11 Shadrach Meshach And Abednego Craft For Kids
Shadrach Meshach And Abednego is a classic Bible story that many children learn in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School.
11 Shadrach Meshach And Abednego Craft For Kids
However, I find it can be difficult to teach the story of this trio of friends without props or activities. That’s where crafts come in! There are so many options for Shadrach Meshach And Abednego crafts that you can use throughout a lesson or even make as an end-of-year project with your class. Here are 11 ideas:

Shadrach Meshach And Abednego Printables
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Why Did They Refuse To Worship The Idol?
This is a very important question. We know that these three men had an unswerving faith in God, and we also know that they were not afraid of king Nebuchadnezzar.
But why did they refuse to bow down? They knew that their actions would anger the king, but they were willing to accept this as part of their punishment rather than dishonoring God.Now, let’s look at some reasons why Shadrach Meshach and Abednego knew what they were doing was right:
They believed in God—and His power! As believers in Jesus Christ today, we have to remember how much power He has over our lives and our future. If we believe that He has promised us eternal life through His death on a cross (1 Corinthians 15. 3-4), then we need not doubt His ability to take care of us right now.
Even if our trials are hard or painful now (Romans 8:28), we can rest assured that He will see us through them safely into eternity with Him!
What Happened To Them As A Result?
When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were thrown into the furnace, they were not harmed by the flames.
They did not burn or injure themselves in any way. They were not killed and they did not suffer any physical harm at all.
How Can This Story Be Used To Teach Children About Faithfulness?
It is important to teach your children the importance of being faithful in all areas of their lives.
As a parent, you can use this Bible story as an opportunity to teach them about the importance of faithfulness. God commands us to be faithful and honest in every area of our life:
- To God
- To our family
- To our friends
- In school, at work, and in your community
What Are Some Key Points That Children Should Learn From This Story?
There are many important points to learn from this story, but here are the top 5. God will always be with us.
“The king was enraged and very angry, and he gave orders to destroy Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego; but he had them removed from the fire. They were unable to die or be burned up because an angel of God had descended from heaven to guard them” (Daniel 3;19-25).
God is able to help us through anything. “Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face before the image that he had set up; and worshiped it; and commanded that all those who would not bow down and worship should be thrown into a fiery furnace” (Daniel 3;15).
We should trust God to help us today as well as in ancient Babylonian times! “And they responded by saying. ‘O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need for you or your golden image! If we are thrown into this blazing furnace then our god will save us from harm!’ And so they continued their prayer until suddenly there was a great sound like thunder coming out of heaven…and lo! The three men were seen walking around unharmed inside the fiery furnace” (Daniel 3;18-23).
We should be faithful unto death so that we too can experience God’s miracles today! “When these men refused [to bow down] even after being sentenced by their king’s decree—to his surprise—they were thrown into a blazing furnace where no one could survive.
Yet behold! suddenly there was a fourth man standing next to them inside this inferno which was hotter than any other fire known on earth.”
What Are Some Ways That Parents Can Help Their Children Understand And Apply The Lessons From This Story?
You can model the process of putting your hope in God, even when it looks like it isn’t working out. Ask your child if they have a problem that they are struggling with right now.
Talk about what you can do together to solve that problem as a family or with a friend.
If you don’t have any problems, think of something that might happen in the future and talk about how you would handle it if God didn’t answer right away as He did for Shadrach Meshach and Abednego.
What Are Some Activities Or Crafts That Can Be Used To Help Teach Children About This Story?
This story of Shadrach Meshach and Abednego is a great resource for teaching children about faithfulness, standing up for what they believe in, and being bold in the face of adversity.
There are many activities and crafts that can be used to help teach this story. Here are just a few ideas.
- Crafts
Make a diorama of the fiery furnace using play-doh or clay
- Activities
Have kids act out parts of the story with friends or family members as King Nebuchadnezzar, Shadrach Meshach, Abednego, etc
- Games
Play “The Three Wise Men” game where one kid is King Nebuchadnezzar who has three chances to guess which wise man (Shadrach Meshach or Abednego) holds the gold star
How Can This Story Be Used To Help Children Grow In Their Faith?
Of course, the greatest lesson to teach in this story is that God can be trusted.
We all have times when we don’t know what to do and are tempted to ignore advice from others so that we can make our own decisions. But then we find out later on that those decisions were wrong and could’ve put us in danger.
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego are examples of people who chose to trust God even when they didn’t know what was going on around them or why they had to do something specific. This kind of faithfulness should be encouraged in children so that they grow up knowing how important it is not only for their salvation but also just daily life as well!
What Are Some Tips For Teaching Children About This Story?
Teach children to pray. God is our heavenly Father, and we are his children.
We should talk with God as our father and as close friends, just like Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego did.
Teach children to worship God. We know that these three friends had a very deep love for their King Nebuchadnezzar but they also had respect for him because he was the king of Babylon. They were willing to give up their lives so that they could still be faithful to God’s laws even when it meant being killed by fire or thrown into a furnace
Teach children how to be faithful to God no matter what may happen in life
What Are Some Other Resources That Can Be Used To Help Teach Children About This Story?
There are many resources that can help teach children about this story. Here are a few.
The Bible is an excellent resource for learning more about the book of Daniel, as well as Shadrach Meshach and Abednego themselves. There are many different versions available with varying levels of detail, so you may want to read through several before deciding which one you’d like your child to use first.
If you’re looking for a good supplement to go along with The Bible (or if your child already knows the basics but wants further understanding), consider purchasing a copy of The Kids’ Picture Bible from Tyndale House Publishers.
This book includes 52 stories from both the Old and New Testaments, all in simple language that’s easy for kids aged 4-10 years old (and even younger!). Each short parable contains its own moral lesson at the end so parents can discuss it with their children later on down the road–great for busy families who don’t have time during dinner every night!
- shadrach, meshach and abednego games and activities
- fiery furnace craft ideas
- shadrach meshach and abednego craft ideas
We hope you enjoyed this article and learned how to teach children about Shadrach Meshach And Abednego. If you liked it, please be sure to share it with friends and family! Thanks for reading.