15 Drum Craft For Kids
Drumming is a great way for kids to express themselves and have fun. It can also be a great way to teach them about rhythm and timing. 15 Drum Craft For Kids

Drum crafts for kids can be a great way to help them learn about music and have fun at the same time.
There are a variety of different drums that kids can use to create their own music. They can also use a variety of different percussion instruments to create a unique sound.
DIY African Drums for Kids
Materials. A large plastic container or bucket (a milk, paint, or bleach bucket)
Two pieces of wood about 18 inches long and 1 inch thick
Two pieces of wood about 2 inches wide and 7-8 inches long (the longer piece should be at least 4 inches longer than the shorter piece)
A dowel rod that’s 1 inch thick and 5 feet long (you can use a broomstick if you don’t have one on hand)
Cut a hole in the side of your container large enough for your drumstick to fit through. This hole will become the bottom of your drum. Cover this hole with your lid or top so that it doesn’t get filled up with water when you’re playing in the rain!
Drill holes all around the edge of both small pieces of wood using a drill bit size that matches up with screws that came with your dowel rod (these will be used as handles).
Screw these handles into place using those same screws from before, lining them up so they’re parallel with each other; then tighten them down by tightening nuts onto each screw (or just twisting them by hand).
Position both large pieces face down on top of each other so they form a circle shape when viewed from above; then place smaller circles centered on each end where handles are positioned such that their centers match up perfectly with corresponding centers where holes were drilled earlier during step 2 above
Shaving Cream Drums
Shaving cream has a unique texture that produces different sounds when you bang, shake or turn it upside down.
It’s great for kids to experience the different sounds that can be made from one object by doing different things with it.
This drum craft is a good way to teach kids about percussion instruments and how they work!
- A container, like a plastic bottle or a paper cup.
- Some rocks are of varying sizes and shapes.
Popsicle Stick Drums
To make your own popsicle stick drum, you’ll need
Some popsicle sticks (one for each drum)
Some glue to keep the sticks together
A large container or box, about 2 feet in diameter and deep enough for the length of your finished drum. This can be any large container or box that you have around the house, but it should be big enough to hold your child while they play their new instrument! For example, a cardboard box will work great!
You can also use wood glue instead of white glue if you want a more permanent bond between your sticks. To do this, just spread a small amount of wood glue on both sides of each stick before assembling them into drums.
Once everything has been coated with wood glue (except for one side), simply press all four sides together tightly so that no air is trapped inside during curing time (about 24 hours).
Paper Towel Tube Drums
Use a paper towel tube.
Add a rubber band to the bottom to provide a good grip, and one to the top for a handle.
Musical Door Hanger
- A hanger (like the kind you’d use with a towel or a pair of pants)
- Beads, or anything that makes a nice noise when shaken
- Yarn (you can use whatever type you have on hand)
How to make it
Glue the beads all over your hanger. Try to spread them out evenly so that each bead makes some noise when shaken. If you’re using more than one type of material, make sure that they’re glued securely together so nothing falls off!
The best way is probably by using hot glue; just be careful not to burn yourself! If you want an extra challenge, try making a musical instrument out of cardboard instead—
it’s easy and fun! Just cut out two rectangles from one piece of sturdy cardboard, then put glue on one side and stack another piece on top for reinforcement before pressing them together firmly until dry.
You can decorate it however you like after this step; if there are any extra holes left over from where I cut out my shapes earlier in this project, just fill those up with paintable markers or other art supplies like glittery pom poms (if available).
Ribbons Around the World
This one is a little more complicated than the others, but it’s worth doing. All you need is a ribbon, some scissors, and a cup.
First, cut the ribbon into strips about 5 inches long. Then, tie them in knots around an empty cup with the tails hanging down inside of it.
When you’ve finished tying all of your knots into place (make sure they are evenly spaced), start sliding them off of the cups by pulling gently on each tail until all that remains is your knotty masterpiece! Now try playing different sounds out of these drums.
gently tapping them with your finger or using drum sticks! If you don’t have any drumsticks handy, try rolling up pieces of paper into small balls and using those instead! Finally—and most importantly—enjoy making music with these colorful instruments!
DIY Drum Set for Toddlers and Infants (2 years and younger)
To make this drum, you will need. A cardboard box (a cereal box works well)A roll of wrapping paper or gift wrap. A roll of tape – Scotch tape works best but 3M “dull” packing tape will also work.
The duller the better! You can also use double-sided sticky foam tape which comes in several widths and is available at most craft stores.
Do not use duct or masking tapes as they won’t last long enough for your little one to enjoy them! Also, try not to get too thin with your tapes as they may tear easily when you are trying to wrap them around your box.
Begin by taping the side flaps closed on either end so that it becomes more like a tube rather than a square box (as shown below). This will help keep the sides from bulging outwards when folded over onto themselves later on down the road…and we all know how toddlers can be about those things )
Be careful not to overdo it with too much tape here though because if there’s too much weight against any one point then things could get pretty heavy fast! It should feel sturdy enough without being too heavy or bulky so don’t worry too much about getting everything perfect until after the painting has been done later on 🙂
DIY Maraca from Recycled Milk or Juice Jug
If you don’t have the time or the resources to order a set of maracas, there’s another option. You can make your own out of recycled milk or juice jugs.
