11 Snail Craft For Kids

11 Snail Craft For Kids

11 Snail Craft For Kids Snails are a great garden creature to learn about and these fun snail activities for kids,

 will help teach them all about these little critters.

Snail Craft For Kids

Snails are slow-moving creatures that spend their time crawling along the ground. Snails are hermaphrodites, which means they can reproduce with both other snails and by themselves. 

They’re also covered in slime to keep them moist and help them move around.

Because of their slimy coverings, snails eat plants from the ground using their tongues. They generally prefer fresh leaves and plants over dead ones; 

However, some smaller snails will eat meat if there aren’t any plants nearby! Snails can be found in gardens, forests, and even deserts around the world!

Toilet Paper Roll Snails

What you will need.

  • Toilet paper rolls (one per snail)
  • Paint pens in various colors of your choice

What to do.

Cut the toilet paper rolls into two pieces, so they look like a letter “U” shape when stood up on their ends. If your child is old enough, let them cut the tubes with a sharp knife or scissors themselves. 

You can also use pre-cut tubes for this activity if you prefer not to have sharp items near children who may be inexperienced at using them.

Have your child draw designs on each tube using the paint pens (or markers). Encourage them to have fun and be creative! The more elaborate and complicated their design, the longer it will take—just make sure that they finish before dinner time!

Garden Snail Craft

This craft is great for kids of all ages. Using common household items, you can create a snail craft that is both fun and simple to make.

Materials needed:

  • Green paint (acrylic or tempera)
  • Glue gun
  • Straws
  • Paintbrush with small bristles (for detail work)
  • Paper plate/cookie sheet (to catch any excess glue) * Paper towel(s) or cloth napkins or dishtowels to wipe hands and table clean while working * Pencil/pen or markers in various colors

Handprint Snail


  • A piece of paper (we recommend using brown butcher paper)
  • Scissors

How to Make It.

  • Cut a long strip of paper and fold it in half. This will act as your snail’s shell.
  • Unfold the strip, and then take one end and crumple it up so that it resembles a snail’s head, with smooth sides and an uneven bottom edge.
  • Take the other side of the crumpled strip and fold it over in half, so that there are two layers now making up our snail’s shell! Now we’re ready to use markers or paint!

Snail Kids Craft

Materials needed.

  • Construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue or tape
  • Pencil, marker, or crayon to make eyes and mouth.

Steps on how to make a snail kids’ craft.

Footprint Snail Art

It’s time to get crafty! This footprint snail art is a fun and easy way to create a snail craft for kids. All you need are some paint and some paper, along with some patience while the paint dries.

Take your child outside on a warm day so they can walk barefoot in the grass or sand. You can also use sidewalk chalk if it’s too cold or rainy outside. 

Once they have made their footprints, lay down newspaper around each footprint so that when your child removes their foot from the ground all of the dirt will stay outside of their art project.

The next step of this snail craft for kids is painting! My daughter chose purple as the main color for her snail but feel free to use whatever colors you want! 

After your child has painted each footprint, let them sit out overnight so that they can dry completely before displaying them on display boards or even using clothespins at home!

Snail Paper Plate Craft

The snail craft for kids is a great activity to do with your child or students. If you are looking for snail crafts then you have come to the right place! 

We have many easy kids’ crafts that make perfect gifts or decorations. You can also find other animal crafts like our turtle craft, fish craft, and frog craft.

You can use these ideas in your classroom as a fun learning activity or at home while entertaining the kids!

Paper Plate Moving Snail Craft

  • Use a paper plate
  • Use a marker pen
  • Use a plastic bag
  • Use a stick
  • Use a paintbrush or tissue paper to create the tail of the snail.
  • Shape the snail’s shell by folding the paper plate so that it looks like an oval shape.

Use glue to attach the other materials onto your snail craft and let it dry before you display it in your room!

Painted Handprint Snail Craft

For this snail craft, you will need.

  • 2 paintbrushes (1 for the shell and 1 for everything else)

Steps to create the painted handprint snail craft.

When your child is ready, sit him or her on a stool in front of a large piece of paper. Have your child press one hand into poster paint so that their palm prints are visible on it.

With a paintbrush, have them go over their handprint with white poster paint until it’s completely covered (you can use more than one layer if necessary). Use another brush to carefully fill in all of the details, including snailshell shapes for eyes and mouth; feet; antennae; and even tiny dots for feet pads!

Bubble Wrap Print Snails

What is a bubble wrap snail?

A bubble wrap snail is a craft that involves pressing bubbles into clear plastic sheeting. The result is a snail-shaped pattern of round circles. You can use this art project to decorate your room or as fun party favors for an undersea-themed birthday party.

How do I make a bubble wrap snail?

Cut out two large circles from the clear plastic sheeting using scissors or an electric knife. If you’re making many snails, it’s best to cut several at once so they are all the same size and shape!

Use your hands to press round indentations into each big circle of plastic sheeting: Place one circle on top of another and press down with both hands; then rotate them together so that every part of both circles has been indented by your fingers (or use an acrylic roller). Repeat steps 1 & 2 until you have created several dozen indentations in total (or however many snails you want). You’ll be able to see through these holes when finished!

Canvas Print Snails

You will need

A canvas print (available at craft stores)

  • Paint and brushes
  • Snail-shaped stencils or stickers. 

You can find these online or make your own by cutting out a snail shape from cardstock paper and placing it over the canvas print. 

Trace around the stencil with a pencil, then remove it before painting.

To make.

Paint the entire canvas print with white paint, letting dry between each coat if necessary. Let dry completely to avoid bleeding during the next step. 

To speed up drying time, use an iron on high heat to set your last layer of paint on top of all previous layers of paint.24%4&3

Tissue Paper Snails

Tissue paper snails are a great snail craft for kids. They’re easy to make and you can use them as party decorations, or even in children’s books!


  • Tissue paper (choose colors that match your party theme)
  • Glue stick or tape -optional


Fold all of your tissue paper into a triangle shape. The size of the triangle depends on how big you want your snail to be when it’s done. If you want it small like my sample, fold up about 8 sheets; 

if you want it huge like that picture I linked above, 20+ sheets should do well! 

2. Once all of your triangles are folded into triangles and ready to go, glue them one by one onto each other until they form a circle (or oval if making an aragonite shell). 

You can also use tape instead of glue if you don’t have any at home but try using something stronger than scotch tape because it’ll come apart easier!

3. Now take some time gluing down any loose edges so nothing falls apart during transportation back home after crafting time is over with friends or family members who might not have much patience left after spending hours working hard together without any breaks throughout their entire week–even though 

This isn’t necessary because there won’t really be anything falling off anyways unless someone puts too much pressure on one part while trying not hard enough at another place which means they’re probably doing something wrong but never mind let’s move on from here.

Great Activities For Kids To Have Fun And Learn About Garden Creatures

Snails are slow moving creatures that can be a great choice for kids to learn about. Snails are good at hiding and they live in the ground, so it’s important to know how to find them.

  • What do snails eat?
  • How big can a snail get?
  • What color is a snail’s shell?
  • Do all snails have shells or are some without shells?
  • What does the inside of a snail look like, is it similar to us humans (our insides)?


These are some great snail crafts that are simple and fun to make! Snails are a great way to learn about the world around us, and they’re also known as garden pests. So why not get creative with this craft? You don’t need anything fancy or expensive; just grab some glue, paint, paper, and scissors—and your imagination!

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