

These ducks will be a cute decoration for your kids’ room, or you can use them as puppets when you read “Old Macdonald Had a Farm.

They’re made from recycled materials and require only a few materials. The craft is simple to make with only a few steps:

Cut out the duck body shape (you can freehand this). Make sure it has two arms and two legs!

Fold the paper in half then cut out the head using scissors or an Exacto knife. Again, make sure it has two eyes!

Use pipe cleaners to make antennae by bending them into loops at one end that is about 2 inches long. Use glue or tape to secure them at their base (the bend). You could also use fabric scraps for wings if desired but I didn’t have any so decided against making some…

Craft For Preschoolers

Make a school of fish out of construction paper! This is the perfect craft for preschoolers while they’re learning their colors.

This is a great craft for preschoolers while they’re learning their colors.

  • Use different shades of blue to make your fish more realistic.
  • Add some color to the fins by using green and purple construction paper.

This is a fun way for kids to learn about animals, especially if you have a pet fish at home!

Make These Fun Foamy Chick Puppets For Lots Of Laughs

These chicks are a fun, quick way to bring some crafty fun to your dinner table. 

They’re also great for entertaining kids—just make a bunch and let them become the puppets in their own puppet show.

You’ll need:

  • Foam sheets (1/8″ thick) in yellow, pink, and white
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick (or hot glue gun)


The best thing about these crafts is that they’re all super easy to make. The most complicated one is the felt page, and that’s just cutting out a bunch of different shapes and gluing them down! So let your kids have some fun with these crafts — it’ll help them learn about farm animals and get them excited for springtime when the weather gets warmer.

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