7 Clouds Craft For Kids

7 Clouds Craft For Kids

7 Clouds Craft For Kids

Clouds are a lot of fun to explore, and this craft is an easy way to get started. 

You’ll need some cotton balls, puff paint (or liquid starch), and glitter for this project.

What You Will Need

You’ll need the following materials.

Cardboard boxes. If you have a large box and some smaller ones, that’s great! You can use them to make a house or castle.


Choose colors that match your theme; clouds are usually white or gray, but they’re also blue and purple sometimes! Get paintbrushes so you can paint with them too.

Paint cups.

These should be big enough for you to dip your brush into easily without spilling out any of the paint (unless it’s water-based). They don’t need lids unless they’re going to be stored away somewhere safe—just in case!


  • Cut out a cloud shape.
  • Use crayons to color your cloud.
  • Decorate your cloud with stickers.
  • Glue the cloud to a piece of paper using a glue stick, or use holes punched in the bottom edge of your clouds for hanging them up!

The Best Way To Learn Is To Play

You’re a kid. You like to have fun, and you want your parents to be happy with you. Play is a great way for kids to feel good about themselves because they get to express themselves and learn new things in the process of playing. 

By playing, kids are able to build friendships with other children their age who share their interests and hobbies. For example, if someone likes to draw pictures then they might meet another child who also likes drawing pictures!

They can also learn how things work by trying out different things with friends or on their own time at home.

Since playtime is often done without supervision from parents or teachers it gives children freedom over what activities they choose which may mean taking risks sometimes but usually turns out fine as long as everyone listens closely when mommy says “no jumping off tables please!”


The clouds are a great way to get kids interested in science and astronomy. They’re also a fun way for parents to bond with their kids. The best part about this craft is that you can make it as simple or complex as you like depending on your child’s age and ability level. The most important thing.

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