11 Coconut Shell Craft For Kids
Coconut shells are a great material for kids to work with, as they’re light and easy to cut.

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11 Coconut Shell Craft For Kids
They can be used for all sorts of things, from bird feeders to bowls and even toys! Here are 11 different ways to use your leftover coconut shells.
Coconut Shell Coconut Bowl
- Coconut shell
- Knife
- Sandpaper or sanding sponge (if you want to make the bowl smooth)
Cut off the top of the coconut where it’s still soft and green, but not dried out yet. If there are holes in your coconut, use a knife to cut around them and make sure they are big enough to fit over a glass bowl when placed on top of it.
You can also use this hole as an opening for pouring liquid into the bowl if you choose to create one with no spout or handle.
Next, cut off any pieces sticking out from either side of your coconut so that there’s only one flat surface left when you turn it upside down again (like how we did earlier with our pineapple!). This will help prevent unwanted splinters later on!
At this point, most kids can do this part themselves, however, if they need help just give them some guidance by cutting along lines drawn by pencil lead first so they know exactly where their cuts need to take place before cutting away at those areas yourself! Once complete check inside again for any small pieces sticking out too far because these could scratch anyone who used their new creation later on too!
Coconut Shell Bird Feeder.
Gather your materials. You’ll need.
- Coconut shells
- Dried beans or rice (optional)
- String or wire for hanging
Make holes in the coconut shell with a hammer and nail, about an inch apart from each other, around the top edge of the shell.
These are where you will string your bird feeder so it can hang outside! If you like, spread dried beans or rice inside the bottom of your shell to fill up space and make it less likely that birds will try to hang upside down on it while they eat their food!
Hang up your new bird feeder outside on a tree branch or porch railing and watch as birds flock there for snacks every day!
Coconut Shell Terrarium
You will need.
- A coconut shell
- A hammer or a mallet
- Glass jar with a lid, such as a mason jar (any size will do)
- Sand or soil (you can buy it at the store)
- Coconut shell scoop with handle.
Now, you can use a drill to make a hole in the top of the coconut shell. Use a hammer and screwdriver to attach your handle.
Coconut Shell Flowers
Coconut shells are a great way to make flowers. With the right tools and supplies, you can create colorful bouquets and add them to your decor.
- First, gather your materials.
- Coconut shells (you’ll need at least 3)
- Sharp scissors or a craft knife
- Glue gun or glue sticks
- Craft paint in various colors (optional)
- DIY Coconut Shell Sound Box For Kids.
You will need.
1 coconut shell, 1 rubber band, 1 paper towel roll, 1 pencil, and 1 paper clip.
To start you need to cut your paper towel roll and make it look like a circle. Then attach the pencil to the top of that using a paper clip. Cut off the ends of this pencil so that it looks like a drum stick!
Now place some play dough or flour in the middle of your coconut shell and cover it with an upside-down piece of wax paper or plastic wrap (so nothing will fall out when you turn it over). Put some water on top to help keep everything in place while they dry (this could take up to 24 hours depending on how much moisture is left inside).
After 24 hours have passed flip over your container and listen to what happens!
Coconut Bowls (M) and Cups (L)
Coconut bowls are a great way to use coconut shells. They are naturally beautiful and have a versatile, long-lasting shape.
The durability of coconut shells makes them perfect for your kid’s school projects or other activities that involve using their hands in the classroom.
Coconut shells can be used as cups and bowls, but they also work well as vases, planters, or even jewelry boxes!
DIY Natural Bowls/Cups With Coconut Shells
- Coconut shells
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors, or a sharp knife to cut the coconut shell into pieces if needed
Handmade coconut wood bowl and cup set, eco-friendly drinking cups, perfect for breakfast in bed tray, coffee table tray, and decoration.
These handmade coconut wood bowls and cups are great for breakfast in bed trays, coffee table trays, and decoration. Made of real coconut shells, they’re eco-friendly and durable!
Eco-Friendly Natural Bowls/Cups with coconut shells and epoxy resin – polished and transparent coated (1000ml).
Coconut shells are a sustainable material, biodegradable, renewable, and can be recycled. They don’t take long to rot away and they are easy to find on beaches or in the jungle.
This craft is a perfect way to use up old coconut shells that may have been lying around unused for years (or if you just want to make some awesome bowls).
There Are a Lot Of Fun Things You Can Do With Coconut Shells!
Coconut shells are a great source of materials for crafts that your kids can make at home.
You can use them to make bowls and cups, jewelry, toys, decorations, and even other things that you can’t imagine right now!
Coconut Shell Bowls
You can use coconut shells as the base of your bowl. If you want it to be bigger then cut it into half or thirds.
Then with sandpaper polish, all sides until smooth.
To give it more color add paint on top of the shell using an old paintbrush or any other tool available in your homeschooling supplies kit like cotton swabs or brushes (optional).
Coconut Shell Cups,
A cup made from half coconut shell can be used as a fun accessory at parties and picnics.
You could also make small funnels out of large shells which will help feed food into smaller containers like plates etc.
We hope you enjoyed these fun, simple projects! We really think they’re great for kids and families to do together—it’s a great way to learn more about the environment while also having fun. If you have any questions or need help with any of these ideas, feel free to contact us at our website (link).