Thanksgiving Arts And Crafts For Kids

Thanksgiving Arts And Crafts For Kids

Thanksgiving Arts And Crafts For Kids

Thanksgiving is the perfect time for kids to be creative and make things.

a lot of them involve turkeys, but there are also plenty of other fun fall activities suitable for all ages. So have your little ones get crafty with this fun. 

Thanksgiving crafts and art projects!

Paper Plate Turkey

To make a paper plate turkey, you will need.

  • A large paper plate (or two)
  • Yellow paint
  • Black paint or marker
  • Red hearts or other small shapes for the turkey’s wattle and feet. You can also use pipe cleaners cut in half.

Paper Bag Turkey Craft

To make your paper bag turkey craft, start by cutting a head out of the brown paper bag. Cut a body and a tail from the same bag as well.

Glue together your head and body then add two eyes and a beak for decoration to the front of your paper bag turkey craft.

Attach this piece to your paper bag turkey craft’s body so that it looks like it is sitting on its own legs! You can also use this time to glue on any other decorations you want such as feathers or wooden sticks into place so that they look realistic!

Egg Carton Turkeys

You can make a turkey out of egg cartons.

First, paint the egg carton red and let it dry. Then you will need some googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and a glue gun to glue the eyes and beak on your turkey. 

Finally, stick two pipe cleaners into each side of the egg carton for wings! If you don’t have time for all of this (or if you just want something simple), just paint an egg carton orange with black lines down its sides!

Turkey Canvas Art

You’ll need a canvas, paint, and a paintbrush

Use your brush to paint the turkey’s body. Start at the bottom of the canvas and work your way up, covering as much of it as possible without getting yourself or anything else messy. If you have leftovers from other arts and crafts projects like this one, now would be a good time to use them!

Next, use your brush to paint over the head and beak. It should look something like this.

Then use your brush to paint over where its tail would be if turkeys had tails (we don’t know why they don’t). Your final product should look something like this 

Now hang up your turkey painting on Thanksgiving day for all of your guests’ enjoyment!

Toilet Paper Roll Turkeys

Toilet paper roll turkeys are a great way to celebrate Thanksgiving while recycling materials you may have lying around the house. All you will need is:

  • 1 toilet paper roll (or two if you want to make more than one bird)
  • 1 paintbrush or cotton swab, optional for painting the beak and eyes
  • Gold or silver glitter glue or paint, is optional for decorating feathers or claws. (If using glitter, be sure to use a high quality type that doesn’t contain harmful chemicals.)

Turkey Handprint Keepsake


  • brown crayon
  • paintbrush
  • glue stick (or hot glue, but the stick will be easier for little hands)


Choose a child to be the turkey and have him or her place their hand on a piece of paper. Make sure it covers most of the sheet, so you’ll have enough room for feathers later on! You can also use two or three hands if you’d like to make multiple turkeys at once.

After tracing around your hand(s), color in your turkey with a brown crayon or marker. If you’re using markers, make sure to use washable ones so that none of these projects can’t be used over again! 

If any small details are hard for children to do themselves (such as adding eyes), help them out with those steps now before continuing on to step 3 onward next page…

These Thanksgiving Arts And Crafts Are Fun And kid-appropriate.

The kids can help with the arts and crafts, which makes them a great family activity. 

These Thanksgiving-themed crafts also make great gifts for teachers, friends, and family members.

They are easy to store in your craft cabinet for future holidays like Christmas or Easter.


We hope that you found these Thanksgiving arts and crafts helpful in preparing your child for the holiday. If you enjoyed reading this blog post, please consider sharing it with others who might also find it useful. As always, thanks for reading!

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