11 Preschool Craft For Kids

11 Preschool Craft For Kids

11 Preschool Craft For Kids

I love to spend time with my kid and it’s really fun to get creative with her. These preschool crafts are fun to make and they look great when they’re done!

Crafting is a great way for kids to express their creativity. It can also be a fun bonding activity for parents and children. 

There are many different types of crafts that can be done with kids, but some of the best crafts for preschoolers are simple and easy to do. Here are a few ideas for preschool crafts that your kids will love.

Button Tree

You will need

  • Buttons (all shapes and sizes)
  • Construction paper in yellow, green, and brown
  • With glue and scissors, you can learn about patterns, colors, and the seasons from this craft.

Christmas Ornaments

Use a plastic egg. Paint the egg with your child’s favorite color and use a paintbrush to make designs on the egg.

Make sure to have glitter available for your little one to use as well!

For extra fun, you can also punch holes in the top of the egg before applying any decorations so that they may be strung together later on or hung up in groups on their bedroom wall.

or even displayed throughout your home during Christmas time!

Potato Stamping (great for learning shapes)

Potato stamping is a great way to introduce kids to the concept of shapes and numbers. You can use different colors, sizes, and patterns to help children identify basic shapes like triangles, squares, and circles.

This activity works best with multiple potatoes for each child so that they have plenty of stamps to use as they create their masterpieces!

To make this easy potato stamping craft for preschoolers:

Wash a few potatoes. Make sure you rub them clean so there is no dirt residue from the skin on them (you don’t want your little one eating dirt). Let dry completely before continuing with step 2 below!

Paper Cranes

Materials Needed

  • Paper (If you want to make your own, print out some cranes or find a picture you like on the Internet.)
  • Crayons, markers, or pens to color the paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue stick or school glue for attaching googly eyes. If you’re using a glue stick, cut off the tip and apply it to a clean surface before applying it to your project so that it spreads easily.

How To Make It

Cut two pieces of 8-inch by 11-inch paper in half vertically so that they are each 4 inches wide by 5 inches tall; then fold each piece in half lengthwise into fourths so they become 4 inches square with creases in them (see photo). 

The folded piece should look like an airplane wing when viewed side-on (see photo). You will end up with four wings total.

Color one side of each folded piece yellow with crayons (or markers/pens), then flip it over and color another side orange; trim any excess paper around your color lines with scissors if needed so all four sides are even on both sides now too! 

After coloring both sides of all four wings this way, set aside those two colored halves while working on cutting out two more halves from white construction paper using regular scissors but leaving them unfolded for now–these will become our body parts later on once we’re ready!

Panda Handprint

  • Print the panda face template.
  • Cut out the shape and tape it to a piece of black construction paper.
  • Paint your child’s hand in brown paint and press down on the face, making sure all their fingers are touching the paper. You may want to get messy! The kids will love this part!
  • Let dry and then remove your little one’s handprints from the paper, being careful not to tear or rip them apart.
  • Using a white paint pen, draw little dots for the eyes, nose, and mouth on each panda print, then draw larger circles around those dots with a black pen (or washable marker). That’s it! Your job is done here—your preschooler should find this craft easy peasy because they’ve done all the work themselves!

Clothespin Bunnies

Using clothespins and paint, your child can create adorable bunnies. 

Paint the clothespins with one color, then use markers or pipe cleaners to draw faces on them. You can also use a glue stick to glue the two halves of the clothespin together. 

If you’re comfortable using a hot glue gun, this is a great way to make sure all your clothespins are held together tightly!

Bunny Ears Watercolor Painting (for Easter)

Watercolor painting is not only easy to do but also fun for children!

You will need watercolor paint, a paintbrush, a paper plate, and a sponge (or another object to squeeze the colors onto).

To make the bunny ears shape, place your paper plate on top of your paper towel. Use the tip of your paintbrush to spread out two spots of blue paint on either side of where you want to start drawing your bunny ears. 

Then use the tip of your other brush or sponge (or any other object) and spread out red dots between those two blue spots until you have an even color distribution around where you want to draw up next. 

Once you’ve given yourself enough space for more details (like eyes), repeat steps 1 through 4 again with pink dots this time!

Paint Chip Butterflies

Who knew that you could turn paint chips into a butterfly? Not only are they super cheap, but they’re also easy to get your hands on. 

All you need is paper plates, straws, and some watercolors. The kids will have so much fun making these beautiful butterflies!

First, cut out the butterfly’s body from a large piece of paper. You can use an old cereal box or any other kind of sturdy cardboard material for this step. Make sure that it is big enough for all of the paint chips to fit inside without overlapping each other too much (you don’t want it to be too thick).

Cut out small triangles at both ends of the paper plate where you plan on placing your wings later on; this way there won’t be any sharp edges sticking out when finished!

Spread some watercolor over one side of each paint chip before placing them face down onto your wings; leave them like this until completely dry (about 30 minutes). Then flip them over so that their front sides show through instead; this should make painting easier since it’s much easier than trying with greasy fingers!

Place a few drops around each wing using an empty container cap; once dry these will act like the glue holding everything together! Finally, add details such as eyes and antennas using markers (if desired) before hanging up proudly in your home!

Paper Plate Fish Bowls (for an under-the-sea theme)


  • Paper plate
  • Paint (blue, yellow, and orange)
  • Water dish or small bowl
  • Paintbrush

Optional Fish template


Trace a fish on the paper plate with a pencil. Make sure you leave room around the plate so that you can fold it over in half later. A simple oval shape will do; as long as it has fins and looks like a fish, you’re good!

Handprint Turtles (for an under-the-sea theme)

Use a paper plate to trace the shape of a turtle. Have your child put their hand on the paper plate and trace around it with a pencil.

Wash their hands off in soap and water.

Dip their hand in paint and make a handprint. Make sure to cover up any part that doesn’t need paint (such as fingers). Let dry overnight or until completely dry before continuing with the project if you’re worried about smudging or tearing the paper plate while it’s still wet with paint.

Glue googly eyes onto craft sticks, then glue craft stick onto each side of the shell of your turtle’s backside (the part where it sits upright).

Thumbprint Flower Bouquet

  • Have your child dip their thumb in paint and press it onto the paper.
  • Let them add more flowers until they are satisfied with their work.
  • When you’re done, display your bouquet at home, or give it as a gift!

These Crafts Are Really Fun And Easy To Make With Your Preschooler!

Making crafts with your preschooler can be a really fun and easy way to spend some quality time together. 

It’s also a great way to help them develop their fine motor skills and creativity. 

There are tons of different crafts that you can do together, so there’s sure to be something that your child will enjoy.


Crafting is a great way for kids to express their creativity. It can also be a great bonding activity for parents and children. There are many different preschool craft ideas that you can try with your kids. You can find many of these ideas online or in craft books.

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