7 Monkey Craft For Kids

7 Monkey Craft For Kids

7 Monkey Craft For Kids

I have been looking for some new crafts to do with my son. 

7 Monkey Craft For Kids

I thought I had exhausted my list of handmade ideas but then I found a few more fun things we could make.

Homemade Glue and Paper Mache Paste

You can use glue and paper mache paste to make a variety of crafts. Here are some ideas.

Decorate a frame with glue and paste. You can use any shape or size frame you want, but try to find one that’s not too heavy for your child to hold. If you like, add some ribbon or yarn around the edges for color or texture. 

You can also paint the frame with acrylic paint before adding other materials, which would give it more of an artistic look!

Use small pieces of cardboard to create a collage on your wall using both types of materials – just cut out shapes from different pieces before sticking them onto your wall with tape 

(this will help prevent them from falling off). Make sure they’re spaced far enough apart so no two pieces overlap each other when viewed up close!

Fluffy Slime Recipe

You will need

  • 1 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup of contact solution (any brand)
  • Pour the cornstarch into a mixing bowl. 

Mix in the contact solution slowly and stir until combined. The mixture should be smooth and not grainy, similar to the cake batter. 

If it seems too dry, add more contact solutions but do not add too much or else it will get gooey and difficult for kids to work with. When you have reached your desired consistency, 

pour it out onto a flat surface like wax paper or plastic wrap on top of a tray or cookie sheet lined with parchment paper so that you can move it easily once ready!

Easy Rainbow Suncatchers

What you need. A sheet of clear plastic. Clear contact paper works well, but any thin piece of plastic will do.

White glue (Elmer’s works great) or tacky glue (like Sticky Tack). If you’re using tacky glue, you may want to dip the tip of your paintbrush in water to keep it from sticking together and being unusable for later projects.

Colored tissue paper squares or scraps of colored card stock paper – one color per suncatcher. I used white tissue paper for these ones because I didn’t have any colored card stock on hand, but colorful tissue paper makes the finished project much prettier! 

The color you choose should be the color that goes on the outside edge when folded over; this is called “wrapping” when making a rainbow design like this one! You’ll see what I mean by wrapping below in Step 2…

Easy Popsicle Stick Bracelets

Popsicle stick bracelets are an easy craft that kids and parents alike can enjoy. They’re also a great way to use up popsicle sticks after you’ve finished with your favorite summer treat!

To make a Popsicle Stick Bracelet, follow these steps.

Cut off the top of the popsicle stick using your craft knife or x-acto knife. You want to cut the end at about a 45-degree angle so that it creates a point when you press it against another piece of wood. This will help keep everything together as it dries between layers later in this project’s steps.

Take another piece of wood (we used bamboo skewers) and slide it into place until there is about 3/4″ – 1″ sticking out from each side of where we made our cut earlier (it should look like half of an ‘L’ shape). 

Be sure not to move too far down though; if possible try keeping all three pieces together so they don’t get lost or broken if one slips away before finishing up this step!

Place two more popsicle sticks side by side at right angles (one facing up, one facing down) on top of one end where there is still room available for them both without overlapping into other areas or falling off completely onto something else nearby below them instead–

this way each piece flows smoothly into its own unique spot without disrupting anything else nearby either accidentally or intentionally during assembly time later on down these next few steps’ paths towards completion.”

How To Make A Mosaic Flower Pot From Broken China

To make a mosaic flower pot, you will need.

  • Broken china (or another material you are using to make your mosaic)
  • Acrylic paint or other desired paint color(s)
  • Clear polyurethane sealant (optional)

To make a mosaic flower pot, follow these steps.

Gather your broken china pieces into groups according to the type and color of the piece. For example, all-white pieces could be grouped together.

Use these groups to create different patterns on an 8-inch by 10-inch piece of cardboard or heavy paper (like poster board). 

You can use different patterns for each group if it helps keep them organized in your mind as you work with them later on in this project.

Clean the surface of each piece with soap and water before painting it with acrylic paint (or whatever else you want). You don’t need special brushes here; just use some old ones from around the house!

Clean the surface again after each layer has dried to keep areas clean while painting multiple layers.5.For added strength against breakage during shipping or handling, apply two coats of clear polyurethane sealant over each finished product.

Coffee Filter Flowers Tutorial

  • Use coffee filters.
  • Use glue.
  • Use pipe cleaners to make stems for the flowers and leaves.
  • Paint the coffee filters with acrylic paint in whatever colors you want your flowers to be, then let them dry completely before moving on to decorating them with beads or buttons!

How To Make A Model Lighthouse

Materials. Cardstock or poster board. A piece of cardstock or poster board for each child. The size should be about 8″ x 12″.

Popsicle sticks 

Two popsicle sticks for each child. You can draw the lighthouse on one side with a marker so they can make their own design.


Scissors to cut out the pieces, although some kids may prefer to tear them instead of cutting them straight!


Kids will first need to cut out their lighthouses (use scissors or tear). Next, they’ll decorate the front and back of their lighthouses with color! They can use markers or paint (if you’re worried about messes, stick with markers!).

 If you want to make your lighthouse shine at night time too, we suggest using glow-in-the-dark paint! Once everything is decorated well enough to show off how much hard work went into making this craft, it’s time for playtime!

If You Run Out Of Ideas For Monkey Crafts Here Are Some Ideas To Get You Started

Monkey crafts are fun and easy to make, here are some ideas to get you started

  • [List of monkey crafts]
  • Materials needed. [list of supplies]
  • How to make it. [instructions for the craft]
  • What you can do with it once you’re done. [suggestion for what to do with your finished product]
  • monkey craft ideas
  • monkey crafts for kids


Monkey crafts are a great way to introduce your child to the world of art and creativity. They can be as easy or difficult as you want them to be and they can be done with things you already have around the house. There are also many other ideas out there if these don’t suit your needs at all times just keep searching until something clicks!

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