11 Egg Shell Craft For Kids


Here is a list of 11 eggshell crafts that you and your kids can create together.

11 Egg Shell Craft For Kids

DIY Egg Shell Fish

To make this eggshell fish, you’ll need:

  • Eggshells (you can wash the shells and use them as decorations if you want)
  • Glue (Elmer’s glue or any other type of craft glue will work)
  • Paint (acrylic paint works best here, but any kind of paint will do)

DIY Candle Egg Shells

With this project, you’ll learn how to make a candle holder using egg shells.

  • First, clean your egg shell by wiping it with a damp cloth or paper towel and then dry it with a dry towel.
  • Next, paint the inside of the shell (the part that would have been filled with raw egg yolk) and let it dry completely before moving on to the next step.
  • Place a tea light into the bottom of your painted eggshell until it’s sitting securely in place and can’t fall out easily if jostled around too much during transport later on

DIY Handmade Egg Shell Painting Crafts

One of the best things about this craft is that it’s simple and easy to do, even for kids. Here are some tips for making sure you have a good time:

  • Use your own eggshells! They’re fragile, so be extra careful when handling them.
  • If you have an adult helper, ask them to help you cut up your eggshells into pieces, about an inch wide each. (Eggshells can be sharp!)
  • If there is paint on the outside of the shell, wipe it off with a paper towel before painting inside of it—otherwise your paint will just smear all over!

DIY Easter Egg Shell Chicks

  • Cut eggs in half using a sharp knife.
  • Use a blunt knife to break the shell so you can get the egg out.
  • Spoon out the egg.
  • Paint your eggs with acrylic paint (or use watercolor if you want it to be more delicate).
  • Let them dry on a paper towel for about an hour before displaying them!

DIY Egg Shell Painted Eggs

You can paint the egg shells using watercolors or acrylic paints. You can use paintbrushes, but you can also use a cotton swab to make fine details.

You can use toothpicks to draw details and lines on your eggshells.

Using a stencil, you can create patterns with your painted egg shells!

Egg shell Terrariums

To create your own terrarium, you will need:

  • An eggshell. You can use raw or cooked eggs. I’ve used both and they work great! But if you use a cooked egg, make sure the shell doesn’t crack before starting this craft project. If it does crack while drying, just glue some sandpaper to the inside of the shell so that it becomes rough and patch up any visible cracks with glue or superglue.
  • Optional: Sandpaper (or a file) for smoothing out any rough edges on your eggshell after cutting it open. You’ll also want a ruler and pencil for this step too!
  • Water-saturated sphagnum moss (you can buy this at most craft stores). This is what will hold in moisture inside your terrarium so that plants stay healthy over time!

DIY Valentine’s Day Craft – Heart Shaped Eggshell Mosaic Art

How to make the heart shaped eggshells:

  • Crack egg in half and place on a hard surface.
  • With your thumb, push the yolk into the center of the egg.
  • Repeat with all eggs you want to use for this project. How to make mosaic art: 1. Paint your canvas white. 2. Glue down glitter glue where you want it on top of your canvas; let dry completely before moving onto step 3 (this will help keep it from getting everywhere). 3. Use sticky dots or double sided tape to stick down some shells around each other until they form a nice pattern for one side of your heart shape (you can add more layers if desired). 4. Once all shells have been adhered securely, use hot glue gun or super glue to add additional decorations such as fabric pieces (make sure they are heat resistant), ribbon/yarn etc., baby’s breath flowers if desired 5 Place another piece of cardboard under everything else so nothing gets stuck underneath

DIY Monogrammed Easter Eggs


  • eggs
  • pencil
  • paper (or an old egg carton)
  • paint (optional)

DIY Eggshell gardens

  • Eggshells are a great material for crafting and DIY projects.
  • They’re also great for recycling, and you can use them to make a garden.
  • Eggshells make an excellent container for your seeds when they start to sprout.
  • An eggshell garden is easy to make, and it doesn’t require any special equipment or materials—all you need are some small plants (or cuttings), soil, and an eggshell!

How to make eggshell seed starters for your garden.

  • You will need:
  • Eggshells (9)
  • Seedlings or seeds of choice (*see below)
  • Damp cotton balls or tissue paper in a small container (1)* see below for instructions on how to make your own egg growing seed disks.

Other things needed:

  • Potting soil and compost – add these to your growing container before planting the seeds. It’s important that it has good drainage so the soil doesn’t become waterlogged, which could kill the seedling. In addition, if you use compost as part of your soil mix then it will help retain moisture at the same time as improving drainage too!

Decorative Eggs with Watercolor and Glitter

  • Use a toothpick to apply the watercolor.
  • Use a paintbrush to apply the glitter.
  • Use a paper towel to wipe off excess watercolor, or use your fingers if you don’t mind getting messy.
  • Repeat these steps for all of your egg shells!

Our kids can create these 11 crafts with us!

These 11 egg shell crafts are easy to make and fun for kids of all ages! Plus, they’re inexpensive and great for the environment because they can be made in advance and stored until Easter. The possibilities are endless…so get started now!


We hope you enjoyed this collection of egg shell crafts. We always love when our kids get creative, and these projects are so much fun to do together. It’s also a great way for them to learn about recycling and reuse, which is useful in many different ways! Whether it’s making a terrarium or painting Easter eggs with their friends, there are so many ways for kids (and grownups) to get involved in this crafty activity.

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