11 Paper Tearing Craft For Kids

11 Paper Tearing Craft For Kids

11 Paper Tearing Craft For Kids

Paper tearing is a fun craft for kids. It’s easy to do and you don’t need special equipment or materials. 

You can use any kind of paper, including scrapbooking papers, wrapping paper, newspaper and magazine cuttings. The best thing about this project is that it doesn’t require any glue or scissors! 

No matter what kind of paper you use or how old your child is (even toddlers can tear), there’s something here for everyone who wants to try this simple but satisfying craft activity at home.

Abstract Paper Collage

An abstract collage is a piece of art that uses paper and other materials to create an image that’s not easily identified at first glance. 

For example, the pattern in your shirt might be a beautiful abstract collage if you look closely enough at it.

The best way to make an abstract paper collage is by following these steps:

Collect Materials

Collect interesting pieces of paper (or other materials) for your project. Try to pick out items that have shapes or colors that catch your attention! You can use any kind of paper—but remember that some types are more difficult than others. 

The next time you go shopping for school supplies, buy yourself some fun colored construction paper or newspaper clippings!

Cut And Paste

Take those scraps and start cutting them into shapes with scissors; then glue them onto cardboard so they’ll stick together better later on when making your finished product. 

You can make this into whatever shape takes you fancy! In fact, maybe think about using different colors when doing this step as well. It could really add some interest if done right.”

Paper Torn Flowerpot

  • A flowerpot
  • Paper (any color)
  • Glue
  • Scissors (or a craft knife)
  • Pencil (a mechanical pencil is best, but you can also use regular pencils)
  • Ruler or straight edge – optional, but makes things easier!

The steps for making this craft are pretty simple. cut strips of paper, glue them to the inside of your flowerpot and then wrap them around it. 

The only thing that might be difficult is keeping track of where you are on the strip when it’s glued down. But don’t worry – There will be a lot less glue than tape if you slip up!

Tear Art Tree

This is a fun craft for kids to make with friends or family. You’ll need.

  • Sharp scissors
  • A sheet of paper of your choice
  • Paints, markers, crayons, or colored pencils. We used watercolors but you could also use acrylic paint or tempera if you want to make it more permanent.

To start, cut out a tree shape from your paper (we used an alphabet cookie cutter). Then have the child tear out bits and pieces of the remaining paper until they’ve created their tree in the middle of what’s left over on the page. 

You can also add details like leaves by cutting them out separately and gluing them on top of your tree. 

If you want to make this process even easier for kids who aren’t able to tear aggressively enough yet, simply cut out everything except for one strip at least two inches wide along each side where there would be branches in nature; then let them doodle away!

Birthday Card

You can use a greeting card to make this craft. The plastic coating on the inside of the card will be torn, so you can’t use it for writing another message later on! 

If you do not want to use an old birthday card, try using a piece of cardboard instead. It is stronger and sturdier than paper and can hold up against your child’s strength.

Paper plate: Your child can decorate his or her own paper plate before tearing it into strips! Use markers or paint pens to draw designs onto the plate before tearing it apart into strips that are about three inches long; if they’re too short then they’ll break easily when being torn apart. 

Make sure your kid uses something safe like watercolors or tempera paints instead of permanent markers because those will stain easily — even after washing off with soap and water!

Owl Family

  • Use different colored papers
  • Use different-sized papers
  • Use different shaped papers
  • Use different textures of paper (furry, smooth, textured, etc.)
  • Use different colors of paper (black and white will look great!)
  • Make the owl family using all one color or a variety of colors.

Big Rainbow Paper Collage

Use a large sheet of paper. Make a big rainbow shape with all the different colors of paper (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple).

Glue the pieces together using a glue stick at the seams to make sure they stay together when you tear them apart later!

Once dried and ready to be cut apart into smaller pieces use a hole punch to create holes for hanging or decorating your room! You can always draw on your collage too if you like!!

Starry Mobile


  • 8-10 square sheets of different colours (use scraps)
  • 1 bamboo ring (you can get this at any craft store)
  • Glue or tape. We used glue for our starry mobile but you can also use tape to hang it up.


Cut the paper into large circles using a paper cutter or a sharp pair of scissors. We cut ours into 4″ wide circles, but you can make them any size!

Fold each paper circle in half and gently open it up so that it looks like a diamond shape with one point facing downwards – see below:

Rainbow On The Wall

Set up a station with the supplies: white paper, watercolors, and paintbrushes. Lay the papers out on the floor or table in a rainbow pattern.

Have your child dip a paintbrush into each color of the watercolor pan and then brush them onto one piece of paper at a time. Make sure they overlap each color so that there are no gaps between them! 

If you’re using more than one sheet at once, be sure to keep them lined up correctly so they’re all facing the same direction—otherwise, you’ll end up with some pretty funky-looking rainbows (like this one).

When they’re done making their own rainbow palette, hang it up for everyone to admire!

Cardboard Houses With Torn Paper Roofs


  • Cardboard boxes from your recycling pile
  • Torn paper for the roofs (use old magazines, junk mail, etc.)
  • Glue for attaching the torn paper on top of each other. You can also use tape if you don’t have glue.
  • Hole puncher to make holes for doors and windows. Make sure that the holes are big enough to fit your child’s fingers through!

Paper Beads Making Project

Materials needed.

  • a sheet of paper
  • scissors or a craft knife
  • glue.

How to make paper beads using a template?

You can find printable templates for making paper beads on the internet or you can search for it on google. The Internet has hundreds of different templates for paper beads making projects. The size will vary according to your choice and also the pattern used on it. 

For example, if you use a flower pattern then your bead will be large in diameter but if you use an animal pattern then it will be small in diameter as compared to that a flower shape. 

You can also make these designs by yourself which is not very difficult too because all we need are just a few simple steps with some creativity and patience; this way we will feel more creative while doing such kinds of crafts at home rather than buying them from the market which might cost more money than doing them ourselves!

Handmade Gift Tags

What you need.

  • a piece of paper, any size or color you’d like
  • scissors or a paper cutter (optional)

Decide what kind of gift tag you want to make. You can either cut out the same shape and put it on every present you give, or go for something more whimsical like the snowflake design below. Cut the template out with scissors. 

If you don’t have a template handy and just want to try your hand at free-hand cutting, draw around an existing tag with a pencil and use that as your guide. Alternatively, use a glue stick to trace over an existing tag’s outline before cutting it out again in order to make sure it fits perfectly!

Paper Tearing Is A Fun Craft For Kids.

Paper tearing is a fun craft for kids. 

It’s a great way to recycle paper, make art and gifts, and also decorations for the home.


Paper tearing is a fun craft for kids. It’s also a great way to introduce them to art and get them excited about creating their own projects. The best part? It doesn’t require any fancy materials or equipment, so it can be done anywhere!

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