11 Treasure Box Craft For Kids

11 Treasure Box Craft For Kids

11 Treasure Box Craft For Kids

Treasure boxes are a fun and easy craft for kids. All you need is a box, some paint, and some imagination. Let your kids decorate the box however they like, and fill it with their favorite treasures. 

They’ll love having their own special place to keep their things.

Do you have a bunch of old cardboard boxes lying around the house? If so, put them to good use by turning them into treasure boxes! This is a great craft for kids of all ages, and it’s a perfect way to recycle those old cardboard boxes.

To make a treasure box, simply decorate an old cardboard box with paint, glitter, stickers, or whatever else you like. Then, fill the box with small treasures, such as coins, jewelry, or other small trinkets. Once the box is full, close it up and hide it away for someone to find.

This is a fun and easy craft that the whole family can enjoy. So, next time you have some old cardboard boxes to recycle, turn them into treasure boxes!

Easy to Create Pirate Treasure Chest

Materials needed.

  • A paper towel cardboard box
  • Glue gun or tape
  • Paint and a paintbrush, stickers, markers and crayons (optional)

How to create the treasure chest.

Remove all the contents of your cardboard box. Cut off flaps on each side of the box.

Use your glue gun to glue strips of paper onto your treasure chest lid to make it look like a real treasure chest. You can also decorate with paint and stickers if you want! If you’re going for more of an aged look, try using black marker instead of paint to draw lines on top of the flap area where it opens up into a lid; 

this will help create an old-looking appearance that will make anyone think twice before opening up this particular “treasure chest”. 

To finish off this project with flair, be sure to print out some fake coins or gems from our website onto cardstock paper in gold (or bronze) coloration.

these are ideal for adding inside any completed project but especially effective when placed inside an actual wooden or metal container such as those depicted here today – because nothing says “valuable” quite like fake money!

Super Secret Diary

A secret diary is a great way to encourage kids to write and express themselves. It’s also a great way for children to be creative and imaginative. 

As a bonus, it can help parents get to know their children better by reading the entries they share in their diaries. 

This makes it easier for parents to understand what their child likes, dislikes, and thinks about various topics such as school work or friends at school.

Quick and Easy Mini Suitcase

The materials you need to make this craft are.

  • Two paper plates
  • Glue or tape

Colored construction paper, stickers, glitter, and glue (optional)Once you have all the supplies, follow these simple steps:

Fold one paper plate in half and then fold it in half again. This will create four sides of an open box shape with two flaps on each side that can be used as handles. The two flaps will overlap when folded over each other so that the suitcase has a front and back cover. 

If you want to decorate your suitcase with a handle instead of using double-sided tape or glue, you’ll need another small square piece of cardboard or wood for this purpose as well as some ribbon or colored string. Tie these items onto both ends of each flap so that they hold together securely without being too bulky for little hands (or paws).

Cut out shapes from construction paper and decorate them however suits your child best! Then place them inside their new home by taping them into place on each side panel directly above where they overlap at the top edge where there’s no cardstock separating them anymore once folded down flat against their respective sides’ top edges.”

DIY Hidden Lock Box

The lock box is a great way to store your child’s treasures. It can be made out of any container and it can be as simple or complex as you want. 

You can even use a shoe box, cereal box, or other common household items.

A simple version.

Cut out the top flap of the cereal box so that it looks like an envelope flap with no bottom edge

Fold in sides so they meet at the top edge flush with the bottom edge of side flaps

Tape up inside seams to make them sturdy when closed

Wooden Milk Carton Treasure Chest

If you want to make a treasure chest that’s easy to make and even easier to store, then this craft is for you! All you need is a milk carton, some paint or markers, and some stickers. 

You can use cardboard as well if you want – just cut out the shape of your box from any sort of sturdy cardboard (you can find leftover boxes at home improvement stores) and glue it onto your milk carton using hot glue or Mod Podge.