If you’ve got a spare hour and some creativity, this project is as easy as it gets! All you need is an empty drink container and some paint, stickers, or markers. Paint one side of the container and decorate with a few stickers (or leave it plain if you like).
This will make one drum; two containers will make two drums for your child to play with. You can also add a ribbon for hanging them up or string across the top to form handles so kids can carry them around easily without dropping them on their toes (or ours).
DIY Musical Eggs from Recycled Plastic Eggs or Egg Carton Cups
- You can make musical eggs from recycled plastic eggs.
- You can also make musical eggs from recycled egg carton cups.
- You can make musical eggs from recycled plastic bottles, such as those used for wine and olive oil.
- You can also make musical eggs from recycled plastic bags, like shopping bags or bread bags; they’ll have more of a rustling sound than a drumming one!
- If you’re short on time and materials, create drums with some leftover produce boxes instead! Just cut out circles with a hole in their centers and add a note by clapping your hands over the hole (you’ll need to start with your hand flat against one side).
Musical Instrument Craft Ideas
(mostly musical shapes and instruments made from recycled materials)
If you have a little musician at home, here are some awesome ideas for DIY musical instrument crafts! These projects are fun to make and great for kids of all ages.
- Make a drum from recycled materials like plastic bottles, milk jugs, paper towel tubes, etc.
- Make a xylophone from recycled materials like spoons, forks, cups, etc.
- Make a cardboard box guitar by cutting out holes in the box (like on either side). Use something like a rubber band around it to hold it together when playing!
You can make your own drums at home.
In this article, we’ll teach you how to make your own drum. You can use it to play music or just make noise!
Try out these different types of drums and experiment with them to see which one works best for you:
- Traditional drum
- Cowbells (also called “castanets”)
- Bamboo drums (with a handle)
how to make a drum using recycled materials
There are a few different ways that you can make a drum using recycled materials. One way is to use an empty plastic container as the body of the drum.
You will need to cut a hole in the top of the container for the drumhead. You can then stretch a piece of plastic or fabric over the hole and secure it with tape.
Another way to make a drum is to use a bucket as the body of the drum. Again, you will need to cut a hole in the top of the bucket for the drumhead. You can then stretch a piece of cloth or plastic over the hole and secure it with tape or a rubber band.
You can also decorate your drum with paint, markers, or stickers. Making a drum is a great way to recycle materials that would otherwise be thrown away. It’s also a fun project that you can do with your kids.
paper drum craft
A paper drum craft is a DIY project where you make a drum out of paper and other materials. The steps to make one are:
- Gather materials: paper, scissors, glue, markers or paint, cardboard or foam board.
- Cut out the drum’s body and head from paper, the body can be a cylinder or a cone shape.
- Cut a circle from cardboard or foam board for the drum’s bottom.
- Glue the drum head to the body, then glue the bottom circle to the drum body.
- Decorate the drum with markers, paint, or other decorative materials.
- Make drum sticks by cutting out two long thin pieces of cardboard or foam board.
- Enjoy playing your new drum!
Note: The exact instructions may vary based on the design and materials you choose.
- african drum craft for preschoolers
- how to make a drum for kids
- african drum craft
- how to make a drum with paper
- make a drum craft
- diy drum craft
- drum craft for preschoolers
- diy drum for kids
- recycled diy drum set
how to make a drum from recycled materials
Making a drum from recycled materials can be a fun and creative project. Here’s a simple method using commonly available recycled materials:
Materials you will need:
- A cylindrical container: This could be an empty coffee can, a large tin can, or a plastic container with a lid.
- Recycled materials for drumheads: Options include an old piece of fabric, a used plastic bag, or a thin sheet of recycled plastic.
- Rubber bands or strings: These will be used to secure the drumhead onto the container.
- Scissors
- Decorative materials (optional): Paint, markers, or other decorative materials to personalize your drum.
Here’s how you can make your recycled drum:
- Clean and prepare your container: Make sure your container is clean and free from any residue. Remove any labels or stickers.
- Cut the drumheads: Measure and cut a piece of fabric, plastic bag, or recycled plastic sheet that is slightly larger than the open end of your container. This will serve as the drumhead.
- Secure the drumheads: Stretch the fabric or plastic tightly over one end of the container. Use rubber bands or strings to secure it in place. Make sure it is tightly stretched to produce a good sound. If you are using a plastic container with a lid, you can cut out the lid and use it as the drumhead by securing it onto the container with rubber bands or strings.
- Decorate your drum: If desired, you can paint or decorate the container to give it a personalized touch. Use markers, paint, or other materials to create designs or patterns.
- Test and adjust: Tap on the drumhead to test the sound. If the drumhead is too loose, it may produce a dull sound. Adjust the tension by tightening the rubber bands or strings. If it is too tight, it may produce a high-pitched sound or be prone to breaking. Find the right balance by experimenting with the tension.
- Play your drum: Your recycled drum is now ready to be played! Use your hands or drumsticks to create rhythms and beats.
Remember, the quality and sound of the drum will depend on the materials you choose and the craftsmanship. Feel free to experiment with different materials and sizes to create your desired sound. Enjoy the process and have fun making music with your recycled drum!
Drum crafts for kids can be a great way to teach them about music and rhythm. It can also be a fun way to spend some time together. There are many different ways to make drums, so you can find the perfect one for your child.