7 Wool Craft For Kids
7 Wool Craft For Kids
Wool crafts have been popular for years, and they’re not just for adults!
Wool is a natural fiber that comes from a sheep’s fleece and can be used to make anything from clothing to toys. With wool, kids can enjoy crafting projects that are fun and educational at the same time. Here are seven ideas for wool crafting with your little ones:
Wool Pompoms
Pompoms are tiny balls of yarn or other fibers, sewn together to make a fluffy ball. They’re used to decorate hats and other items, but you can also use them as toys for your kids.
To make pompoms.
Cut off a length of wool that’s about four times longer than you want your finished pompom to be (for example, 30 inches).
Fold the wool over itself repeatedly until it forms into a tube. Tie each end with string or thread; secure well so there’s no chance the ends will come loose. Cut through both ends of the ribbon at once using scissors so that they’re even and straight-sided.
Pull out any big knots inside by hand if necessary; trim off any odd bits sticking out along the edges with scissors if needed too! Then cut open one end of your tube carefully along its entire length (you’ll probably need some help from an adult here!).
Use a pair of sharp sewing scissors or dental floss to cut through all layers inside until they are entirely separated from each other – this should leave you with just one long strand that looks like thick spaghetti!
Wool Shoes
Wool shoes are super easy to make, especially if you are using wool felt and/or fleece.
I recommend using a sewing machine that has a lot of bells and whistles (i.e., stitches) to give your shoe some personality. Just remember to change the settings back before making the next pair!
You can use any kind of thread depending on what type of look you want for your shoes: regular cotton or embroidery floss would work well for some added color, while thicker threads will create more definition in the stitching detail.
Wool Dolls
- Use wool to make dolls.
- Use wool to make clothes for dolls.
- Use wool to make accessories for dolls.
- Use wool to make furniture for dolls.
- Use wool to make a house for dolls.
- Use wool to make a garden for the house, if needed, using grasses or vegetables grown from seeds that you can plant in pots of soil made with extra clay (see below).
Wool Puppets
Wool crafts are a great way to expand your child’s imagination and creativity.
Here are some suggestions on how to make a puppet:
Take some wool or felt, draw the face onto it, and then cut out the mouth, eyes, and nose with scissors. You can also use fabric glue to stick on other things like buttons or beads for added decoration.
If you have lace, you can use this instead of wool because it is very soft so it won’t hurt your child when they play with the puppet or put their fingers inside!
Wool Art
Use wool to make art.
- Make a woolen scarf.
- Make a hat out of wool.
- Make an entire coat out of the stuff, if you like to cosplay as the Big Bad Wolf or someone equally unnaturally furry.
- If you have some extra time on your hands and want to get super cozy, make yourself a blanket out of it!
- Or finally complete that knitted scarf collection by adding one more piece (this one made from actual wool) that is both practical and trendy!
Wool Pencil Case
Wool (in the color of your choice)
The amount of wool you need depends on how big you want your pencil case to be. If you’re a beginner, I would recommend keeping it small and making sure you have enough leftover wool to make something else later on down the line.
You can use either 4-ply or 8 plies wool for this project.
As long as it is 100% natural fiber, any type of yarn will work! Do keep in mind though that not all yarns are created equal when it comes to felting – some are better than others at maintaining their shape during the felting process, so choose wisely
Wool Jewelry
Have you ever thought of making your own wool jewelry?
If not, it’s time to start. It’s easy, fun, and a great way to practice the skills needed for knitting or crocheting.
Here are some ideas for creating wool jewelry:
- Use pieces of yarn that have been cut off from a project
- Get creative with different color combinations
- String beads on the ends of the strings (you can also make pom-poms this way)
Wool jewelry is an affordable gift idea that will be loved by anyone who receives it!
It Can Be As Good For Your Kids To Know About Wool Crafting
One of the reasons it’s so good for your kids to know about wool crafting is that wool is a natural material.
Wool has been used for thousands of years because its unique properties make it a good insulator, a good conductor of heat, and even a good conductor of electricity. It’s also a very good conductor of sound and light.
I hope you liked this article and that it was helpful to you. If you want to learn more about wool crafting, check out our other articles on the topic. And if you want to get started with your own crafts or start a new hobby, take advantage of our free guides on how to start knitting and crocheting! We have everything covered here at Craftsminer; from beginner-level projects all the way up t