If you don’t have access to either of those things (or if they don’t appeal), there are other ways that work too. use hole punchers (in different sizes) instead of scissors; 

punch holes with a stapler instead of cutting them out with an Exacto knife; draw on the box with pencils before coloring it in with crayons/colored pencils/markers/Crayola pro magic markers (they stay wet longer than regular ones).

Personalized Carved Treasure Chest


  • Jar of beads
  • Acrylic paint (optional)
  • How to make a personalized treasure chest:
  • Pour your beads onto a plate or piece of paper and let the kids pick out their favorites.
  • Let the kids create their own designs for their treasure chest by placing them on the lid of their box in any pattern they like.
  • Use acrylic paint to add extra details if you’d like, such as stars and symbols!

Make Your Own Unicorn Treasure Box

What you need.

  • 1 wooden box or treasure chest. If the box doesn’t have a lid, you can make your own by painting it and gluing on some fabric.
  • A few sheets of wrapping paper in different colors and patterns. You can also use other types of paper such as gift wrap or scrapbooking paper. The more colors, the better!
  • Glue (we like to use Mod Podge).
  • Some pony beads to decorate your treasure chest with! They are easy to find at any craft store or even dollar store if you don’t want to spend too much money on them.

Once all your materials are gathered together, follow these steps.

Cut a hole in the top of your box so it’s big enough for a piece of wrapping paper but not too big that it falls through when closed.

Decorate both sides with whatever design/pattern you want using glue and/or pony beads.

Use scissors and cut out an oval shape just big enough for your handbag handle through both sides where there is no decoration (we used black felt here). 

This will act as an opening so that when finished making this craft project kids will be able to easily open their new unicorn-themed container without ruining their hard work.

Once everything is dry put all items inside!

DIY Unicorn Horn Treasure Box for Kids

This is a DIY project that’s easy to do and can be customized to fit your child’s interests.

What you’ll need.

  • Scissors
  • Tape or glue stick
  • Paper * for the unicorn horn (or use pre-cut paper) * for the box (you can cut it out yourself, or print on card stock)

Simple and Sweet Money Box


  • cardboard box, 12″ x 7″
  • decorative paper or wrapping paper, 8″ x 11″, trimmed to 6″x11″
  • scissors and glue stick or double-sided tape


Cut the decorative paper/wrapping paper into a rectangle that is 5 inches tall and 8 inches wide. Trim any uneven edges so it is perfectly square. 

You can use any type of decorative paper you like, but make sure it’s something sturdy enough to handle being folded in half later on.

Fold your paper in half vertically and horizontally so that there are four layers of folded edges (like an accordion). This will give you a nice thick middle section for tucking money into — just make sure not too much money gets stuffed inside!

Minion Inspired DIY Keepsake Box

Gather the supplies you’ll need.

  • a cardboard box (the larger the better)
  • a ruler
  • a pencil or pen
  • scissors

glue gun and glue sticks, or hot glue gun with glue sticks available at most craft stores. You may want to use spray adhesive as well if you have it.

Cut out two rectangles from your cardboard box that measure 1 inch by 3 inches. These will serve as your sides of the treasure chest. Make sure they fit together nicely before proceeding! If this is too large of an item for your child, try using a small paper grocery bag instead of cardboard boxes. 

Also, consider using thinner materials like plastic wrap or wax paper if space is limited in your home; these materials can be folded back up easily without taking up much room at all when not being used

Reusable Bag to Reusable Craft Supply Bin

This is a great gift for your child or the classroom. 

You can buy a reusable bag and fill it with craft items to be used at home or in school. This can be used as an alternative to disposable bags that are often wasted when children finish their crafts.

This Treasure Box Craft Will Keep Your Kids Busy.

These treasure boxes are a fantastic way to keep your kids busy in the summer. 

They’re easy to make, and you can use them for storing things like seashells or other treasures. They also help children learn about money, which is an important skill for little ones to have!

If you want something that looks more polished than a cardboard box, this project will do just that: it uses recycled materials like egg cartons and aluminum cans.


We hope you can use these ideas to keep your kids busy and learn about the value of money. Remember, some of these ideas are for younger kids, but the good news is that there are plenty of other more advanced crafts out there too!

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