7 Koala Craft For Kids

7 Koala Craft For Kids


Koala’s are a fascinating animal, that can be hard to find. That’s why I’ve done the research for you and found the best koala craft for kids!

Section: 1. Craft Koala Dolls

Description: This is a simple but fun way to create adorable dolls for kids. You’ll need some materials like cotton balls or yarn, glue and scissors, but it will be worth it when your little one gets to play with their favorite animal!

Koala Felt Mask


  • Felt (I used felt scraps from a previous project)
  • Glue gun
  • Scissors and/or craft knife (if using felt scraps)
  • Paint, markers, or crayons

3D koala paper craft


  • Colored paper (white, brown and black)
  • Glue
  • Scissors or knife for cutting shapes
  • Pencil for drawing the shape of your koala on the paper. Step by step instructions: 1. Cut 2 ears out of brown colored paper and 2 ears out of black colored paper. 2. Cut a strip out of white colored paper that is long enough to fit around your head and wide enough to cover your eyes, nose and mouth area when you fold it in half lengthwise 3 times 4. Fold the bottom end upwards so that it forms a triangle 5. Attach the ears onto this triangle by gluing them onto the sides 6 Tie two pieces together at one end, leaving enough space so that they will not be touching each other 7 Repeat with remaining piece 8 Attach both ends together forming a circle 9 Once completed you should have an oval shaped structure resembling an animal head 10 Stick it onto some cardboard using glue 11 Make sure to leave some room at either side so as not to damage any part of your craft when inserting into frame 12 Insert into frame

DIY Koala from recyclable materials

Materials you will need:

  • Cardboard (I used a cereal box)
  • Pencil
  • Ruler
  • Scissors

Step 1: Cut out two circles from cardboard. They should be about 4-6 inches in diameter depending on how big you want to make your koala craft. You can use a wine glass as a guide for this step if you have one handy! The larger circle will become the head of your koala craft, while the smaller one is used for its body. In order to cut out these circles, I simply traced around my hand using some tape and then drew my own circle within it using a pencil. Then I cut along those lines so that they would be nice, crisp curves when completed!

Koala Paper Craft


  • paper plate, any size
  • crayons or markers, any color(s) you like (optional)


  • Kids can create their koala by tracing around their hand on a paper plate and then coloring it in with crayons or markers. You could also try making a different shape by tracing around an object of your choice!
  • If you want to make this craft educational, have your child count how many fingers are on each hand and write the number down somewhere while they’re drawing. Then they can compare their final drawing with what they had written down earlier! This is an easy way to practice math skills with your kids at home!

3 A great thing about this project is that it’s super fun for the whole family—you can all create one together! Even if you only have one artist in mind when making this project, everyone will get involved when it comes time for assembly because each child needs two pieces of paper (one bigger than themselves so that they can glue it onto their body).

3D Koala

If you have some paper, you can make a 3D koala.

  • Cut out the shape of a koala from your paper.
  • Fold the paper in half and open it again to create a square or rectangle shape with two flaps on one side of it and one flap on the other side, depending on which way you folded it.
  • Fold those flaps down so they meet in the middle of your square/rectangle shape and then fold both sides inwards so that they meet at the top corner (see photo). This will create an indentation for you to glue your template onto later if needed! Your koala should look like this now: =)

DIY Paper Koala

  • Use paper materials.
  • Paper: you don’t need much, so it’s cheap and easy to find at stores like Walmart or Target.
  • Paper glue: the best kind of glue to use is the kind that dries clear, so that your project doesn’t look messy when it’s done.
  • Get crafty with scissors and a hole punch!
  • Make sure to cut out all of the shapes in your pattern before gluing them together; this will save you time later on in the process by preventing mistakes or accidents with small children who may be helping out with your craft time! If using scissors seems intimidating at first, remember: patience is key here—you can do it! Just take deep breaths and make sure every line goes where it should go before cutting anything else off its sheet of paper (this will keep everything neat). When punching holes for eyes or other facial features onto a koala character’s face, try using an old pencil sharpener instead of scissors if possible; this tool makes forming perfectly symmetrical circles much easier than trying to do so freehand would

Origami Koala

Origami koalas are easy to make and fun for kids, friends and family!

The origami koala is a great craft for kids because it takes just a few simple folds. It’s also super cute, especially when you give your finished paper animal some facial features like eyes, nose or mouth.

To make an origami koala:

  • Print out the template (or follow this link). You can use colored paper if you want your origami animal to be brightly colored.
  • Cut along the lines of each shape using scissors or an x-acto knife (if you’re using cardstock). Make sure that all four pieces have 2 holes cut in them so they will be easier to fold later on in this craft tutorial!

It is fun to make craft together with kids.

When you spend time with your kids, it is important to find activities that keep them entertained and engaged. The best way to achieve this is by making crafts together!

There are many ways that crafting can benefit your child:

  • It helps them develop fine motor skills and focus.
  • It encourages creativity through the use of different materials and tools.
  • It teaches them about recycling, conservation, and other environmental issues.


This article is a great way to get started with making crafts with your children. The crafts are easy and fun, and there are many different types of koala crafts in this list. You can choose one that suits your child’s skill level and interests. So go ahead, grab some colorful paper and glue sticks!

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